Twister Sister Summary - ISU wins close one in OT


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
Lamoni, IA
These were the best of times and the worst of times. It was a night that would bring victory after some very strange twists and turns. Let's start with the worst of it.

Bolte couldn't find the inside of the basket most of the evening going 3 for 16. Perhaps the worst was getting a nice feed, having a wide open lane to the hoop and clanking a clear layup. The look on her face afterwards (this was miss # 10 or 11) told it all. It wasn't her night.

Prins missed some point blank bunnies. Pop missed a couple too. The worst? Prins airballs a layup, Pop gets the board and promptly airballs her point blank shot.

Cole had to play extensive time at the point and had some ugly turnovers. Some of the unforced variety.

Loz either wouldn't shoot or couldn't find the basket.

Big C was "manhandled" most of the evening by the rough and tough Texas defenders.

I'm sure there are a few other examples, but that gives you the idea of the downside of the night. What was the upside?

This was a game between two very evenly matched teams. Perhaps the only difference is that ISU was rated and UT wasn't. Both teams had some good wins and both had disappeared in some ugly losses. Both teams were 6-6 in the conference. Both teams were coming off games Saturday although Texas had a blow out loss and ISU had a blowout win. I have to mention that the sight of Hilton decked out in white (t-shirts over every seat) was amazing. The picture can be found on line. It was definitely a "white-out."

From the get-go, the game was a scratch your eyes out, rough and tumble battle. Neither of the teams were able to build a lead that lasted very long. Perhaps the most anticlimactic moment was Bolte opening up the night with a three that set the team record for consecutive games with a three. We needed to cherish it because the night behind the stripe would belong to UT not the sisters.

The teams would go back and forth throughout the first half trading turnovers, baskets, and showing hard nosed defense. Two things helped both teams. For UT, it was mental lapses on D by the ladies in red that led to some uncontested three point baskets. I'm not sure what she has done all year, but #5 for UT (Kathleen Nash) scares me. She is an athlete that can slash to the hole and has the prettiest three point shot next to Bolte (when she's hitting). She seemed to come up with some daggers against us and I couldn't believe Gail didn't have her in the game more. The stats say she had 39 minutes but I know that can't be right as she sat a big chunk of the first half with 2 fouls. For ISU, it would be those fouls that would help. While UT was hitting 3's, we were hitting free throws. UT's big girls got called for about 60% of the fouls they committed and by game's end two of the three would foul out. ISU would go on to hit 13 of 18 free throws…not the best percentage, but Pop was the big beneficiary and we all know that her free throw shooting can often be an adventure. Her hitting 75% was a good thing.

I kept looking at the stat board all night and it matched what we saw on the court. In the beginning both teams were shooting hot (over 50%). This settled down as the the teams did and throughout the night the stat lines were nearly identical. Same shooting percentages, steals, turnovers, etc. The key separator was rebounds as ISU would lead that category throughout and end up with a 44-37 total (which was closer due to some late flurries by UT where the missed and got offensive boards).

This was a nail bitter all the way with neither team being able to put the other away. At one point UT would score two 3's to go up six (a couple of defensive lapses) and I thought that actually could be trouble. I resorted to the "power of the pops" and the game was on. From the 6 1/2 minute mark on the ladies not only fought back, but seemed to take control of the game. It honestly felt like UT was in catch-up mode from that point on. The heartbreak struck. ISU was nursing a lead, had the chance to score and go up by two possessions and…boom…the tire went flat. We missed and UT would score and easy layup to tie the game. Bolt would have the last shot and just like the rest of the night her jumper from the free throw line bounced out. Overtime.

The overtime period was a thing of beauty. ISU dominated from the jump ball (again the officials had to go to the video review to determine who won the jump after it went out of bounds. Personally I think they played rock, paper scissors and gave it to UT). The ladies literally kicked butt outscoring the longhorns 12-3 in the overtime. I think the schedule and travel caught up with UT a bit more than us as they didn't seem to even get close with most of their shots. The tank was empty and two of their big girls were on the bench after fouling out. The crowd stood and roared on every defensive stand ISU would make. This was fun to watch. I watched Bolt miss another and had just told my dad that she was going to make one that was important and whamo! (like the batman sound effects?) she closed the night with a dagger three that made our lead too much for UT. Game over. Turn out the lights. ISU wins 66-57.

