***Official Insider Information Weekly Mailbag 11-3-2019***

Thoughts on this Week's Mailbag

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Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
First and foremost, a few links:
Our official question submissions thread: https://cyclonefanatic.com/forum/th...n-weekly-mailbag-questions-submission.251174/

Link to past mailbags (if bored and need some reading material):

Insider Information Weekly Mailbag 11-6-2019
Presented by Darlinstone Dubar IPA
With special guest Gunnerclone

@cyrocksmypants asks: top 5 things you hate the most?
the modern rural lifestyle/culture, posers, being hungover, Michelob Ultra commercials, people that aren’t genuinely funny but know what to say and do to be considered “funny”
Pants: In no particular order: country music, soccer, wearing pants, boring socks, fake people
GTO: social media influencers, folding a fitted sheet, “live+love+laugh” signs, drivers who are really slow at turning into a driveway, NASCAR.

@NWICY with three totally unrelated questions:
-Well boys hate to say it but I'm picking against the Clones this weekend. Cheering for them hell yes picking them nope. How about you guys?
-So is @GTO out this week or are you just bringing in some extra help for the week?
-A question for the morning what is your go to wake up drink? Water,coffee, soda,OJ,a shot of whiskey?
I think we have a shot, but it will be a close game throughout. I’ll pick the Clones. We brought in Gunner just as a guest this week. We’ll probably have different guests every other week or so. Morning drink? Embarrassed to admit it is a Coke Zero. I don’t drink coffee, so that is my morning caffeine.
Gunner:We will probably lose but I’m still picking State. I think the coaching staff was hiding BP last game and he will be unleashed like the May 3rd 1999 Moore Tornado and he’s going to be rambling and rumbling from downtown OKC all the way across Toby Keith Blvd down to Norman. GTO is still IN. My morning drink is tea or diet Mountain Dew.
Pants: -Clones win. They’re making up for the OSU loss this week.
-We’re just grooming people to see who will replace us.
-I don’t drink a whole lot throughout the day, but first thing in the morning is probably a glass of almond milk or an iced coffee.

@jcyclonee asks: Why are we asking questions in the wrong thread?
Don’t you dare ever ******* question me again. I will end you.
GTO: Great job noticing. Pants was just testing you to see if you remembered the mailbag rules.
Gunner: $$$$

@Sigmapolis with multiple questions as well:
I have three questions for next week.
-What are the chances that Tyrese Haliburton returns for his junior season?
-Best Big 12 city? Worst? Why? (including Ames)
And just for @Gunnerclone...
-Last week, both of you referenced Emma Watson as very high on your "all-time list." Would you mind articulate who are the Top 5 women on said list and why? Thanks.
I’d say 50/50 at this point. If he blows up during the season then that obviously changes. Best big 12 City is Boul….oops. Gotta go with Ames as the best. Now the “worst” is tough but I’m going a different direction here and saying Lawrence because the party has been lame every time I’ve been there relative to the hype level I was being fed. Another Top 5. Cool. Cool. Top 5 babes right now: Selena Gomez, Hallie Jackson, Rose Lavelle, Emily Sutton, and Ellen Hoog
Pants: -Pretty good, although I honestly didn’t see THT being a draft pick last year and it ended up happening. He’s going to have a problem at the next level with his slow and low release and I could see that being a pause for some people.
-I’m going to exclude Ames for obvious reasons. Best: Lawrence is gorgeous, but the people suck. Morgantown is actually super cool, but it’s in West Virginia. OSU would be cool if you counted Oklahoma City, but you can’t, because it’s Stillwater. I’ll probably go with Lawrence because the campus is super nice.
-In no particular order: Natalie Portman, Shannon Woodward, Grace Helbig, Emma Watson, Emilia Clarke. It’s kind of forever changing, but Natalie has ALWAYS been on there, so it’s probably safe to say she’s my number 1 and the others are 2-5.
GTO: Man, I think the chances of Tyrese coming back are slim to none. It would take an injury or him having a terrible season for him to return. For the second question, I love Ames, but I will have to go with Austin, TX hands down. Lots to do in that town. Worst city? Waco. That place is a dump. There is a reason Chip and Joanna Gaines will never run out of houses to remodel in that town.
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Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@Doc continuing the targeted questions: For @Gunnerclone, what do you look for when buying flower?
Also, for Gunner, let's talk the national pastime...is a good changeup or a good breaking ball more important for a pitcher to have?
I’m looking for insane amounts of trichomes first. Frostier the better. Then bud size and density. Depends on how good your fastball is Rickie.
GTO: Just sitting here waiting for some @GTO questions… **** it, I’ll answer anyway. When looking at flowers, I check that the edges of the flower are not drying up, that the stalk is not drooping down (also check it is not being artificially propped), and look for some that may have some of the flowers not fully bloomed yet (will give a nice staggered blooming effect later on). A good changeup is better than a breaking ball, as it relies more on the pitcher’s cleverness and timing than raw strength. A pitcher could lose strength and velocity and still have an effective changeup, but not a breaking ball.
Pants: Are we talking about the marijuana? That’s illegal. GTO, please embed this link for awareness.

