First Day

Flag Guy

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2007
Yeah, I'm an Aero E. I had superfan as a TA last semester, and I'm in class with him this semester. I've talked to you before, but you may not remember me. I'm the tuba player who makes the airhorn noise.

I reeeeeeeeeally wanted to run in and peg him with a snow ball while he was proctering the final... but I thought of the idea just a little too late :no:

Probally for the best, Superfan told me Chimenti would have killed me


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2006
Ames via Sioux Falls, SD
I reeeeeeeeeally wanted to run in and peg him with a snow ball while he was proctering the final... but I thought of the idea just a little too late :no:

Probally for the best, Superfan told me Chimenti would have killed me

Yeah, and according to the beliefs of many, Chimenti's on steroids. He'd probably use his martial arts that he practices so often to break your arms.

Flag Guy

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2007
And here I thought we had it bad in the Mat E department with Ralph "The undergraduate program is like a tensile test: Apply stress to see how they (the students) fail" Napolitano...

All he does is get a sick demented pleasure from proving how much smarter than you he is and having us program models of everything... he doesn't practice martial arts to break our arms :eek: (He just writes tests to break our spirits, then gives us pop quizes over the stuff we missed to "help raise our grades" afterwards...)

Though I understand Chimenti isn't very nice in the test department either....


SuperFanatic T2
Apr 11, 2006
Bettendorf, IA
Premkumar. My roommate had her a couple years ago and she was exactly like he described her.

She told these jokes and only one person laughed. It was very awkward.

Yes! I had her too and I was usually one of the people that laughed, not at her joke but at the fact that the joke was so bad that only one person laughed.