Search results

  1. MrsWx4Cy

    Parking pass for Thur?

    Does anyone happen to have a parking pass for Thursday that they would like to sell / get rid of? We're not picky, we just need a place to park. Thanks, Tink
  2. MrsWx4Cy

    Pre-game Weather Alerts

    Don't forget to sign-up....
  3. MrsWx4Cy


    My sister is looking for good homes for a couple of puppies. Their mother died shortly after they were born and now they need to find homes. Here are some pics: Sheila Thompson's Photos - orphanage | Facebook Her email address is on the facebook page if you are interested.
  4. MrsWx4Cy

    Calling ISU Band Members

    KCCI will be doing a live shot during the morning show at Jack Trice this Saturday. Wondering if any band members would like to be on tv and provide some background music? If so, PM me and I'll hook you up with the producers/directors. PS...Cy, we could use you too if you're out there!!!
  5. MrsWx4Cy

    ISU Plates

    Got MY new I State plates today. XCYTINK It was fun although hard trying to come up with 5 different ideas. Can't wait to see what my hubby ends up with. Here are some ideas we had in case you are interested... WXORNOT TINKRBL SUPRCYZ FUNATIC My hubby wanted CYSMTRZ but we didn't...
  6. MrsWx4Cy

    Free Kittens

    If you'd like a free kitten send me a private message...
  7. MrsWx4Cy

    Weather Radio event

    Need a new weather radio or help programming the one that you have? 2009 NOAA Weather Radio Programming Event Stop by the WDM store and say 'hi'.
  8. MrsWx4Cy

    Gap Friends & Family Coupon

    You may have received this already but incase you haven't, here's a coupon for 30% off at all Gap, Inc. stores plus they'll give 5% to the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. 30% off your purchase can add up to alot. Happy Shopping...
  9. MrsWx4Cy

    Free to a good home

    This one is for the ladies...or a guy who maybe wants to score some brownie points with the ladies. I have a Coach coupon, good for $50 off a purchase of $150, to whoever says they want it first. It's good from 10/18 - 10/26. PM me if you are interested.
  10. MrsWx4Cy

    Breaking Weather News

    Funny stuff for all of you weather lovers here...and there seem to be a lot of you, especially on gameday. Meteorologists Predict Worst Autumn on Record « Watts Up With That?
  11. MrsWx4Cy

    Storm chasers wanted for reality series

    Received a call from a production company this afternoon needing chasers for a new eight-part reality series. They are not looking for "extreme" chasers looking to get 10 minutes of fame and then get killed. Rather they want real chasers from all walks of life (except tour groups --which have...
  12. MrsWx4Cy

    Basketball and Wrestling Weather Forecast

    Wow! My first post. Here goes... :jiggy: Grab your favorite cyclone snow scraper! Heading to the bb game today expect flurries with most of the accumulating snows beginning closer to 3pm with possibly an inch accumulating around the Ames area by 6pm. Wind chills near zero with highs near...