Idea: new forum rule suggestion


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
There is a rule on another message board that I think could help us, and I was looking for feedback from moderators and other posters to see what they thought about it. Here is the rule:

No repetitive negative posting: Get your point out, that's fine. But going over the same old ground post after post in a short amount of time is spamming the board, and the posts may be removed and the poster may be banned.

I have no problem with negative opinions, in fact mine are somewhat negative compared to a lot of other posters. I think that there are a lot of strong opinions on the basketball program especially right now, and frankly I would hate to see the board devolve into something like - just a huge group of people separated into the "merrymen" and the "BAM is terrible" crowds. I think we've already seen this begin.

We all get frustrated with the performance of teams when they lose, and especially when they play badly and it doesn't look like there is any effort out there. But I think we need to keep in mind that players are aware of what is said on here. Their families are aware of what is said on here in many circumstances. On the field or court we can become frustrated - but we're all Cyclones and everybody is doing their best out there.

When somebody posts repeatedly and negatively to try and prove a point about something, it galvanizes people against each other. And it has ruined boards in the past.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2006
Longview, TX
I think it is a great rule. I definitely think the "Negative Nancies" still need to be able to post their opinion. It's the American thing to do. They just don't need to rehash it over and over and over again like some members do.


Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 1, 2006
Ohh, I miss the old days with the daily Mac bashing threads.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2006
Des Moines, IA
The only problem with that is the repetitive posts are often due to constantly defending their opinions. Any time a 'negative Nancy' posts they get attacked by 10 'positive Pollys'. When it comes down to it, it goes both ways... It's a slippery slope, if you ban negative posting then it just turns into a praise fest, which it pretty boring imo...


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
I don't want to ban negative posting. I just want to stop the ultra-repetative negative posts. I wouldn't think this would be something enforced all that often.

For example, I don't have a problem with the "I have some serious doubts about McDermott" thread, because people are generally concise and clear about their opinions and leave it at that. Sometimes it just seems like people get convinced of something and they go out of their way to always let us know about it and derail threads. I just think it's something that could be addressed - like I said, I just don't want the board to turn into insideillini. People eat their young over there.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
42.186391, -93.598597
Wow, sounds like something that Pol Pot would come up with. There are buttholes everywhere, if they are annoying you eat some of their rep or better yet and shine 'em on as to why it isn't helping. This doesn't need a policy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2006
Why not just add a new forum:

"I've got my undies in a bunch and I need to crab about something."


Asst. Regional Manager
Staff member
Mar 28, 2006
We're diehard fans....anything not going the way we want, we'll bash. It's our nature. Then after a couple wins, we'll ease off and come to. Then we'll get hyped up during the offseason. It's a vicious cycle and I love it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Southernhawk would also say that this rule would also apply to negative posts about EIU. Seems like this would be a tough rule to apply. During game threads, it would limit comments. Post game threads, it might be one negative and out. I see that most of the negative and positive comments are related yet different. Most people post similar but with different takes. The Sedrick thread when we thought he was going to A&M was a Debbie Downer but it was a negative thing happening to us. So gfar the football team won 3 games and the bball team has won 4 conference games. To expect positive reactions from everyone is a stretch. Logicalfan added some interesting discussion and he was challenged.

Winning more games will cure the negativiy. When you are pretty much 10th or last in offensive bball categories and close behind in football, you should expect the doubters to ask why.

One of the stong suits is to get balanced viewpoint. Do we want to be like the DMR? Just asking - maybe poll worthy to find group opinion.

Rememeber that we just experienced the worst half of Big 12 offense and then our best half of the season. That is like going from zero degrees to 80 degrees in forty minutes.
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