Search results

  1. heatcheck1

    What's a company that you think sh!t the bed discontinuing certain products?

    When GM discontinued Pontiac was a heartbreaker. I owned a few during highschool/college years. Wish I could still find one without a gazillion miles.
  2. heatcheck1

    Timeless Sports Movies

    Iron Will - Sleddog racing is a sport, right? Greatest Game Ever Played - Golf flick Days of Thunder -. Robert Duvall is a national treasure.
  3. heatcheck1

    A way to fix poor officiating

    It should be like everything else, reward the good crews. It's the same way good workers are rewarded in regular jobs. If a crew does a good job, give scaled pay bonuses and reward them with high profile games. A rewards system might also give some incentive to expand the referee pool. I think...
  4. heatcheck1

    New rock music

    Royal Blood has a new album coming out soon. It blows my mind that the entire band consists of 2 dudes. Drums and a bass guitar. They share vocals I think.
  5. heatcheck1

    RC Cola

    I'm not much of a cola drinker, but I find RC tolerable. But what I have done is used it for a wet brine solution to soak meat in. Deer meat in RC overnight then grill it. Dyn-o-mite. You're welcome.
  6. heatcheck1

    On That Note: I like Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita

    Shinedown "Her Name Is Alice" Rockin tune for a Disney Remake
  7. heatcheck1

    Netflix - Your Current Favorites

    As mentioned earlier, Godless is pretty good. It's a western. It's worth the time.
  8. heatcheck1

    Netflix - Your Current Favorites

    I finished watching Seven Seconds tonight. Whoa. I didn't see that coming. Can discuss it later, I don't want to spoil it for anyone.
  9. heatcheck1

    Netflix - Your Current Favorites

    I've heard it's good. It's on my list of things to watch. What's it about? Other than a guy named Pete, who is sneaky.
  10. heatcheck1


  11. heatcheck1

    Netflix - Your Current Favorites

    Godless is really good, I enjoyed it. Wife and I are watching Seven Seconds now, not done yet, but so far it's pretty good too. Lots of subplots with the characters.