Jess started for the sisters for the second straight game. I like what she brings to the court. I also like that she is a well spoken young woman as she was interviewed after the game. Four points, five boards and some great defense. I like her style.

Another player that impressed me was Cole. Yes, she had a couple of "doh!" moments with turnovers (that was it - only two), but she had to spend a lot of time leading the team while Loz had foul trouble. Cole did a fantastic job and honestly brought a bit more energy at times to the game.

Bolt. Coach F said after the game he should have pulled her to give her time to get her legs, but kept thinking she was going to hit the next shot. She didn't. She really struggled from the field missing wide open shots with seeming ease. What she did do was important. She sealed the record for ISU and she hit a dagger three pointer in overtime that gave ISU an insurmountable lead. During the first half she stopped shooting and obviously Bill challenged her at halftime. In the second she kept trying even while missing.

Big C is showing a maturity and has obviously adjusted to the Big 12 style game. Some of the shots she made were purely athletic as she bends and moves like no other person on our team. She just gets beat up at times because of her "size." I suspect we will see that change some during the coming years.

Prins looks like she is growing up too. She played some very good defense and after missing some early bunnies she settled down and calmly scored 13. What she still needs to work on is strength. She had numerous boards taken away from her. She was also obviously tired as her sweet three point shot (made one) was way off most of the night.

Loz had a rough night. Got into foul trouble as some were not "smart." She reminds me of a little dog that keeps coming after your ankle. She never backs down, never stops coming at you. She has a lot of bark and some bite. I think the fouls never really allowed her to get into the game the way she normally does and she had a shooting night comparable to Bolt's.

Player of the game - Pop. Very workmanlike performance. She rebounded. She scored hard baskets underneath. She hit free throws. She had attitude. She did what we needed to win this one by scoring 23, grabbing 11 boards, and playing hard nosed defense while only committing 2 fouls. Wow. Very fun to watch.

The crowd was probably the best I've experienced this season. They were loud from the opening horn and I think helped the ladies. This was especially true in OT as they willed the ladies to play outstanding defense that shut UT down.

The officials were the most clueless bunch of pinstripes that I think I've ever seen. I took my dad to this game (his first in a long time) and he said the game was obviously moving faster than these three boneheads could keep up with. They either missed calls, actually got some right or had to refer to the video replay to make decisions (which the did 3-4 times). Terrible group that I hope I never see again.

Tough gritty game by both squads. One last observation. Watch the way Bill Fennelly coaches, interacts with players, talks to the officials, etc. Then watch other coaches. Gail's players mirrored her just as Bill's players mirror him. You NEVER see our players whining to an official about a foul call. You saw UT players (especially #22 - Ashley Gail) walking around with the "who, me?" look and whining to the officials all night. Gail pretty much did the same. I wonder if ESPN caught her on national TV throwing her clip board to the floor in disgust?

Three games left. Our seed in the tourney is waiting. Big one at KSU Sat and then back home Tuesday for a rematch with KU. Be there people. This is getting fun.

Make sure you see the post game video at:
Post-game Lockerroom Celebration vs. Texas -


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2006
Sycamore, IL
Only thing I would add is that it appeared on TV that the officials went to the video to determine if elbows to the face were intentional or not. They were pretty obviously not on review, but probably the right call for them to do.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2010
pretty sure we got away with a lot of calls that should have gone against us last night but im not complaining. thank god it went to OT so we could cover the spread and i stopped my credit losing streak


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2006
Only thing I would add is that it appeared on TV that the officials went to the video to determine if elbows to the face were intentional or not. They were pretty obviously not on review, but probably the right call for them to do.

Right. That's what they did right after the OT jump. Nash took an elbow to the nose from Schroll. It was inadvertent and they went to the monitor to make sure Schroll wasn't throwing an elbow (which she wasn't). Texas got the jump ball but promptly turned it over early in their possession when Nash let a pass go OB.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010

Another great summary. Thanks. One thing maybe to add - Coach F. definitely had a deliberate plan of frequently rotating the bigs - kept them fresh. Obvious that Z didn't see the court.


