Kylie Feuerbach in transfer portal


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2021
Are you saying people actually give 2 ***** what their reaction score is?? Just asking.... LOL
Unlike someone like you who hasn't posted on the WBB forum in the past 3 years until today, I'm a regular poster here. I do care about the well-being of other members who make positive contributions to our board. That's something called "respect", regardless of if they think my suggestion is necessary.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2021
I just listened to the latest CW and Blum's Sunday podcast. It's nice of them to spend over 5 minutes (starting at 12:15) discussing the KF's transfer. They both agreed that the concern here is not about KF, but about where she transfers. CW did mention he has talked to the people inside the WBB program that her decision caught most people by surprise especially among players. So if you rule out other possibilities, the likely reason for her transfer is that she doesn't like the system we run or doesn't think she was used the best way and thinks Iowa's system's better for her skillset. Again, it's to be determined.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
Unlike someone like you who hasn't posted on the WBB forum in the past 3 years until today, I'm a regular poster here. I do care about the well-being of other members who make positive contributions to our board. That's something called "respect", regardless of if they think my suggestion is necessary.

I get what you saying but any member who's well-being of how they feel about themselves is based off of negative or positive emojis or rep comments coming from this place probably has bigger issues. Same goes for respect.
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Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
I get what you saying but any member who's well-being of how they feel about themselves is based off of negative or positive emojis or rep comments coming from this place probably has bigger issues. Same goes for respect.

Usually don't care that much but when someone I have on ignore gives me a "like" or "agree" it totally makes me doubt what I posted. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2021
I get what you saying but any member who's well-being of how they feel about themselves is based off of negative or positive emojis or rep comments coming from this place probably has bigger issues. Same goes for respect.
I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I don't buy the "Oh, it's just another message board" kind of attitude. I do think "little things" matter. I treat this board as more "sacred" than you do. I'm very appreciative for CF to provide this special place for fans to have opportunities to discuss WBB.

BTW, whether a member cares about getting dislikes/negative reactions or not is his/her business. It's not for you to decide. I was merely making a suggestion with my goodwill, it's not a demand.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2006
Iowa City
So if you rule out other possibilities, the likely reason for her transfer is that she doesn't like the system we run (and) thinks Iowa's system's better for her skillset.

Preface: I've lived in Iowa City for 22 years and the best word to describe my feelings for the Hawkeye athletic programs would be "loathing".

KF was my favorite in this highly touted recruiting class, being a legacy, coming from a school like Sycamore and her raw unbridled athleticism. While I'm not a girl's basketball coach, I had her pegged to be the second best player in the class (behind Donarski), taking the place of Maddie Wise as a 10-12 PPG scorer and high effort defender. I'm sorely disappointed at her leaving.

Having said that, I think Fan4ever has hit the nail on the head. Kylie excels at the run & gun game presently played by CC and the Hawkeye team, while ISU barely ran last year. Even when the opportunity presented, Ryan would slow it down and go into the half-court. I don't like it, but I think I get it.

Lastly, she's a 18 or 19 year-old young lady who plays college basketball, not Benedict Arnold betraying his country...time to move on to more important things...

Tornado man

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Ames, IA
It's not that different a system. Just a a bit more on the extremes than ISU's offense focused system. They play even better offense and even worse defense than ISU, like A offense and F defense. We play the basic same system except at a B+ level offense and C- level defense. Not particularly long and athletic, shoot lots of threes. Primary difference is they have had better luck recruiting scoring posts. To get past the Sweet Sixteen they know they need to step up the their defense and Bluder has as much acknowledged that.
While at the All Iowa Attack girls AAU tournament this past weekend in Iowa City, the Kylie Feuerbach story was a big topic. Nothing earth-shattering about the reasons, although I will not get into some specifics passed on by several parents.
Some basics I heard:
1. She was attracted to Bluder's up-tempo offensive system, that she could use her skills that she has worked so hard to acquire, and felt ISU's offense was not as aggressive as advertised during her recruitment.
2. Has a strong friendship with Clark from pre-college days and she wanted to play with her.
3. Felt the team culture at Iowa was positive, fun and more "mistake friendly."