Why do we keep talking about baseball? Baseball sucks.
GTO: That question was about the ganja? Totally missed that.

@cmjh10 asks: For Gunner, Why did you turn into a ***** after moving away from Iowa?
I can’t control what the ratings services do. I was a **** when I was in Iowa and then I became a ***** when I left.
Pants: I think Gunner is lovely, though he did ***** out on meeting up with me at the West Virginia.
GTO: From my personal experience, moving to a big city means you have to become hard AF to survive. But you can’t be any geek off the street. You gotta be handy with the steel, if you know what I mean. Earn your keep.

@jcyclonee observes: Did he actually move away? He says he's in Ohio but most people on the coasts don't know there's a difference.
Did you guys know that Ohio legitimately smells? Like, Boone levels of smelling.
GTO: If I had a dollar for every time people though I went to school at Ohio State, I could quit my job and leave a sizeable inheritance to my kids, grandkids, and the GTO entourage.
Gunner:This is why Trump won.

@jcyclonee again: I'm following up on @ImJustKCClone's question. Did we win our bye week game?
We made the mistake of lining up Brock and Re-Al at the same time and the combination was just too electric. They ended up cancelling it due to all the lightning that lineup created.
Gunner: Trust The Process.
Pants: Unfortunately no, probably time to get rid of Campbell.

@jcyclonee making me do some research: Since Juicy Wiggle is based on a dance that originated in Australia and Matt Leo and Cory Dunn are from Australia and it is the unofficial ISU song, can we get Monash University as our sister school?
I’ve gone on the record about Juicy Wiggles. As soon as Brent Blum latched on to it, it was dead. DEAD. Ruined for the students by older generations. So no, we can’t get Monash University as our sister school.
Pants: I’m going to trust Gunner on this. He’s my cultural gauge.
GTO: Juicy Wiggle is in danger of becoming the new jock jam. By the way, do you think Matt Leo and Corey Dunn knew each other before coming to ISU?

@CoKane asks: Heard Florida State might want Matt Campbell. Do I make a thread denouncing the program, burn tickets, email Pollard, forgot to pick up the kids, learn how to wipe standing up, and sign a petition to end college sports yet or does CMC stay because everyone associated with Florida State's elbows are too pointy? I'll hang up and listen.
Campbell is going to leave eventually, most likely. While I’d love to have him forever, that’s probably just not going to be the case. We’ve really just got to learn to enjoy what we have and be okay with that. That being said, I would be absolutely shocked if he left for THAT position.
GTO: Everybody wants Matt Campbell. He’s as popular as a girl at a D&D convention. Speaking of bathroom threads, did @Daphne (CW) ever post pictures of what she wore for Halloween?
Gunner: First things first: Campbell will probably stay, but, our time is running out with him. But you should make a thread about learning how to wipe standing up...we need more tutorial threads.

