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  1. sunnysideup

    Winter Weather Feb 25th-27th:

    That deescalated quickly.
  2. sunnysideup

    Better Call Saul

    I was pretty certain that Kim almost crashing her car into the oil rig was foreshadowing something bad for her future.
  3. sunnysideup

    Millennials are killing chains like Buffalo Wild Wings and Applebee's

    This is how I am with BDubs. I like wings and I know I can get better elsewhere but this is a place I can go that the kids like and if they get unruly it's not a huge deal since it's a loud environment. Plus tons of TVs. I would not miss Applebees however. Haven't been to one in years and the...
  4. sunnysideup

    Craft Beer Sellouts

    This is how I go about my decision process. Unless it's something like Bourbon County I will skip over any AB InBev offering in lieu of something not owned by them every time.. Especially when it comes to core beers, you can find something to drink that is identical or better for nearly every...
  5. sunnysideup

    Craft Beer Sellouts

    If you haven't noticed over the last few weeks, Bruno, the owner of El Bait Shop, has taken a huge stand on this. He does still carry Bud Light because he knows that certain crowds, especially baseball crowds and non craft beer drinkers that get dragged into EBS with their friends, will drink...
  6. sunnysideup

    Craft Beer Sellouts

    Also that list includes pseudo craft beer brands like Blue Moon and Shock Top which never were craft breweries to begin with. Blue Moon was created by Coors and always brewed out of their Golden, CO facility and Shock Top is just another AB InBev creation brewed straight out of their facilities.
  7. sunnysideup

    Craft Beer Sellouts

    Boulevard is owned by Duvel which is a Belgian brewery however not connected to AB InBev.
  8. sunnysideup

    Craft Beer Sellouts

    The ones that sold out to AB InBev are the only ones that bother me. One reason is because in some states AB InBev is very active in lobbying for stricter beer regulation. They are especially notorious for this in Texas but also a lot of states down south. Their goal is to make brewing and...
  9. sunnysideup

    PTO Time .

    A lot of manufacturing union jobs do just this. Anything service/financial related though would be unrealistic.
  10. sunnysideup

    PTO Time .

    Anything FMLA approved is off limits for an employer to ask about or deny. Does this get abused? Hell yes it does. I know coworkers that have FMLA approval and I see facebook posts of them partying and other stuff then calling off and not getting in trouble for it. But legally it's off limits to...
  11. sunnysideup

    PTO Time .

    At my workplace you have to give 24 hour notice (or at least by the end of the prior work day) that you will be taking the next day off. If you don't give notice and you call off it's an occurrence and you only get so many of those within a calendar year before you get put on on some sort of...
  12. sunnysideup

    Better Call Saul

    Somewhere down the line Kim and Jimmy have to split up. I doubt she gets killed off because I don't think Jimmy would take the career path to become Saul if that happens. So I wonder if losing Mesa Verde might be the first piece of that puzzle.
  13. sunnysideup

    REPORT: Bryce Dejean-Jones has died

    No, the other guy really wasn't. Law in Texas states that you are well within your legal rights to use deadly force against another person who has unlawfully entered your property, and compound that with the fact that not only did BDJ enter, he kicked one door down and was in the process of...
  14. sunnysideup

    Iowa ending DST?

    Vote for permanent DST then. Why the **** do I need full daylight at 4:00am?
  15. sunnysideup

    When your wife got pregnant

    My wife had all day morning sickness from week 6 until the baby popped out... with both children.
  16. sunnysideup

    Star Wars Rogue One

    That would be the ultimate slap in the face to George if Disney were to reboot 1-3 and I don't see that happening. Guess we just have to live with three movies with a good story arc but horrible acting and dialog and god awful comic relief.
  17. sunnysideup

    Star Wars Rogue One

    If Disney really wanted to cash in and make everybody happy at the same time they would table the young Han Solo movie and instead reboot the prequels. But that'll never happen.
  18. sunnysideup

    Star Wars Rogue One

    Some fanboy made what he thought was his perfect order to watch the movies and this was it except one thing. He literally left out Phantom. And I can't really disagree. Phantom brings almost nothing to the table and if you ignore Phantom you get rid of the "midi-chlorians" which honestly was the...
  19. sunnysideup

    Star Wars Rogue One

    To the people complaining about lack of character development I think you are overthinking it all. This is a one off movie with one off characters who are only important to the story being told on the screen. Their role in capturing the death star plans is the only thing you really need to know...
  20. sunnysideup

    12/16 - 12/17 Snowstorm?

    Looks like it's shifted further north. Metro will probably get about an inch or two.