Suggestions for Falling/Staying Asleep!!


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 13, 2011
I've been fighting this for a couple of years now. I struggle to fall asleep, and when I finally do it's not uncommon that I wake up wide-awake at 3:00am and struggle once again to fall asleep. I've tried Melatonin pills but they leave me hungover so bad the next day that its worse than not sleeping. I'll have a glass of bourbon, which will help to fall asleep but then wake up at 3:00 still. While taking a toke of Indica works fantastic to remedy everything I can't use it for professional reasons.

Anybody else deal with this? What are your remedies?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
Cedar Falls
What does your relationship with screens look like?
When I had my worst bouts of sleep issues they were heavily affected by the volume and timing of screen usage. In particular, late night phone usage messed with my eyes.
And that's not even getting into the potential anxiety inducing side of things.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2009
Behind you
I haven't been as bad at falling asleep recently, but I do wake up around 2-3 am like clockwork, and sometimes struggle getting back to sleep. Wish I had useful advice but I really don't, the only thing I'll do if it's 3 am and I'm not able to fall back asleep is get up and go downstairs, pour a drink, and just hang out and read for a half hour or so, mix in some box breathing. It's not good to just lay in bed for a long stretch when unable to fall asleep, you want your mind to associate bed with sleep and not stress.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2010
Welcome to Oldvile. Population: Us.

I struggle with restless limbs - primarily legs. Finally found an Rx that seems to help, but I still have nights that are full of interrupted sleep. If it's bad, consider seeing a sleep center or specialist.

Yet, I still have nights that I wake up in "the witching hour:" 2:30 - 3:30. Often, it's from some dream and I'll be covered in a sheen of sweat with my heart racing. Not soaking, but definitely uncomfortable.

If my mind is too active, good luck getting back to sleep anytime soon. I've tried the 4-7-8 breathing method and that seems to help some. Reading, especially fiction, allows my mind to settle back down. The wife doesn't appreciate it when I turn the light on, though!

There's a lot to be said about not having your phone in your room. I prefer the alarm settings on my phone rather than an alarm clock, so make it a practice to not check news, FB, X, Cyclone Fanatic or anything else between 9 pm - 8 am. Easier said than done some days!

I wish I had a definitive answer for you. I was so happy when I first went on meds and realized "oh, this is what a good sleep is supposed to feel like!"

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 11, 2006
stay away from alcohol. It will put you to sleep, but the sleep quality will be very poor and you will also wake up. Melatonin should be used more to set your circadian rhythm rather than to put you to sleep. Still take it, but lower the dosage. There are a lot of things people try, tons of supplements out there, I have tried a lot of them and most did not really work for me. Just a lot of charlatans out there. The industry is going to tell you that you need 8 hours or your health is going to go to crap, and why wouldn't they, the sleep industry is billions. A couple of things to look into. Get your thyroid checked, your A1C, and maybe schedule a sleep study at a sleep clinic. I highly recommend a book called Set it and Forget It.

Sighclone Fan

Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
Taking Magnesium has helped me with restless legs at night. I also struggle with falling to and staying asleep. Exercise is supposed to help with sleep. I'm not sure I have noticed a difference on days when I am active vs not.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 27, 2006
I've been fighting this for a couple of years now. I struggle to fall asleep, and when I finally do it's not uncommon that I wake up wide-awake at 3:00am and struggle once again to fall asleep. I've tried Melatonin pills but they leave me hungover so bad the next day that its worse than not sleeping. I'll have a glass of bourbon, which will help to fall asleep but then wake up at 3:00 still. While taking a toke of Indica works fantastic to remedy everything I can't use it for professional reasons.

Anybody else deal with this? What are your remedies?
Have you ever had a sleep study to see if you have sleep apnea?


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 11, 2006
Sleep has been an ongoing battle for me.

My current regimen is Magnesium Glycinate gummies, Melatonin gummies, Peach Sleepytime tea. I have blackout curtains in my bedroom and no lights. I have a meditation mix of music on my iPhone on a timer to turn off automatically. I am generally asleep within 10 minutes of my head hitting the pillow.

I have drastically reduced sugar in my diet as I found that the more sugar I consumed caused my restlessness. Now that the weather is improving, I am trying to get 10,000 steps a day and generally be more active.

This is the stuff that is working for me, best of luck to those with similar struggles
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
May 21, 2008
What does your relationship with screens look like?
When I had my worst bouts of sleep issues they were heavily affected by the volume and timing of screen usage. In particular, late night phone usage messed with my eyes.
And that's not even getting into the potential anxiety inducing side of things.

This is my issue too. If I don't watch any TV after 6pm, sleep isn't that bad. Minimize computer and phone use after that time. Early dinner. Take a shower before going to bed. All this worked much better than any herbs and medications.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Blue Grass IA-Jensen Beach FL
My biggie is caffeine after 6 PM. Was a huge Pepsi/Mt Dew drinker. Could not get to sleep.

I Stopped it mostly except one in the morning (I don't do coffee). Once in a while out for dinner and will order a cola drink. Still not too bothersome as long as I don't get it refilled 3-4 times. I don't normally hit the sack until 11:30 or so.

Also, I try not to drink much in the evening. Old person and bladder needs at 3 or 4 AM make it necessary to wake up and go. Then I lie there wanting to go back to sleep....


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2020
Skip the THC and go for some CBD. I love the calming effects and it absolutely helps me wind down. Dave Bartoo who used to be on Sports Fanatics has a CBD company called Hemp for Pros that has a ton of options.


Year-round tailgater
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 17, 2009
Maybe try some of the soothing background noise apps.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
Omaha, NE
How much melatonin were you taking? We use 3-5 mg for myself and kids and never had a "hangover" effect. Everyone is different so who knows.
I'm not sure high doeses are good and even think 5 is a little more than I should take.
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