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  1. C

    Poor UI

    Golly, I love it when the Squwaks embarass themselves, not once but twice in the same weekend....MBB vs. Villanova and at the NCAA wrestling championships (nobody in the championships). All this misfortunate couldn't happen to a more deserving university.
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    They laid an egg.......

    .....a BIG, fat, old gold and black EGG.
  3. C

    Additional football staff

    OK, guys, what's your take on why we haven't filled any more spots on Campbell's staff, especially offensive and defensive coordinators? Candidly, I'm surprised that some of our new commits would commit not knowing who their coordinators might be.
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    GO SPARTY!!!! the Chicken Hawks what a real opponent is like.
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    I know it's the right thing, but....................

    .........watching the video clips from Rhoads and Cyclone football over the last seven years is a real heart-breaker.
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    Mike Leach

    This is our guy!!!
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    The end of an era

    It's over, Cyclone fans. Either Rhoads goes...or the fans will. Iowa State athletics can't afford the latter. Sad, but true.
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    It's Embarassing. That is all.

    ....and it has been for some time.
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    What's with the black panty hose????

    Noticed in photos from last night's game that some, not all, Cyclone players have gone to black panty hose. 'Sup?
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    What does the group think is going to happen with our existing players? Will they stay and "fight back"...or find someplace else to play football?
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    Before I go.........

    I've followed the Cyclones for a long, long time and I love 'em. But, I don't have all that many football seasons left. I have a "bucket" of things I hope to experience before I go. One is to have a season of Cyclone football with filled with pride and conquest, rather than embarrassment. The...
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    Here's a flash..........

    This is NOT a good football team. That is all.
  13. C

    Uh, Oh!!!

    Michigan AD Dave Brandon resigns. Sequester Jamie.
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    Palaces for Entertainment -- NFL style

    I am a modest NFL fan and have been for a long time. I'm troubled by the NFL Commissioner et al telling a city like Buffalo that it needs a new stadium to keep its team. With all the financial challenges all, major metropolitan areas have today, schools, infrastructure and paying creditors seem...
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    Rodney Coe

    Sorry, Fanatics, if somehow I have missed this, but I don't see Rodney Coe on the official Iowa State Athletic Department roster and neither Rhoads nor Burnham have mentioned him when talking about the coming year. Can someone please update me on his status?
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    Here's a point that should generate some discussion. How many of the Iowa State football players had their football careers (at least collegiate careers) ruined by Chizik during his two-year debacle as head coach? I can start with two easily: Jason Harris JJ Bass Chizik was bad, bad news!!
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    Take a peek. Our (former) boy wonder is on the front page of the Rivals site with all kinds of glowing comments about his Top 20 class. What a snake. "Win at all costs"? Not me! "Honor before victory"? That's more like it. In my book, win or lose, Chizik will ALWAYS be a loser!
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    Close at half-time. Ready for the 'Clones to lay their usual second-half "egg"? Oh, well, wait 'til next year...or....the year after that...or the year after that....or..
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    If this story has been told already, my apologies. It needs to be told...again..and again...and again. If it has NOT been told, here goes: I have been following Iowa State football since 1963. Yep, the fall President Kennedy was assassinated...46 years. In all that time, I don't think I have...
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    McDermott is a fine, fine gentleman. He just will NEVER get it done at Iowa State. Look at what the guy at Baylor has done there. And their mess was even bigger than ours. Sorry, I've given up. And, if we REALLY think we have a chance at HB...and if I were HB...I would be really nervous about...