Meniscus repair


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SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
I have had both torn. First was football (impct) related in 1980, took 6 weeks recovery. 2nd was 2018 and nowhere near as bad….walked without crutches 2 days later. Either way I would recommend PT at first..learn the exercises and do them on your own. Best of luck!
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SuperFanatic T2
Dec 21, 2008
I'm still recovering from an MCL injury 16 years ago. Entirely my fault for rushing back info basketball then soccer while being lazy with the at home PT. Don't skimp on the PT would be my only advice.
Who was in college pre larry years? I sprained my MCL as a 16 year old in 2018


Nov 13, 2014
Hey there. Friendly neighborhood physical therapist here. I work in outpatient orthopedics and sports rehab and see a BUNCH of meniscus repairs. Sounds like not doing a meniscectomy so recovery will very based on the nature of the tear - peripheral/vertical vs. radial root. Different docs have different protocols for each and one allows for earlier weight bearing and pushing flexion range of motion quicker.

Regardless, DO YOUR PT EXERCISES. You’ll bounce back SO much quicker. You’ll be table level with exercises for 6 weeks. Likely off crutches by week 7/8. Transitioning to isolated weight bearing single leg exercises by week 10. Jogging/ double leg jumping by week 15 (pending strength testing) and likely full return to sports by week 18-20 (pending testing). Let me know if you need specifics. :)
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Nov 13, 2014
Oof. Missed you mentioning it was a radial root. Sorry man. 6 weeks non-weight bearing no exceptions and less aggressive ROM. Meniscus has poor blood supply and perfusion hence the precautions. I’ve seen too many people disregard precautions and ruin the surgery. :-/ stinker is you can’t really tell it happened until like 14 weeks in.

Let me know if you need rehab specifics and visit frequency recommendations.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
Oof. Missed you mentioning it was a radial root. Sorry man. 6 weeks non-weight bearing no exceptions and less aggressive ROM. Meniscus has poor blood supply and perfusion hence the precautions. I’ve seen too many people disregard precautions and ruin the surgery. :-/ stinker is you can’t really tell it happened until like 14 weeks in.

Let me know if you need rehab specifics and visit frequency recommendations.
Thanks for all of the info although a bit depressing. Question: after the six weeks, assuming I stay off it and don't screw it up, can I mess it up if I try to do too much?


Nov 13, 2014
Thanks for all of the info although a bit depressing. Question: after the six weeks, assuming I stay off it and don't screw it up, can I mess it up if I try to do too much?
Freak things can always happen and every activity carries risk. Biggest concern up until the 14 week mark is trying to avoid a loaded rotational moment at the knee (twisting while leg is planted) - really not likely to happen but just limits some exercises you can do in PT. I’ve had one re-tear post op but they slipped on ice (others have just straight up been non-compliant jackwaggons).

I’m not going to lie, the 1st 6 weeks are mentally tough. If you find a PT you gel with things will go great. Treat the first 6 weeks like training for a marathon - you’re building your base mileage for a solid foundation. Get your lateral hips and quads as ripped and tolerant to high, endurance-based reps. Learn to love blood flow restriction training. It’s a grind but find the joy in rebuilding and seeing progress. You REALLY have no need to do more than 2x week with formal PT (unless motion is tough). I have a lot of mine, if things look good, go 1x/wk weeks 3-6.

I work with a major university-based hospital system but we have about 90% of our athletes fully back to contact sport and activities post-RR meniscus repair by 22-24 weeks.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2011
With the extended “non weight bearing” period, I recommend a set of high tech crutches. “Mobile legs” is my recommendation. You’ll be glad you have them.


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