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  1. D


    Superstitious much? Seriously, take a good look at that website. What a bunch of baloney. I understand that there are serial killers, but a lot of you are getting way too excited about this. Also, 8 people drowned in 9 years in a college town? Wow, there is no other possible explanation but a...
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    Apple tablet

    I think people were expecting this to be some kind of mind blowing full laptop in a tablet. Maybe in a couple years, yeah. It's apple's response to the Kindle. And if I was interested in that device, I'd be much more likely to get the iPad. Which is a stupid name, but iTouch is kind of weird...
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    I POD

    I think why most people think it's ok is that 5-10 years ago when it was unbelievably easy to steal music everyone just did. Then the major lawsuits, everyone now knows a friend etc...I used to use KaZaA (yeah, blast from the past) but now I just use amazon or get it from CD's or friends' hard...
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    Worlds tallest building opens in Dubai

    You don't build this building because it's easy. You build it because it'll be the tallest in the world (for at least 6 months). You design it because you're SOM and you are one of the biggest and well-known architecture firms in the world. And why, you ask? Because you are Dubai. Because you...
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    Official "omg, i'm back from tempe and its ******* freezing here!" Thread

    Yeah, the job market is in the tank in Phoenix right now; wouldn't move there no matter what deal you get on a house, unless you're retired. Then, you would be golden. Also, I've spent a couple summers in AZ. Aside from the cars heating up, I'd still rather spend a year there than Iowa...
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    Flight Questions

    Yeah, I've checked in 25 minutes before a flight once and made the flight. They were closing the doors as I got the gate, but I made it on. There is more going on.
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    ISU Likely to Cut Departments

    Yeah, don't think they would cut a lot of the design majors. About half of the students in each are out of state, which brings in a lot more than those which are almost 90% Iowa kids. Also, the national rankings thing. Ironically enough, there's a lot of talk in the CoD about adding a few more...
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    Where is the love?

    "Supposedly" being discriminated against? He's the rep for the conference, not just Mizzou. The point is valid. However, I feel like the quote may have been taken to mean more than the speaker originally intended. It could be a simple as saying "the selections aren't made, so who knows yet what...
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    Hockey in the Armory

    It's not all too likely that Design will be out of there soon - I know there are plans in place to change it, but the new design addition isn't big enough to house what it was supposed to, which is why some of the 3rd year archs and landscapes are still over there. If they continue to increase...
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    Husker's proposed arena

    That video was amazing. I've seen some pretty sweet architectural fly-throughs and that was impressive. But yeah, not going to happen.
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    Anyone heard from Huckleberry (LakeBison)???

    We tailgated right next to some older Bison fans - they were pretty cool. Helped us out when out grill ****** out, came and played flippy cup with us for like 1/2 an hour, and were really well-mannered. Wouldn't mind having them around again.
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    Iron Man 2 Trailer

    wow, get offended. I don't think the OP was under the impression that Iron Man 2 was going to be good cinema. It's just a trailer. Not every piece of entertainment has to be a top quality film.
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    Why I hate Apple stores

    I had the same iPod for 5 years before getting a new one since I had more than 30 GB of music. That was a year ago, and my old one still works perfectly.
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    ESPN blog ranks ISU's non-con 11th toughest in B12

    I've never gone to a hawkeye site for the purpose of standing up for the cyclones. The vast majority wouldn't give two ***** about what I said. But those hawk fans who hangout here, jumping at every opportunity to tell us just how great Iowa is and just how bad we are, did you ever come to the...
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    JT update

    If we're worried about over spending, a brick wall would not be the best idea. To be honest, I believe a part of it is a safety thing as well. You want to be able to see through the fence in both directions. A solid object around the entrances (like a permanent gate) through the fence or wall...
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    Post your favorite ISU sports photo

    From this year - I have a great one from the Iowa game last year but it's on an external.
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    I-380 Speeders Beware

    hahaha. I guess no one ever explained the sarcasm pirate to you. That green thing on either side? That typically means the statement is in jest. Hence no hypocrisy.
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    I-380 Speeders Beware

    They have these all over the place in Phoenix. They are wired on the highway to flash at 7 over the posted limit, and they take a photo of both the plate and the driver. The red light cameras are even more obvious. There is a huge red line painted about 10' into the intersection - if you cross...
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    Bikers on Roads

    The crux of half the arguments in this thread. I'm afraid you are wrong. He had just as much business as you. I'm shocked at the complete arrogance of some of these comments. Then again, based on how people drive in this country, I shouldn't be that surprised.
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    Bikers on Roads

    Last week a friend of mine got a bunch of people (13 of us) together to bike to Olde Main for $1 pint night. Safer than driving, nice night, much more fun. As we are biking on a residential road, a moron in a car pulls up right behind us and starts honking and yelling and swearing at us to get...