Mar 11, 2006
What has happened to Zimmerman, is she sick, injured or in the dog house? She only played maybe a couple of minutes last Saturday at the end of the game. Did she play at all last night?


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Feb 23, 2009
SW Iowa
I hope Z doesn't get down about her playing time cause we need the matchup problems she causes with her shooting against some teams.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2006
Sloan, Iowa
Nice summary, and a couple comments.

Nash (#5) sat with 2 fouls from 11:12 in the first and then was reentered into the game off and on in the last 4 minutes, playing 14 in the half. Then she played the 2nd half and overtime without being taken out (25 minutes). Also, the officials checking the replay was to see if any elbows were thrown... also at the start of the overtime, and that was not to determine whose ball it was but rather if an intentional shot was taken (it wasnt either time). Appropriate by the officials. I thought 2 of the officials actually did pretty well to be honest. The third (my opinion) was at best lost part of the time. Great gutty win by ISU.

These were the best of times and the worst of times. It was a night that would bring victory after some very strange twists and turns. Let's start with the worst of it.

Bolte couldn't find the inside of the basket most of the evening going 3 for 16. Perhaps the worst was getting a nice feed, having a wide open lane to the hoop and clanking a clear layup. The look on her face afterwards (this was miss # 10 or 11) told it all. It wasn't her night.

Prins missed some point blank bunnies. Pop missed a couple too. The worst? Prins airballs a layup, Pop gets the board and promptly airballs her point blank shot.

Cole had to play extensive time at the point and had some ugly turnovers. Some of the unforced variety.

Loz either wouldn't shoot or couldn't find the basket.

Big C was "manhandled" most of the evening by the rough and tough Texas defenders.

I'm sure there are a few other examples, but that gives you the idea of the downside of the night. What was the upside?

This was a game between two very evenly matched teams. Perhaps the only difference is that ISU was rated and UT wasn't. Both teams had some good wins and both had disappeared in some ugly losses. Both teams were 6-6 in the conference. Both teams were coming off games Saturday although Texas had a blow out loss and ISU had a blowout win. I have to mention that the sight of Hilton decked out in white (t-shirts over every seat) was amazing. The picture can be found on line. It was definitely a "white-out."

From the get-go, the game was a scratch your eyes out, rough and tumble battle. Neither of the teams were able to build a lead that lasted very long. Perhaps the most anticlimactic moment was Bolte opening up the night with a three that set the team record for consecutive games with a three. We needed to cherish it because the night behind the stripe would belong to UT not the sisters.

The teams would go back and forth throughout the first half trading turnovers, baskets, and showing hard nosed defense. Two things helped both teams. For UT, it was mental lapses on D by the ladies in red that led to some uncontested three point baskets. I'm not sure what she has done all year, but #5 for UT (Kathleen Nash) scares me. She is an athlete that can slash to the hole and has the prettiest three point shot next to Bolte (when she's hitting). She seemed to come up with some daggers against us and I couldn't believe Gail didn't have her in the game more. The stats say she had 39 minutes but I know that can't be right as she sat a big chunk of the first half with 2 fouls. For ISU, it would be those fouls that would help. While UT was hitting 3's, we were hitting free throws. UT's big girls got called for about 60% of the fouls they committed and by game's end two of the three would foul out. ISU would go on to hit 13 of 18 free throws…not the best percentage, but Pop was the big beneficiary and we all know that her free throw shooting can often be an adventure. Her hitting 75% was a good thing.

I kept looking at the stat board all night and it matched what we saw on the court. In the beginning both teams were shooting hot (over 50%). This settled down as the the teams did and throughout the night the stat lines were nearly identical. Same shooting percentages, steals, turnovers, etc. The key separator was rebounds as ISU would lead that category throughout and end up with a 44-37 total (which was closer due to some late flurries by UT where the missed and got offensive boards).

This was a nail bitter all the way with neither team being able to put the other away. At one point UT would score two 3's to go up six (a couple of defensive lapses) and I thought that actually could be trouble. I resorted to the "power of the pops" and the game was on. From the 6 1/2 minute mark on the ladies not only fought back, but seemed to take control of the game. It honestly felt like UT was in catch-up mode from that point on. The heartbreak struck. ISU was nursing a lead, had the chance to score and go up by two possessions and…boom…the tire went flat. We missed and UT would score and easy layup to tie the game. Bolt would have the last shot and just like the rest of the night her jumper from the free throw line bounced out. Overtime.