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
After reading that, I was left wondering how these two programs compared over the years. I didn't think comparing records was legit because a team like Baylor is typically worth 2 or 3 losses each year. Maryland has had a good run, but they haven't been as consistent and it may only give Iowa one loss typically. And that is only since they've been in the conference.

So I thought the best way to compare the team's season is by using NCAA seeding. Both teams frequently make the tournament, so there's plenty of data. I had no idea how this comparison would work, so I had no preconceived notion of how it would turn out.

I searched ISU seeding by year first and I found a chart in WIki that went back to 1997 which was the first year of the Big 12. So it seemed like a good place to start, rather than pick an arbitrary date. Once I captured the data, other time periods could be looked at.

To create a graph I converted the seeding into points. A 1 seed would be worth 16 points, 2 would be 15 and so on. Missing the tournament is 0 points. I did this conversion so on a bar chart the lower seeds would have bigger bars, making the comparison easy.

After creating my first cut, I quickly realized it's hard to conclude anything, so I added lines to represent the cumulative points for each team. With lines you can easily compare and see changes in the slope of the line to see how the trends changed over the years.

So having said all that, here is my graph. Red is ISU. Black is SUI. I leave it up to the reader to make observations and comment.

View attachment 84275

Thanks for posting. My simple analysis of the data
We used to be better, now they are


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
While at the All Iowa Attack girls AAU tournament this past weekend in Iowa City, the Kylie Feuerbach story was a big topic. Nothing earth-shattering about the reasons, although I will not get into some specifics passed on by several parents.
Some basics I heard:
1. She was attracted to Bluder's up-tempo offensive system, that she could use her skills that she has worked so hard to acquire, and felt ISU's offense was not as aggressive as advertised during her recruitment.
2. Has a strong friendship with Clark from pre-college days and she wanted to play with her.
3. Felt the team culture at Iowa was positive, fun and more "mistake friendly."
Kylie is a good person and a decent player. Clearly she should have went to Iowa out of High School. All the factors now were evident back then if you disregard her legacy status.
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Year-round tailgater
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 17, 2009
While at the All Iowa Attack girls AAU tournament this past weekend in Iowa City, the Kylie Feuerbach story was a big topic. Nothing earth-shattering about the reasons, although I will not get into some specifics passed on by several parents.
Some basics I heard:
1. She was attracted to Bluder's up-tempo offensive system, that she could use her skills that she has worked so hard to acquire, and felt ISU's offense was not as aggressive as advertised during her recruitment.
2. Has a strong friendship with Clark from pre-college days and she wanted to play with her.
3. Felt the team culture at Iowa was positive, fun and more "mistake friendly."

Well, here's to hoping she and her teammates get to have lots of experience being "mistake friendly" in next year's CyHok game!


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 24, 2009
Des Moines
Maybe not congratulations, but he could post a note thanking her for contributing to the team. Since he started her all/most of the year he obviously was pleased with her contributions. Should saying/not saying thanks depend on where she transfers? I don't see why it should.
**** social media, this thread is a perfect example of all the petty BS fans get worked about.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2021
3. Felt the team culture at Iowa was positive, fun and more "mistake friendly."

Thank you @Tornado man for sharing the intelligence from the inner circle. I have some takes about the #3 in regards to the team culture and coaching.

Again you can agree or disagree. My sole intention is to see our program find ways to improve on and off the court and return to be the best WBB program in the State of Iowa, the #1 destination for Iowan recruits.

1. I'm no insider so my opinion is just based on my observations from watching the games, press conferences, special feature videos and following social media in the past season (we are in a pandemic so that's all I could do). It does appear to me Iowa players had more fun than ISU players, maybe because of better records, maybe because their players are allowed to show their true selves more in public. While we appreciate our players being extremely mature by being very even-kneeled on and off the court, I think it wouldn't hurt to let these 18-22 years old women express themselves more and display their colorful personalities on and off the court by building more fun and more positive environment. It could also boost our program's popularity in the country and attract more recruits as well.

