Larry Eustachy

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Mar 31, 2006
Cedar Falls, IA
If Larry would have remained at ISU he would have had a difficult time recruiting, at least for awhile, and every Big 12 road game he would have been ridiculed baddly. It was better for him to get away from it all for a period of time before getting back to coaching.


Jan 21, 2009
Cyclone City
Its kind of funny that this came up the same time that Iowa is dumping Podalak. I believe an Iowa fan helped to promote the Eustachy photos to the media, and now they are mad because Eddie's photos are on here, too bad. Paybacks are a b$%&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iowa has a tradition of drunken color commentators: Zabel, Hansen, and now Eddie. Plus they have had some real luminaries when it comes to drunken behavior by players: anyone remember Kingsbury deciding that a downtown hotel lobby would make a great place to take a leak? :biglaugh:
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New Member
Apr 1, 2024
Sorry to bring back this thread after 15 years, but I'm wondering what people think about Eustachy now that it has come out that he was so awful behind-the-scenes (literally everywhere he's been) that he's seemingly essentially been blackballed from coaching? For those who are unaware, Colorado State investigated his conduct in 2017, and simply put, it was so bad that no university at any level has offered him any paid job where he directly interacts with players ever since (after a six year hiatus away from college basketball entirely, he is now a *volunteer* coaching advisor at Boise State).

And yes, I should note, his conduct reportedly did affect his recruiting and the performance of his teams. Former ISU players, like Paul Shirley, have described the absolute collapse of the team in the Big XII and NCAA tournaments in 2001 by saying, essentially, "We lost because Larry Eustachy was tired of us, because we were tired of him, because we were all tired of each other.”

And I still have tapes of some of the ISU games while he was in charge - and simply put, I *have* noticed *some* of what former players - including our own - have said about him and what the report says. And not just the things we all heard about and/or saw (the controversy regarding his alcoholism or getting ejected at the end of the Michigan State Elite Eight game). I'm talking, for example, re-watching the road game against Kansas in 2000, when Fizer hits that impossible shot to basically clinch victory, and there are different cuts to our bench players ecstatic and euphoric, our fans - including Stacy Eustachy - ecstatic and euphoric, and shockingly, Larry Eustachy somehow is actually *very angry* and *screaming* apparently at Fizer and the players on the court after that! Like, *how?* What could he have *possibly* been so incredibly angry about in such a moment?! In addition, I saw some comments he made the following season, in a game where the team began the game on a *14-0 run,* was up 30-9 at one point, and won the game by *29 points,* and his quote after the game (about his *own* players) was, "This group in the worst way lacks any presence at all of physicalness, of toughness, of gameness and of competitiveness." What?! Again, I can understand, "we still have improvements to make," but to basically say this team was the worst team he's ever coached after such a dominant performance? Huh?!

But yes, I'd be interested in what people think about him now!
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