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  1. T

    Iowa arrogance

    This thread is hilarious
  2. T

    Nobody at the Outback Bowl

    Iowa beat Iowa State on the field. They had a better record. They won their bowl game. They will be ranked higher when the season is done. They had higher attendance. They are a better team, and a better program.
  3. T

    Spartan Loss

    The butt hurt is strong in this thread. Quit your whining, the Clones still have pretty darn good basketball game. You can't enjoy that without focusing on what Iowa's doing??
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    Hoiberg Press Conference
  5. T

    do you chear for or against the hawks outside of our game?

    Hawk fan here who does root for ISU when they aren't playing Iowa. Funny thing is, it seems like most Hawk fans root against Iowa these days. :smile: I've seen DB fans for both schools, and having moved around the state a lot, I think it does depend on where you live.
  6. T

    AH HAHAHA Little Brother!!!

    Northwestern fans dislike Iowa? That's news to me. I've been to many games there and find their fans to be either disinterested, or willing to talk, have a beer, and chill. Of course, I don't expect you to actually know much about football or how fans act. :)
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    I bet your life is awesome.
  8. T

    Jeff Horner ejected from high school game

    Cyclone fans talking about being classy. Now that's rich. Don't you have some more distasteful chants to work on?
  9. T

    whole lot of pasty gingers....

    storming the court tonight. Does ISU have any black students that aren't athletes??? Good win tonight guys. You got it done when it needed to get done.
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    Black Heart Gold Pants

    Then who's going to sign your paycheck? :spinny:
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    UNI's Success

    Yeah, that's the ticket.
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    Hawk Trolls out in full force.

    Perhaps you've given them reason to feel/act that way? I watched the game with several Hawkeye fans last night, some who were rooting for Texas at the beginning. All of them were pulling for Iowa State by the 4th quarter.
  13. T

    So who is really little brother???

    Frak, you do realize that they are still having their spring practice in Iowa City as well?
  14. T

    Dear Iowa fans,

    except for one.
  15. T

    New Hawkeye recruit predicting national title

    Like being ranked in the top 5 twice in the past 10 years, as was previously pointed out in this post?
  16. T

    I guess someone had to start one

    we'll get you next year? Congrats. Good season with a tough schedule.
  17. T

    Walk on Wiseman - Iowa RB

    When has he not been listed in the two deeps this year? He started the season in the two deeps as a FB and is now in the two deeps as the RB. You're trying too hard.
  18. T

    Tired of "Super Bowl" comment

    Of course Iowa cares about this game. The super bowl term came from back when ISU finally started beating Iowa and then went on to have subpar seasons, while the Hawks went on to decent seasons. Now the Clones have increased their talent and improved their coaching and they are on more of an...
  19. T

    If you want a good laugh

    **** poor team? You mean the one who just got beat by the same team who beat you? I guess we'll find out on Friday. I'm not saying Iowa is good, but I was unaware of ISU's dominance on the hardwood this year. I'll admit some Hawk fans like to blame the refs (for everything!), but any Clone...