The Daily Effing Grind


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
Yesterday and Monday, yes, 100%.

Today, better, the fact that it's actually sunny and looking nice outside and not cloudy, overcast, rainy, gloomy, icky helps a lot. I think I am solar powered.

This year I took large amounts of vitamin D in the winter. Our 6 month winter season of no sun and extremely limited outdoor time kicks the hell out of my mental health.

Like really kicks the hell out of my mental health. The ocean washes away trouble. Snow and lack of sun brings it right in the front door.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
West Virginia
Many years ago, introspectively, I discovered the things which take my mind off the BS in the world. They all had one thing in common: focus. When the mind either has to, or wants to focus for a period of an hour or more all the anxiety stuff vanishes. But, don't think this is the cure. It only solves it for a short period of time after the activity is done. But that half hour of complete peace and tranquility is, IMO, the key to sanity.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Blue Grass IA-Jensen Beach FL
I used to walk on my lunch period. Almost any weather. To get out and feel your body experiencing the elements is very invigorating. Not sure if you're a work from home or what but just doing 20-30 minutes does it for me.

Now I don't work but with a dog I've no choice. I walk the dog for 40 minutes every morning then a few times a day for another 10-15. Even the late night right before bedtime one is amazing. Most nights I dread heading out when I'm tired but the evening moon, stars and stillness is very therapeutic.
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Jun 19, 2020
anyone else burnt out of drinking at home???
I live on an acreage so no. The other night I was doing yard work, sipping on a drink when the wind died down. I cranked up my stereo with a Charlie Daniels cd and when The South's Gonna Do It Again started, my turkey started gobbling and the roosters were crowing. It was a redneck-peaceful evening.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2009
Many years ago, introspectively, I discovered the things which take my mind off the BS in the world. They all had one thing in common: focus. When the mind either has to, or wants to focus for a period of an hour or more all the anxiety stuff vanishes. But, don't think this is the cure. It only solves it for a short period of time after the activity is done. But that half hour of complete peace and tranquility is, IMO, the key to sanity.

Focus, awareness, existing in the moment; whatever you want to call it, it's the reset button on your brain/soul.

Agree, it isn't a cure, but it sure as heck helps. Leaves you are refreshed when you have to go back to the grind stuff.

On the numerator side, get rid of some of your grind that really doesn't matter - you will have to think about what you really value and what really matters. Drop some of the unnecessary burden, add in some awareness time to the denominator side, and you may be shocked how much better life can be.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2013
Considering I still wade into the cave it's a little bit hypocritical, but I second the people saying to ignore politics, particularly social media rabbit holes.

I used to be really into it, and it seemed like the apocalypse was always imminent. Then I just decided to totally ignore it all. Unfortunately between COVID and the Floyd case I got sucked back in some, but am trying to escape. A few weeks before the primaries I can dive in and learn enough to be an educated voter. Otherwise, it's just noise. Most people that are really into politics and news don't actually DO anything that has any impact. Screeching on Twitter accomplishes nothing. My family does a service project that I would consider to be modest that I am sure that's had a lot more positive impact than my dumb posts in the cave.

Other things - sounds like you have kids. Force yourself to volunteer to help their activities, particularly if you want to get exercise and they are in to sports. It can be a real pain sometimes, and now my kids are old enough and in things that for the most part I don't need to do it, it is very nice. However, between all the different sports and two kids I'm on maybe year 9 or so of it. My kids are in 7th and 9th, so this is about it for me, and I can sit back and just be a parent and spectator, which I will enjoy. But there have been some great shared memories. Not to mention if you are out running around with a bunch of dumbass kids, you are going to get a lot more exercise than you think. I am in very good shape, and this has probably been 99% of my cardio for a decade.

And it sounds extreme, but if you don't love your job and it's kicking your ass, do something else. I've switched careers a couple times, took big paycuts, and it took me a while to find a job I liked well enough with great balance with life, and it's been incredible for the last decade or so.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I suggest running or some other form of hard cardio. Nothing destresses me as well as that. Always feel so good afterward.

Or, jamming to some great tunes. Really Get lost in the music and reconnect with old favorite bands and songs. Does the trick so well too.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2021
I practice 'voluntary simplicity', live below my means, do zero traditional media. Never on Facebook. No twitter, Instagram, etc. Just watch college FB and BB on TV. No other TV, no movies, no newspaper, no political commentary, next to no propaganda in my life. Lots of time on the web, use the web as a library for learning, researching health/nutrition, staying up on the 'clones here (avoid the political posts - what are those here for anyway?), etc. I use AdBlocker Plus. Back to reading books. Two hour walks. Spend a lot more time outdoors than most. I enjoy rural auctions in summer. I've been low-carb (LCHF) for over 2 years (back to what I weighed in Ames in the early 80s), and consider it the proper human diet, what our bodies are evolved to process. Never touch any processed food whatsoever. No grains, no seed oils. Also, keep my vitamin D3 (it is actually a hormone, and a critical one) measure in the 60-80 range (25hydroxy) by supplementing - suggest you ask your doc to check it w/ annual physical. You might supp magnesium glycinate as well.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 21, 2009
Way up there
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
I realize it's not possible for everyone, but some of you might need new jobs. If work stresses you out that much, maybe it's not the right job for you. I love my job and even with the pressures that come with it, I enjoy what I do.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2017
I recently decided to quit drinking - at least for the time being. I'm not an alcoholic or anything, but more times than not I just feel crappy mentally the day after.
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Asst. Regional Manager
Staff member
Mar 28, 2006
Yeah life can be a grind. I try to find little getaways here and there. Whether it be pull up an old song I love while driving the kids somewhere, surfing google maps, or a good podcast about something not related to my life, I try to find mental breaks.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
I recently decided to quit drinking - at least for the time being. I'm not an alcoholic or anything, but more times than not I just feel crappy mentally the day after.

I drank two beers last week for the first time since the Fiesta Bowl and the next day felt pretty lame. Good reminder as to why it's better to not.
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