Recent content by acs4isu

  1. acs4isu

    Thoughts on "Johnny Orr" Court

    IIRC the press box at JTS is named after Pete. I think a statue of Johnny would be amazing. It would make a nice photo op for fans and for televised games when they do their intros from commercials and such. As for the street name, I vote for "Dinger Drive" or "OoooEeee Coach Avenue" :wink:
  2. acs4isu

    Matt Perrault

    I used to listen to Mike and the Mad Dog out of NYC when I lived out east. I think Matt is trying to be the "Mad Dog" of the midwest. Mad Dog used to shout people down, walk all over callers, and generally be a pain in the butt. The big difference is that his schtick played in NYC. That kind of...
  3. acs4isu

    Are we better off with FH than GM?

    Are we better off? Like others, we couldn't do much worse than we currently are. I love Fred, but all I can think of is how we would be snickering had Iowa hired B.J. Armstrong. We would be all hooting about hiring a home-town hero with absolutely no coaching experience, and how hilarious it is...
  4. acs4isu

    Best tattoo shop in the Des Moines area??

    I went there about a month ago. Audrey did mine and I could not be more pleased. I've been to Lasting Impressions and Sacred Skin, and those places were good. This time I had a pretty intricate piece done and Audrey did an amazing job with the details.
  5. acs4isu

    Why don't more coaches wear sweat suits instead of dress suits

    Because they don't want to look like a tool? :yes:
  6. acs4isu

    A Must Read

    A call to your show and writing about it here are hardly iron-clad proofs of authenticity. Oh wait... no one would EVER fabricate anything to get their 15 minutes of fame, would they? It's YOUR job as a host to authenticate, or in the very least include a disclaimer that the authenticity is...
  7. acs4isu

    A Must Read

    Don't read it if you're not interested.
  8. acs4isu

    A Must Read

    They tell us how to spend our money all the time. They constantly talk about "voting with your checkbook" and how buying tickets and supporting the team financially will never lead to change. They take the opposite track that ADJP supposedly did, but they are still telling us how to spend our...
  9. acs4isu

    A Must Read

    The tone of the local shows regarding the ISU men's bball program has gotten increasingly more hostile over the past few days. On my morning and afternoon commutes I have found myself staring at the radio with my mouth open over some of the things M/D and M/M have been saying. I find it amazing...
  10. acs4isu

    Miller & Deace, Absolutely.

    As many have expressed, Deace is not an ISU balance to Miller. I get extremely frustrated with his holier-than-thou attitude toward young men based soley on a supposition on his part. He likes to spout off about how his life is such a perfect example to follow, but then is the first to put his...
  11. acs4isu

    Olympics - Men's Figure Skating=Little Orphan Awesomes!

    During the short program, Hamilton just about had the big "O" when Pleshenko finished. I was laughing hysterically and my wife wanted to know what was so funny. I rewound it without telling her what had happened and she said "Did he just have an "O"?" Methinks he gets just a little TOO excited...
  12. acs4isu

    Favorite ISU building on campus

    I chose Catt because when I started at ISU, it was Old Botany and was a complete disaster. The fact that they completely refurbished it and made it a truly beautiful building on campus rather than replacing it with a concrete monstrosity like Ross was a wise move. Same for Morrill Hall...
  13. acs4isu


    Card intact.
  14. acs4isu


    Warriors is one of those fringe movies that if you've seen it, you can't imagine why anyone hasn't seen it. I've seen it many times, but I realize that baseball bat wielding pinstripe wearing mimes on rollerskates may be beyond the comprehension of some. I don't think any less of them, but I...
  15. acs4isu

    At Ames High --- Scene Setter

    This is completely, utterly hilarious!