REPORT: Campbell bringing OC, O-Line coaches with him to ISU


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2011
Iowa City area
So wait, are you saying that I may have made someone a bundle on a proposition bet by referencing "MC sunshine pumpers." Fantastic! If so, then reading all the personal attack posts that had nothing to do with anything I actually said was well worth it...


Best Drama, right there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
Manning was a must, and a very good hire regardless. Ayeni is obviously a huge asset, plus is a great bridge in the transition. I would prefer if we went out and bought ourselves an OC, but Candle (if he comes) would provide critical continuity which is likely more important in the first year or two.

Actually I think bringing Candle and hiring out the DC is way more important. It takes longer to implement an offensive game plan. Candle and MC know exactly what they want and Ayeni can help translate it. That is huge.

Defensively, schematics are basically the same, so you can implement changes quicker.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 27, 2009
This is where I think CPR's lament about bringing a guardian along on recruiting trips is important. Those of us who attended ISU know it is a pretty easy sell once you get on campus. For a family to turn their son over to a coach 850 or 1000 miles away, you really need to make the parents comfortable with the decision as well.

I really hope JP takes CPR's exiting recommendation to heart.

What is Pollard supposed to do other than petition the ncaa for a rule change?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
What is Pollard supposed to do other than petition the ncaa for a rule change?

He can try to get the conference AD's on board and then push the NCAA on the issue.

It is something that needs and should be done.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2009


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 7, 2008
This is starting to worry me.... he needs a Big 12 level staff, not a MAC level staff. This is starting to sound like the whole "I got my payday and i'm bringing along my friends for their payday too" type of staff (ala Gene Chizik and Steve Alford -> and we all know how well that worked out for those two).

This is the advantage to getting an established head coach. He has a staff in place. If you hired a coordinator or a position coach, you would have the opposite problem.

At some point you need to trust the process.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
This is starting to worry me.... he needs a Big 12 level staff, not a MAC level staff. This is starting to sound like the whole "I got my payday and i'm bringing along my friends for their payday too" type of staff (ala Gene Chizik and Steve Alford -> and we all know how well that worked out for those two).

Welcome to coaching. It is the biggest Nepotism professional there is. But the HC is going to hire guys he is familiar with and trusts and imo that is smart. If the HC hires a bunch of guys he isn't familiar with and doesn't trust yet it's going to take a while for the staff to gel.

It happens everytime a new HC is hired at every school. In another thread I gave a few examples.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2009
Des Moines
I kind of like this approach. Makes sense that to start a winning culture at ISU you take as much of it with you. Coach Campbell will inevitably have to make coaching changes, as that's the nature of this business, so surround yourself with people you are comfortable with and that you are confident will do their jobs and that they in turn are comfortable in that leadership. That clearly was an issue in Rhoads last season, that plagued Chiziks short tenure. Take a look at Macs 9-win season and that team from coaches down to the players had one identity.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2009
Welcome to coaching. It is the biggest Nepotism professional there is. But the HC is going to hire guys he is familiar with and trusts and imo that is smart. If the HC hires a bunch of guys he isn't familiar with and doesn't trust yet it's going to take a while for the staff to gel.

It happens everytime a new HC is hired at every school. In another thread I gave a few examples.

I agree. Who knows what would have happened if Rhoads had someone he was comfortable with to hire instead of Klenakis and Mangino?


Jan 15, 2011
except all the guys Chizik hired weren't coming from winning programs or actually coached with him long term. I think we need to get a few Iowa and Texas assistants that can help us recruit in those states but have zero problem with him hiring the majority of staff with Toledo guys. That town is a dump, college is shrinking and he was winning there, what can he do with a fan base, town and school that actually is enthused and will be fired up for some success?


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
North Central IA
This is starting to worry me.... he needs a Big 12 level staff, not a MAC level staff. This is starting to sound like the whole "I got my payday and i'm bringing along my friends for their payday too" type of staff (ala Gene Chizik and Steve Alford -> and we all know how well that worked out for those two).

I guess I assumed that he'd bring half to 2/3 of his staff with him. While I don't want him to rush just for the sake of getting things done, these 2 weeks leading up to the dead period are huge for us and he wants his guys out on the trail. While he says that he wasn't looking to better deal Toledo, you can't tell me he didn't have the plan for who was going with him when the day came pretty well mapped out in his head. As others have stated, he has a system and a group of guys he trusts to implement it. I, like you, hope he brings in some outsiders, or at least more distant connections to round out the staff that broaden the perspective and recruiting footprint, and will probably get concerned if he doesn't go out of his comfort zone at all. I'm just not there yet. These aren't fishing buddies that weren't even on the same staff as him. These are guys that he's built a program with and that he knows what he can expect from them.