2. It takes two to tango. Kylie is a legacy recruit and I'm sure she has tried to make it work throughout the season and wanted to stay on like other players. Since CBF's style and the way he runs the program are not going to change dramatically, maybe she felt it's not worth sacrificing herself in the next 3-4 years to be in a culture that she's not totally comfortable with. So the coaching staff is partially responsible for her departure. We have seen other players left our programs for similar reasons (Jessica Schroll, Bryanna Fernstrom, to name a few) which is OK. What concerns me more about KF's transfer is Lisa Bluder and her Iowa coaching staff have been using this "we are more fun and allow players more freedom than ISU" strategy in their recruiting pitch and put us in a disadvantage position. It might be one of the reasons we didn't get Caitlin Clark who definitely contributed to luring Kylie to the Hawks (she already tweeted her welcome Kylie message).

3. Regarding "mistake friendly". Based on my observations CBF does tend to keep his role players (not the star players) on a shorter leash (he did ease it up more in the past season) and would shuffle the lineups more frequently in games than other coaches do by average. It's reasonable to think he does this to keep the players fresher, seek better matchups, protect players from foul troubles, etc., but this way of coaching IMO also disrupts players' rhythm (basketball is a rhythm sport) to some degree and causes the role players to be afraid of making mistakes subconsciously. I'd like to see CBF let his role players stay on the court longer when subbed in so they can get into their rhythm, encourage them more when they make mistakes so they can be more confident playing their games and making bigger plays, and be effective pieces that can complement the star players.

P.S. I have a question for the posters who have insider information about the program. Are our WBB players allowed to contribute to the game-planning and making suggestions on game strategies before and during the games?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
Frese got benched by Angie the game after having a career high. I talked to her parents at the big 12 tourney in 2000. I saw Stacy at the great midswestern ice cream company in IC the day after the benching game. She looked like a wreck physically and emotionally and from what they said she was.

Frese was already done with that program by then. Lee barely lasted a year after that, I believe. And Bluder lead a considerable culture change.

If the reason she is transferring is bill yelling at them it really confuses me. Don't these kids watch games before they commit here? It's pretty obvious that he uses the tough love approach. If that is gonna be a problem for you why commit?

Literally no one has said that's the reason, nor is it the reason, so what's the point of this post?

Well said. And her family isn't "Hawkeye," - it's "Cyclone." Her dad Steve the veterinarian is as good as they come.
And I would bet my 401k that when they play next season, her parents may want a good performance for Kylie, but they won't be cheering for the Hawks to win - no way.

Hope there's not much in the account because you'd lose this bet. It might be the least satisfying victory of the season for them but they will 100% be cheering for their daughter's team--like any sane person would, I might add.

While at the All Iowa Attack girls AAU tournament this past weekend in Iowa City, the Kylie Feuerbach story was a big topic. Nothing earth-shattering about the reasons, although I will not get into some specifics passed on by several parents.
Some basics I heard:
1. She was attracted to Bluder's up-tempo offensive system, that she could use her skills that she has worked so hard to acquire, and felt ISU's offense was not as aggressive as advertised during her recruitment.
2. Has a strong friendship with Clark from pre-college days and she wanted to play with her.
3. Felt the team culture at Iowa was positive, fun and more "mistake friendly."

Ha! I was there, too. Young girls basketball players LOVE Clark. She had to hide on Saturday she was so in demand for pictures. And #3 puts very well what I've been trying to say in this thread but couldn't find the words.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
Young girls basketball players LOVE Clark. She had to hide on Saturday she was so in demand for pictures. And #3 puts very well what I've been trying to say in this thread but couldn't find the words.

Ashley must get attention like this too. Nonetheless, this is not surprising with Iowan Clark's top-flight talent and deserved publicity.

Don't know what Bluder is doing to attract these players. In recent years she got: Clark; Megan Gustafson (despite our push); Samantha Logic, top ten player out of HS by many sources; And, Bluder's 2021-22 class is rated 20th best or better.

So far Bluder's uoi Women's Basketball has not had big NCAA Tourney success beyond an Elite Eight of 2019. But with all the talent they have back for '21-22 and incoming, there will be an assumption for Bluder to not only win in the big, but go into the Final Four.