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    Chaplain update from Cotlar

    I would think any clergy can approach this situation from a loving angle. While I think (and have stated here before) that acting on a homosexual inclination is imorral and inherently disordered, only by reaching out to those struglling with this affliction would one be able to save them...
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    Where's everyone coming from

    Interesting perspective, because I find it impossible to not beleive that existence is very likely. For many reasons - matters preference for the disorganized to belief in signs and miracles that have happened and continue to happen and many others.
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    Deace haters...

    That my friend was parady. I love how when a person takes the bible and word of God literally they are intollerant and deserve hatred. It amazes me how "far" society has come in their views. I imagine the folks in Sodom thought they were pretty progressive as well.
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    Hillary Clinton Campaign Memo Proposes Skipping Iowa Caucuses

    Iowa accounted for around 1.2% of the popular vote in total during the last election. Our 5 EC votes account for close to 2% of what is need for victory. By doing away with the EC, Iowa would be less of a factor just form the mathematics of it.
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    Liberal Minorities on the warpath...

    As an clone/tiger hybrid (alum of both) I can only hope that these PETA whack jobs try to hold some form of protest at a game in death valley on a Saturday night this fall. That Mike VI will have some good eating that night becasue these idiots will be on the menu. Actually, the gators in the...
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    Petition Against Chaplain

    This is just another step on a long road to forcing religion out of everything. I saw just the other day a great snapshot of what this country is coming to. It showed a women praying at a memorial for the VaTech shootings in her thought balloon, she was asking God why he allowe dthis to happen...
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    Global Warming - What Do You Believe - O. T.

    My 2C worth is there is no way that man is controlling or impacting the long range weather phenom without doing something on the order of nuc winter. To think otherwise is to put yourself on the level of God. So many of the warming alarmists have substituted global warming for real religion it...
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    Going to England in the morning

    Have a good time I was just there last week on business. It is awful expensive right now fx at about $2 per pound. And yes "mind the gap".
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    Gas going up in DSM area

    The switch in the fall is to a heavier weight blend, the change over does not cause the refining units at the plants to need to be off line as long, therefore the squeeze is not as hard. Being happy with some environemental regulation is fine. Are you happy with 3-4 a gallon gasoline or is this...
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    Johnny Orr Floor?

    I did not read this whole thread, but a few years ago we tried to get the road in front of Hilton named Johnny Orr way and it fell flat. I am not sure if it was the city or the U the shot it down. I would love JO Way with the bronze statue.
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    Gas going up in DSM area

    Right now the squeez has less to do with oil prices and more to do with refinery capacity as refiner switch to summer blends. This is the impact of environmental laws preventing new refinery construction for 25 or so years.
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    Good ridence Pierre Pierce

    Is that something all sex offenders get? :biggrin9gp::biggrin9gp::biggrin9gp: Just kidding. It is kind of scarry how automated things are now days.
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    Nice Place In Coralville

    I would have thought he took the pool table with him. hmm. :biggrin9gp:
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    Good Lord

    I heard Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Unfortunately, Chuck does cry. Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch, he tells time what it is.
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    Good Lord

    Kyle would that include the one in the preamble of the constitution? Granted it references their "creator" but it still gives recognition to the one supreme.
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    Good Lord

    That young thing made me choke on lunch funny stuff. I don't disagree with you on the point of public discourse and this thread is a great example. Would you agree most of the "progress" to date has been judicial fiat which is not democratic (yes I know elected officials appoint judges in most...
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    Good Lord

    Cy Gal - the founders never put the seperation in place. It was mentioned in a letter from I believe Jefferson, and the issue was the State butting into religion, not the other way around. This passage was then quoted out of context in a court case and has hung around ever since. By the way...
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    Good Lord

    Kyle - my guess is you are pretty young. Nothing in the gay lobby has been done by a democratic process. Matter of fact, the gay marriage issue was handled by the democratic process and was rejected overwhelmingly.
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    Good Lord

    Actually I just read recently about a San fran neighborhood up in arms because to many "straight" families were moving in and the homosexual "couples" wanted assuances that the neighborhood would not lose its gayness.
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    Good Lord