Recent content by HornacekFan1414

  1. H

    *** Official #24 IOWA STATE vs #20 BYU Game(Day) Thread ***

    I think you are pretty accurate. We all had high offensive expectations this year ( and nothing can be based off our awful non conference schedule). When you consider Bielew obviously is not ready to contribute like all of us assumed, and the fact that the guard transfers have all been...
  2. H

    *** Official #24 IOWA STATE vs #20 BYU Game(Day) Thread ***

    This is an understatement. He can be so frustrating at times.
  3. H

    *** Official Virginia Tech vs IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    Well, that was Dirk’s patented shot, I live in Dallas and saw him do it a zillion times and walk past the statue of him doing it outside the AAC all the time……but if he says not….maybe it’s just the “shot” and not Dirk’s total game.
  4. H

    *** Official Virginia Tech vs IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    It’s obvious he models his game after Dirk and we saw the one legged fade away a couple times yesterday. He could definitely utilize that with his back to the basket…
  5. H

    *** Official Virginia Tech vs IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    I e watched every game and we are going to have to disagree. Just because he could get away with it with the awful competition we played the first 4 games doesn’t make it not true. He will greatly suffer in B12 play if he doesn’t make some changes.
  6. H

    *** Official Virginia Tech vs IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    The kid is talented but the epitome of a shoot first, second, and third option, look for the best shot for the team is way down the list, …. My son plays with a set of twins whose dad incentives them in their games based on points only….. they play the same way as Gilbert ‍♂️
  7. H

    *** Official Virginia Tech vs IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    K This is as accurate a statement as I have seen. He puts his head down and has total tunnel vision at Mach 10 speed as he tries to go to the rim regardless of how contested.
  8. H

    *** Official Virginia Tech vs IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    These 2 guys are brutal to watch. Gilbert is the epitome of a black hole/I’m shooting no matter what type player that makes my skin crawl, and Jones may want to try try punting the ball in from 3 pt range.
  9. H

    Game Programs

    Oh man, this brings back great memories. My favorite was the Jeff Hornacek poster of him dribbling the red , white, and blue ball used in the 1984 NIT tourney.
  10. H

    *** Official Pittsburgh vs IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    I love Lipsey but when he won’t even look at the basket, it allows teams to eliminate our inside ball movement and scoring.
  11. H

    Tamin Lipsey-Steals record watch

    lol, this guy…..I still remember when he came in here years ago and said he had watched Halice Cooke extinsively at OSU and he was much better than Matt Thomas…. So I always enjoy rolling my eyes at his posts.
  12. H

    INSIDER: Super quick perspective on Leech/Anderson news

    I would actually venture that number is probably a bit higher based solely on the fact that most 7 foot and above humans have a shorter life span than average size individuals...
  13. H

    CONTEST: Win 2 all session 100-level tickets to the Big 12 Tournament

    Rochclone sold me tickets 3 years ago when I first took my son ( then 5) to the tourney. We sat with his family and my son watched all 9 games, every minute. His brother (or brother in law) even showed my son how to keep score. They were fantastic people to sit with and we have been back...
  14. H

    Big 12 Tournament Roll Call

    My 8 year old son and I will be there for what is now our annual tradition (4th year). One of the things we look forward to the most each year.
  15. H

    *** Official IOWA STATE Vs TCU Gameday Thread ***

    I was at the game tonight sitting behind Cyclones Bench. Prohm called timeout a few minutes into the the game and lit into Lard and Solomon in a way I have never seen before. He was freaking pissed and screaming thru the whole timeout ( not that it ended up making much difference, but was...