The overtime period was a thing of beauty. ISU dominated from the jump ball (again the officials had to go to the video review to determine who won the jump after it went out of bounds. Personally I think they played rock, paper scissors and gave it to UT). The ladies literally kicked butt outscoring the longhorns 12-3 in the overtime. I think the schedule and travel caught up with UT a bit more than us as they didn't seem to even get close with most of their shots. The tank was empty and two of their big girls were on the bench after fouling out. The crowd stood and roared on every defensive stand ISU would make. This was fun to watch. I watched Bolt miss another and had just told my dad that she was going to make one that was important and whamo! (like the batman sound effects?) she closed the night with a dagger three that made our lead too much for UT. Game over. Turn out the lights. ISU wins 66-57.

Jess started for the sisters for the second straight game. I like what she brings to the court. I also like that she is a well spoken young woman as she was interviewed after the game. Four points, five boards and some great defense. I like her style.

Another player that impressed me was Cole. Yes, she had a couple of "doh!" moments with turnovers (that was it - only two), but she had to spend a lot of time leading the team while Loz had foul trouble. Cole did a fantastic job and honestly brought a bit more energy at times to the game.

Bolt. Coach F said after the game he should have pulled her to give her time to get her legs, but kept thinking she was going to hit the next shot. She didn't. She really struggled from the field missing wide open shots with seeming ease. What she did do was important. She sealed the record for ISU and she hit a dagger three pointer in overtime that gave ISU an insurmountable lead. During the first half she stopped shooting and obviously Bill challenged her at halftime. In the second she kept trying even while missing.

Big C is showing a maturity and has obviously adjusted to the Big 12 style game. Some of the shots she made were purely athletic as she bends and moves like no other person on our team. She just gets beat up at times because of her "size." I suspect we will see that change some during the coming years.

Prins looks like she is growing up too. She played some very good defense and after missing some early bunnies she settled down and calmly scored 13. What she still needs to work on is strength. She had numerous boards taken away from her. She was also obviously tired as her sweet three point shot (made one) was way off most of the night.

Loz had a rough night. Got into foul trouble as some were not "smart." She reminds me of a little dog that keeps coming after your ankle. She never backs down, never stops coming at you. She has a lot of bark and some bite. I think the fouls never really allowed her to get into the game the way she normally does and she had a shooting night comparable to Bolt's.

Player of the game - Pop. Very workmanlike performance. She rebounded. She scored hard baskets underneath. She hit free throws. She had attitude. She did what we needed to win this one by scoring 23, grabbing 11 boards, and playing hard nosed defense while only committing 2 fouls. Wow. Very fun to watch.

The crowd was probably the best I've experienced this season. They were loud from the opening horn and I think helped the ladies. This was especially true in OT as they willed the ladies to play outstanding defense that shut UT down.

The officials were the most clueless bunch of pinstripes that I think I've ever seen. I took my dad to this game (his first in a long time) and he said the game was obviously moving faster than these three boneheads could keep up with. They either missed calls, actually got some right or had to refer to the video replay to make decisions (which the did 3-4 times). Terrible group that I hope I never see again.

Tough gritty game by both squads. One last observation. Watch the way Bill Fennelly coaches, interacts with players, talks to the officials, etc. Then watch other coaches. Gail's players mirrored her just as Bill's players mirror him. You NEVER see our players whining to an official about a foul call. You saw UT players (especially #22 - Ashley Gail) walking around with the "who, me?" look and whining to the officials all night. Gail pretty much did the same. I wonder if ESPN caught her on national TV throwing her clip board to the floor in disgust?

Three games left. Our seed in the tourney is waiting. Big one at KSU Sat and then back home Tuesday for a rematch with KU. Be there people. This is getting fun.

Make sure you see the post game video at:
Post-game Lockerroom Celebration vs. Texas -


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
Lamoni, IA
Nice summary, and a couple comments.

