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    Aug. 24 Kickoff Party: Meet Madelyn, the 16 year old w/ cancer we will raise $ for

    I’m sure it’s posted somewhere but where would we go to donate if we’re unable to make it? For raffle, if we stop in, do you get notified somehow later if you won anything? I can either make a brief stop or not at all. Would like to help either way but raffle sounds fun. Thanks.
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    Horton Tucker pleads guilty

    If by “crapped myself”, you meant asked to be put in touch with his agent for a solution that could make the problem go away, then so would I
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    Winter Weather 1/18-1/19

    I swear I understand young dating metaphors less and less. I don't even get it, but I know it's filthy. Lets keep it kid friendly.
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    OT: Haunting of Hill House on Netflix

    I know they can't do a 2nd season, but I would love for them to keep this going and do a different story every season like AHS.
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    Cheap, high quality...

    Before you pull the trigger on a nicer car, think about the "character builder" I have to offer. $500 plus the cost of the possible tow, depending on your luck that day. It occasionally shuts down half-way through your drive for a wide variety of reasons. There won't be any windows down, music...
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    Dog laser surgery recommendation?

    Thanks so much for the information! We're going to shop around for a respected place that isn't 3k. :P Hopefully all 3 procedures aren't needed.
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    Dog laser surgery recommendation?

    My English bulldog is 6 months old. He has stenotic nares. Has a hard time breathing. Vet says the laser surgery is a good fix. They only have one place they refer to for it and said to expect to pay $3000. Online says it's $200-$1000. :/ Having a hard time find other vets around Iowa that do...
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    24 Year Old Local Kid With CTE

    I think the writing is on the wall for it to die. It just depends on how far out you're talking. There's probably too much money involved and its too much of our society for it to happen in my lifetime. It's gonna take a long, long time. But we're just scratching the surface on this stuff...
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    NFL: Joe McKnight Murdered

    Not sure.. but let's all jump to conclusions before the facts are even out. I've heard enough to make my mind up. I probably won't even read the follow up story after the investigation is done...
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    Prohm: McKay's suspension remains indefinite

    Sorry, but do you know what article that was? I can't find it.
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    NFL: *** SUPER BOWL 50 Thread ***

    I thought it was incomplete but wasn't confident..I couldn't tell from those angles. I "definitely" didn't see anything indisputable to overturn it. I guess that's why the call stood instead of confirming it. You see it the way you want to see it, I think.
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    *** #13 IOWA STATE vs Oklahoma State Game(day) Thread ***

    Everyone that sold me their tournament tickets in the first half can now buy them back..FYI, price has doubled.
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    URGENT need some help I know he does a lot with foreign cars others won't. Good service.
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    5 of you will win $100 today . . . .

    Thats pretty offensive. Can we get a mod to close this thread ASAP? :wink:
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    Saying farewell to an *** hole

    When I was a kid, my father told me, "never hit anyone in anger, unless you're absolutely sure you can get away with it".
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    Random Thoughts IV

    Yeah, live here. Had my cyclone shirt on last weekend and had a stumbling drunk girl start booing me and screaming go hawks and other incoherent garbage.
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    Random Thoughts IV

    Or those idiotic crosswalks on ala moana/Nimitz. Amazing more don't get killed there. It's like watching a game of frogger. That intersection by wailana and hilton too. Or Atkinson.
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    Random Thoughts IV

    except for the pedestrians..they're a different bunch here. Drives me nuts when I have a green light and some shirtless local casually walks in front my car flashing me a Shaka. Or the herds of Japanese tourists that follow the first idiot jaywalking and you get to sit through your entire green...
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    Random Thoughts IV

    You've been in honolulu awhile now. What do you think of it? Only place for me where most of my road rage doesn't involve other cars.
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    Misc: Boxing - Post Mayweather/Pacquaio

    Is it wrong if I hope he goes back to jail and just goes away? Not forever..just til he's too old to box.