
Running RVTV Blog: Refresh this all week for Cy-Hawk fodder

55f0acee2ab4c1e36e6f is joining up with this week to participate in WHO-TV 13’s annual "RVTV" tour. 

Throughout the week, I’ll be updating this week with photos, videos and stories from our travels. Also to be included will be links on the upcoming Cy-Hawk football game. 

The tour schedule is below. If we’re in your area, come on out and say hi! 


7:05 p.m. — Hey guys. Crazy day. Webster City has been awesome and very busy too! I have been able to snap some pretty fun photos though so here’s a look. 

BELOW: Because I’m such a dog lover, here are my favorite three photos of the week. 





7:16 p.m. — An update on Iowa State’s plan to honor former Hawkeye Tyler Sash on Saturday from Scott Docterman of the Cedar Rapids Gazette. 


7 p.m. — Humboldt has been outstanding. This has by far been the biggest crowd we’ve seen so far this week. Some guy even brought a scissor lift so that we could go high above the crowd to get some great pictures. Take a look. 


BELOW: Doesn’t it look like Cy is about to jack Keith Murphy with his bat?


BELOW: The Iowa State Alumni Association showed up. And so did Cy. 


5:00 p.m. — Broadcasting on 1460 KXnO right now in Humboldt. Cy attacked me!


12:57 p.m. — We have arrived in Humboldt, a spirited town in north central Iowa that appears to be ready for our crew. Check out the welcome sign they created. 



Wednesday, Sept. 9 

9:28 a.m. — Good morning, Fanatics! 

Here’s a quick post before we load up and head to Humboldt for Wednesday’s installment of "RVTV." I’m especially excited for this trip as I feel like that pocket in north-central Iowa truly is "Cyclone Country." Those folks often get forgotten about and I’m excited to head that way. 

Did any of you watch the WHO-TV 13 10 o’clock sports last night? A bunch of us were playing "human foosball" and while live on the air, Keith Murphy got jacked in the face by a ball. Pretty awesome. Yes, Murph is just fine. Here’s a good photo via Twitter. 


8:05 p.m. — Here are a couple of photos from today in Carroll. Honestly, the day was dampened by the Tyler Sash news. Pretty sad stuff. 

BELOW: My 1460 KXnO co-host Ross Peterson and I…with the old Cy-Hawk Trophy. 


BELOW: Carroll, the hometown of Scott Siepker. 


BELOW: That’s a sweet ride. 


7:55 p.m. — Here are a couple of podcasts from the road. 

CLICK HERE to visit our podcast page at for today’s installment of the "Sports Fanatics."

Also, CLICK HERE as Gabe Glynn and I recorded a joint CF/Hawkeye Nation pod. We will be doing more of these throughout the week. 

3:54 p.m. — Check out the koozie I just bought. 


1:45 p.m. — The mood of this trip just took a turn for the worse. 

According to our friends at, former Iowa safety Tyler Sash has passed away at the age of 27. Specifics of his passing have not been released. 

12:58 p.m. — Here’s video of us arriving in Carroll, Scott Siepker (The Iowa Nice Guy’s) hometown. As you can see, the people were thrilled to greet him (sarcasm). 

12:32 p.m. — Hey guys. Just made it to Carroll. I’ll post a video of us riding in on a sweet 55-year old firetruck here soon. Until then, here’s the most Iowa photo of all-time. These folks in Carroll know how to get it done. 



Tuesday, Sept. 8

8:49 a.m. — Good morning from Greenfield. 

We’ll be on the road here in about an hour on our way to the hometown of Scott Siepker, Carroll. 

Just wanted to check in. Keep refreshing the blog later today as I’ll have oodles of updates. 

Monday, Sept. 7 

8:16 p.m. — No joke, I just ordered a cheeseburger at the Greenfield bowling alley for $2.50. 

Here are a few photos that I snapped this afternoon. Be sure to tune into the WHO-TV 13 10 o’clock sports as Keith will be broadcasting live from that very bowling alley. We’re going to have an epic Cyclones vs. Hawkeyes bowling match at the same time. 

Some photos…

BELOW: Cy made the trip to Greenfield today…


BELOW: A few of the guys I’ll be traveling with all week. From left to right: (Scott Siepker, me, Ross Peterson, Michael Admire and Ed Wilson). 


6 P.M. —  What’s up Fanatics? I made it to Greenfield at around 4 this afternoon and one of the first people I met was Iowa Stater Bubba Sorensen. Most of you probably know him as the "Freedom Rock Guy." I’ve got to tell you, Dustin is an inspiration to me. He’s so selfless. Every year, Dustin re-paints the "Freedom Rock" to honor our nation’s veterans. He’s truly a great representative of Iowa State. I interviewed him, which you can watch right here. 


MONDAY: Greenfield

TUESDAY: Carroll


THURSDAY: Webster City

FRIDAY: Jack Trice Stadium 
