NFL: Vikes Trade for Allen?

Arkansas Cyclone

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
Bentonville, Arkansas
nice article. Regarding the DUI concern, Minnesota worked a clause into his contract that will allow them to recoup almost half of Allen's signing bonus, should he get into trouble again before May of 2009. They skirted the CBA (which normally doesn't allow a team to recoup signing bonus money) by spreading his signing bonus out over the first 3 years of the contract. This year, Allen gets like $15 mil of the bonus, plus $750K in salary. Next year, his salary goes up to like $7 mil, and he collects another $7 mil of his signing bonus. Third year is similar. What it means is, that if he get's in trouble with the law again, the Vikings will terminate the contract, and he will only get what has been paid to him.
Yes it is a risk to take a guy with two DUI's, but Minnesota made sure that they had some safeguards in place.

Man, if someone dangles 70-something mil with 30-something mil guaranteed under my nose I'd probably give up the drinking too....well, maybe....ok, yeah I would :wink: