"Bears Finishing What Katrina Started"


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
Houston, TX
I have very mixed feeling about the Katrina storm and the aftermath. Part of me really feels for those that had no way out and are having a hard time to get their lives back on track. The other part of me is sickened to see the rise in crimes, and murders in Houston due to an unwanted element of a small group of people that are lingering around. Almost every school in Houston has had a spike in problems ever since their population exploded (not like they aren't overcrowded anyway).
But to get back on topic, this fan has crossed a line that should never be crossed. The majority of the people affected are good honest hardworking people that don't deserve a sign like that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Two responses to some of the comments earlier on this thread:

1) The Saints "fairy tale" story was not a media creation. Going from 3 wins to the NFC Championship game in one year created this. People love to see the perennial loser or underdog have a change in luck and win. All of the added adversity of the region due to the hurricane just added to the story. Make no mistake; this would have been a huge story anyway if it all played out exactly the same except for the hurricane.

2) What do a few bad apples relocating to Houston from New Orleans have to do with the moron and his sign that started this thread? I've lived all over the USA (including the Houston area...Sugar Land to be exact) and everywhere I've lived there has been a "bad element". I don't think the schools in the HISD were any "great shakes" prior to a few transplants from the Crescent City.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
Houston, TX
2) What do a few bad apples relocating to Houston from New Orleans have to do with the moron and his sign that started this thread? I've lived all over the USA (including the Houston area...Sugar Land to be exact) and everywhere I've lived there has been a "bad element". I don't think the schools in the HISD were any "great shakes" prior to a few transplants from the Crescent City.

Just to point out my view point on the issue as an educator and to show that I'm not just talking about an area that I now nothing about.
What that has to do with the sign is not really to point I was going at. The fact that I made statements about that area affected by what was written on the sign is more my point.