Recent content by bholley80

  1. bholley80

    Off to the BYU game

    Thanks man.. and I'm apologizing now...If we are in the B12, you guys will get to witness 1st hand, the absolute worst tailgating in football...that includes JUCO and 1AA.
  2. bholley80

    Off to the BYU game

    Well boys, I'm off to go get my Tailgate on for the game tonight...gotta get there early to beat the crowds. Who knows, with it being an in-state rivalry, we may have enough Tailgators to move out of the Handicapt parking stalls of the Tennis Courts, and be relocated in the main parking lot...
  3. bholley80

    Off to the BYU game

    Well boys, I'm off to go get my Tailgate on for the game tonight...gotta get there early to beat the crowds. Who knows, with it being an in-state rivalry, we may have enough Tailgators to move out of the Handicapt parking stalls of the Tennis Courts, and be relocated in the main parking lot...
  4. bholley80

    One of the coolest Message Boards

    Seneca W. 2000/2001 ??(maybe a little later, cant remember) = college football version of Jimmer, whose greatest play ever, even eclipses Jimmer's half court shot vs Utah. I remember where I was when I saw that highlight on ESPN. This is the play: Seneca Wallace - "The Run" - YouTube
  5. bholley80

    One of the coolest Message Boards

    I'm pretty sure I'm Bias when it comes to this topic, but I think that our stadium is one premier stadiums in the Country, as far as aesthetics are concerned. Being sourounded by mtns, the sound resignates really well it can get freaking loud! I have never been to the Big House, or...
  6. bholley80

    One of the coolest Message Boards

    Mormons love money :)
  7. bholley80

    One of the coolest Message Boards

    with the best of them brother....
  8. bholley80

    Nevada a 27 pt dog

    sorry, I just saw you guys have a betting board. I will use that now for these kinds of posts
  9. bholley80

    Nevada a 27 pt dog

    What you guys thinking about BSU being a 27.5 fav? Man I'm thinking Nevada can cover
  10. bholley80

    One of the coolest Message Boards

    oh nice... much easier
  11. bholley80

    One of the coolest Message Boards

    If you guys have a chance, check out the BYU game tonight on ESPN 6:00 MST
  12. bholley80

    One of the coolest Message Boards

    Yeah man, I can see myself getting way to wrapped up in the point of a minor obsession, which would deter some from even getting involved. It just so happens I like obsessing over things :)
  13. bholley80

    One of the coolest Message Boards

    Honestly, most "inside sources" seem to be some dude Twitter account. There is just so much smoke this time around, that I'm guessing it is legit.
  14. bholley80

    One of the coolest Message Boards

    or maybe that is the "Sex Panther" I'm smelling, and not your rich mahogony