Nash (#5) sat with 2 fouls from 11:12 in the first and then was reentered into the game off and on in the last 4 minutes, playing 14 in the half. Then she played the 2nd half and overtime without being taken out (25 minutes). Also, the officials checking the replay was to see if any elbows were thrown... also at the start of the overtime, and that was not to determine whose ball it was but rather if an intentional shot was taken (it wasnt either time). Appropriate by the officials. I thought 2 of the officials actually did pretty well to be honest. The third (my opinion) was at best lost part of the time. Great gutty win by ISU.

A definitely appreciate the clarifications on the OT video review. I was writing this AM and obviously forgot some of the detail on that one. I thought the officials were nearly a step behind throughout the entire game. Not saying we didn't get away with some things as we most surely did. Perfect example was hooking by Prins early in the game. Some might argue what she was doing wouldn't qualify, but the officials need to be consistent in calling it. Tough job to have, but just as we expect much from our coaches we should also expect the officials to be just as good.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Ankeny, IA
Z hasnt played much mostly because of her defense.. she is not a very good defensive player and with Big C stepping up.. Z hasnt been able to crack the rotation.. Im sure she will be just fine..


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
I was impressed with the little things that Scholl did. Her toughness wore on texas last night. She needs a bigger mention. In crunch time, she did a great job.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
I was impressed with the little things that Scholl did. Her toughness wore on texas last night. She needs a bigger mention. In crunch time, she did a great job.

I totally agree - she had a nice game. Also, it's likely been stated, but can't underestimate the contribution of Popp - she is an absolute horse inside.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Ankeny, IA
I was impressed with the little things that Scholl did. Her toughness wore on texas last night. She needs a bigger mention. In crunch time, she did a great job.
she held, possibly, the best freshman in the conference to two points... ya i would say she did a heck of a job... also that block she had was sick


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2007
Z hasnt played much mostly because of her defense.. she is not a very good defensive player and with Big C stepping up.. Z hasnt been able to crack the rotation.. Im sure she will be just fine..

She is slower now than she was earlier in the summer when she lost 20 lbs.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2006
Sloan, Iowa
I agree.. that is part of the game.. but I agree.. Prins did get away with a couple hooks on drives (she really really needs to control that better), and at the same time though Hartung's huge charge for the 5th foul was a quite weak call IMHO, but I also remember numerous times earlier her getting away with egregious (that is obvious and huge) illegal screens that were not called. But all in all not a horribly called game, just some inconsistency that happened.. Again, I think two not perfect but adequate officials and one who was more or less out of it.

A definitely appreciate the clarifications on the OT video review. I was writing this AM and obviously forgot some of the detail on that one. I thought the officials were nearly a step behind throughout the entire game. Not saying we didn't get away with some things as we most surely did. Perfect example was hooking by Prins early in the game. Some might argue what she was doing wouldn't qualify, but the officials need to be consistent in calling it. Tough job to have, but just as we expect much from our coaches we should also expect the officials to be just as good.


Apr 11, 2010
This was the first game this season I went to (I usually go to 6-7 a season). I must say the crowd was awesome last night. It might not be the biggest of the season, but it was definitely the loudest.

Acoustimac, that was very well said. I enjoy reading your postings after every game because you always put it in the best words.

My opinion of the game is that it was probably good to have Bolte have one poor shooting night. It gave the chance for the young players to be a leader. Let someone else have to take charge and make some shots. Now imagine what the score would of been with Bolte having a good shooting night?

Pops, for the most part, was amazing. 23 points! Wow! She did have a few mistakes but she made up for them by taking charges and scoring.

Prins also had a good night, but I think this summer she should work on strength and endurance. Once she gets tired she can't stroke it from down town, and that is a big key to her game by making her defenders guard her beyond the arc. It opens up the lane.

I hope that Kelsey Harris and Z don't get discourage by not coming off the bench much. Kelsey Harris got a little playing time and Z none. I think Kelsey Harris will be the next Bolte someday. I think she will be a good 3 for next year. Well, Z, I don't know what is going on there.

Even when Bolte had a bad shooting night she never gave up! She found a way to contribute even if it wasn't obvious.

Mansfield has had a poor night picking up fouls. I think 2 of them were blocking fouls. I know one was a pretty close call that ended up in a foul. Mansfield had to sit out when times were tough.

Chas showed that she can handle pressure and step up when it counts.

Schroll came out with aggression.