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  1. ILiftWithRoyce

    Ballast Point is Dying

    Things do not look good out in San Diego. According to the article, Constellation has pretty much ran the company culture into the ground since acquisition and sales are quickly following suit...
  2. ILiftWithRoyce

    Former ISU Player Joins Ames PD

    Jared Brackens was sworn into the Ames Police Department earlier this week. Always cool to see guys stick around Ames and have a positive impact on the community. Jared has really grown into a great man, husband, and father since his time at ISU.
  3. ILiftWithRoyce

    Homer Mode: Engaged

    Filled out my bracket today (with an office trophy on the line) and couldn't help but rationalizing the Clones in my Final 4 :) THIS IS GONNA BE THE FREAKIN YEAR!! In the end UCLA takes it all over Duke and Alford completes his ultimate troll job against the Hawks. March ends with ISU fans...
  4. ILiftWithRoyce

    Stansbury Out?

    Jared just tweeted he was taking an indefinite leave from CF effective immediately. Is this for real?
  5. ILiftWithRoyce

    Chart of Cyclone's Top 25 Streak

    Check out this chart Halsted just posted of ISU's 58 straight weeks in the AP Top-25. We've spent 12 of those weeks in the Top 10 and 34 weeks in the Top 15. Just incredible when you really think about it. How much longer until we can start floating the word "Dynasty" around our MBB program?
  6. ILiftWithRoyce

    Seniors Podcast Follow-up: Top 5 Adult Beverages

    Haven't seen a thread created by Jared or Rob yet for today's podcast, where they named their top-5 list of favorite adult beverages. I had fun coming up with my own list of top-5 favorite...
  7. ILiftWithRoyce

    Martinez Syria Dismissed

    Per source within Iowa State. You heard it from me first
  8. ILiftWithRoyce

    AB's "Brewed the Hard Way" Ad...

    ...Obliterated by Paste Magazine. The article does a great job of exposing the blatant hypocrisy of the commercial. As if anyone needed another reason to NOT buy from macro companies
  9. ILiftWithRoyce


    Biggest sports competition of the day is on Animal Planet right now. The brown puppy is dominating right now
  10. ILiftWithRoyce

    Just Joined Untappd...

    ...on a friend's suggestion. Are any of you CF beer enthusiasts members? If so, I'd love to know any tips as to how to get the most out of it or use it best. Or let me know if it is a useless bs app. Also, post your username if u wanna be friends. Mine is ajowen
  11. ILiftWithRoyce

    Former Player Updates?

    Was thinking this morning about the prominent transfers we've had the past few years, and realized that besides Clyburn and McGee, I don't know where the rest are at. Anybody have any news on Royce White this season? Is he at least on a D League roster? Any news on Babb or Lucious?
  12. ILiftWithRoyce

    Confluence Bike Ride May 24th

    Any other CF'ers participating in this? Should be great weather this Saturday for it
  13. ILiftWithRoyce

    Cyclone Fanatic Crystal Ball Projections

    For Rashad Vaughn. Curious as to how optimistic/pessimistic you all are
  14. ILiftWithRoyce

    ***Official K-State Hate Thread***

    Have you ever been to Manhattan, Kansas? It is literally the ******* place I've ever been to. And KSU's campus looks like it was built by Fred Flintstone. Everyone, please feel free to share your own hate towards K-State.