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  • Good, thanks for calling them innocent instead of not researched and completely thought out. I treat this board much more like a conversation than I should.
    Done that myself. It's a profound and/or terrible learning experience.
    Hi Erick, I hope you don't think I'm being mean spirited in the immigration thread I just thought my idea was a decent compromise and I got piled on. I then got frustrated and lashed out, I hope you didn't think the elite comment was directed at you.
    No, you're fine. You have a way of getting yourself into holes with some innocent ideas.
    No worries here. I didn't take any offense. Lashing out certainly looks much more mean-spirited than that from other folks. Don't worry about it.
    Hello Erik - as you are the de facto history expert of RTT, I wanted to run something by you. I thought about creating a thread in the Cave about re-examining the Second Amendment, because I feel the thrust behind its "right to bear arms" guarantee was created in a time much different than ours. It's a radical idea, I know, but owing to recent developments with firearms I thought it could be a valid discussion.
    It should be a good idea. Be ready for weird discussions about comma clauses (that went through the Cave a while back), and the whole idea of governmental tyranny.
    If I get some spare time, I'll dig out some stuff about original intentions (if I remember where it is).
    You should probably do it anyway. Consequences be dammed. Thanks for the Rep.
    Thank you. I am just so happy with his success thus far. I told Fred that the air in Iowa must agree with Georges.
    Isn't that kind of a requirement to be a Cyclone Basketball Fan? You must clearly show your hatred for KU and their evil white guys.
    Same here and couldn't agree more. Kansas's home court advantage takes it to a whole new level in college basketball. If we come out of here with a W, I will be one happy dude.
    You know this happens everytime we travel to Lawrence, but yet every year I become more and more surprised.
    Love your avatar. My mom made a trip to Israel in the last year, and a friend of mine that I graduated high school with I believe also made the trip a while ago with a group from Faith Baptist Bible College.
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