Recent content by cyflyer

  1. C

    Do you have I-State vanity plates?

    Our suburban states CYFBFAN.
  2. C

    What brand of beer did you drink in college?

    Drank me a ton of Busch Light. Loved it!
  3. C

    Songs that have aged nicely over the years (add yours here)

    Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody YouTube- Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
  4. C

    OT: Your Classic Dream Car

    I always liked the '69 Fastback I have one of these that I hope to finally restore someday. '64 Chevelle, the first year they made them. Picture is of a '64 Malibu SS, basically the same body style.
  5. C

    ISU fans calling the Jon Miller show

    Just 'cause it's not called Hawk Talk with Jon Miller from 2 to 4 doesn't mean it's not Hawk Talk with Jon Miller from 2 to 4. Is that Jon's fault? Only if his employers did not intend for him to do Hawk Talk from 2 to 4. No offense, but I'm tired of the lame excuse that callers drive what the...
  6. C

    In One Word - Describe Yourself

  7. C

    Important stadium renovation update

    Funny stuff. Thank for sharing.
  8. C

    Would you rather have beaten OU this year or next?

    Re: Would you rather have beater OU this year or next? Both. I think he was talking about when we play them in the conference championship next year. :wink:
  9. C

    Could McCarney get Nebraska job?

    LOL, thanks for the evening haha. Dude, Mac with or without the NU recruiting legacy built in will not get that kind of job. The fan base would be completely uninspired and probably lynch Osborne.
  10. C

    Gossip Mongaring

    I utilized this forum that states it's for site feedback. I think there is plenty of 'feedback' to go around and those options you mentioned do not allow for others to voice their opinion on if they feel this is a need. I named no names in my feedback and kept it generic. I'm not sure what...
  11. C

    Gossip Mongaring

    Moderator or not; free site or not; it's time to stop. It's troubling for people to NOT be able to confront it and then call a spade a spade without people usurping their power as moderator and controlling said confrontation. There is a difference between a free flow of...
  12. C

    Additional info on Mike Taylor from a football player...

    You didn't present it as gossip. You tried to present it as fact, just like you did again in this response and frankly contradicted yourself in the 2nd sentence. So, it's either the truth or it's gossip? Can't make up your mind?
  13. C

    Additional info on Mike Taylor from a football player...

    No surprise when you get called to the carpet you pull out the obsession BS. Dude, you took some gossip and tried to call it source full information. Wow!! A college athlete acts like a prima donna. That has been going on for a 100 years at every college/university in the world.
  14. C

    More detail on Taylor

    First off, Gmac could have done something about the OWI but did not. I won't refer to the what I've 'heard' in regards to unfounded accusations. The school itself could not have done anything because he was not a student. Most of the time when we see a criminal act that can be anything from a...