The Jim Criner Myth


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
Re: Walden inherited 55 scholarship players from Criner

The NCAA limit was 95 at the time (now 85) and ISU only had 55 scholarship players when Walden took over. That was my Sr. year of high school, he went 3-8. My first two years of college we went 5-6 and 6-5, and lost a bunch of tough games against Iowa, Minnesota and Oklahoma. In fact, Walden was in a position to beat Iowa both of those years and we absolutely had OU if the coaching staff hadn't suspended our kicker Jeff Shudak because of an argument in practice. No one disliked Walden more than I did by the time he left, but he got off to a very good start. He got things going quickly and recruited some good players -- Marcus Robertson, Brett Oberg, Blaise Bryant -- to go with the good players left by Criner (Keith Sims, Jeff Dole, Gene Williams). What's amazing is how bad things went for Walden his last few years. At the end he couldn't recruit anyone.

That's right, Walden did okay in the beginning. I think we actually we had 60-65 scholarships, but still that was 20+ below everyone else. It was like being 1-AA, so Walden came in and did a decent job all things considered. Its when he thought that it was too windy at the stadium, and decided to switch to the option that we totally tanked and he drug us down into the gutter. Moron. I also think he gave up.
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May 10, 2006
I do like Mac's commitment to ISU and his passion to be here, but the best Coach in my mind will always be Earle Bruce... the Criner's, Duncan's and Waldon's were jokes....Maybe Earle should come out of retirement....HITMAN


The move that changed the history of ISU football, and fund raising was when Woody Hayes smacked a rival player. Hence we immediately lose Earl Bruce. Follow with Duncan and Criner. Duncan new at the time, all he had to do was beat Iowa and he could get get by before headed to greater dreams, he used ISU 100%, period. Criner was Criner, mind games and all, enough said. Walden picked up the remaining carnage and tried to move on, there wasn't a chance in hell. No money, no upper level support, he knew his second year he was in trouble.

Recommittment happened with Mac and the new president.