@BCClone planning the perfect crime: Was Saturday night the perfect crime night since you set your clocks back at like 2 am, if you did something at 1:30 the first time you could have a good alibi for where you were at 1:30 if you managed to get before the second 1:30?
Sorry, this defense has already been ruled inadmissible in 1998 in the case of the DST Strangler. @CloneLawman could probably elaborate.
Pants: If you pleasured yourself during the time change, are you still eligible for No Nut November? I think that’s the real question.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@BCClone asks: If you were in a band, what would you name it?
Lenny and The Jets, Smurf Violin, Cankle Breaker
Pants: Thomas and the Tanks.
GTO: Midwife Crisis? The Neutered Neutrons? Noah’s Bark?

@Cyched with all the hard questions, as usual: At a movie theater, which arm rest is yours?
Both. YOLO, *******.
GTO: Assuming we’re talking about a full theater and I’m sitting between two strangers. I literally sat at work, raised the armrests on my chair, and pretended to have some popcorn on my left hand and a drink on my right hand. I would say that the left armrest is mine and the right one belongs to the person next to me.
Gunner: I don’t even think this matters anymore unless you’re going to the poor people theater. If you are going to the poor people theater without the giant recliners then the proper procedure is to find the mid point, then everyone to the left of the mid point is a right arm rest, everyone to the right of the mid point is a left arm rest. That way the people at the end don’t have their arms hanging out in the aisles.

@Cyched with the follow up: My questions aren’t serious to you GTO?
This sounds like a follow up question my wife would ask. I know better than to answer this.

@Cyclones_R_GR8 with a great question: Is it true that people that cut their fingernails squared off are sociopaths?
I have to confess that I have a bad habit of biting my nails, so it helps me always keep them short. However, I will agree that squared off fingernails are freaking weird, so I will say yes to them being sociopaths. Just slightly worse than people who take up two parking spots.
Gunner: I admit I had to google this. If a dude does this then yes I’d say there are some sociopathic traits being exhibited there. If a lady does this she’s just unfashionable.
Pants: I’m a nail chewer as well. I guess my first thought was, wouldn’t that leave sharp corners? I can’t imagine a lady friend would be much of a fan of that?

@cmjh10 asks: Whats the weirdest text or email you have gotten?
Unidentified female: “I forgot to tell you that I’m a trichophile”
Ex-gf: “You’re brave enough to **** my *** but you can’t tell me that you’re getting married?”
Pants: I got an email from my dad like, 6 months after he died. Does that count?
GTO: Male enhancement pills. I’m pretty sure I have no need for those. My wife wouldn’t lie to me. Right? Right???
Pants: Also, Gunner, what about ******* her *** was supposed to be brave? Is there something more than the usual going on there or…...

I asked: Now that Halloween is over, rank your top 6 favorite chocolate candy bars?
I don’t really eat candy bars. And I suppose Red Vines don’t count? Probably like, Twix, Milky Way, mother ******* Charleston Chew (the strawberry ones), Snickers and…….ummmmmm……...does Big League Bubble Gum Chew count as a candy bar?
Gunner: In order: 100 Grand, Milky Way, Almond Joy, Twix, PB Snickers
GTO: In order: Three Musketeers, Twix, Milky Way, Rolo, PayDay, and Snickers.

@cyclones500 asks: I considered starting a thread about this, but instead, I want to get your opinion. When (and why) did “Line to Gain” become the common reference to “First Down Marker”? It seems prevalent in CFB, both for officials and announcers, and I’ve heard it used in NFL a few times, too.
What's up with that?
“And that’s another Cyclone ... Line To Gain!”
This doesn’t bother me as much as NBA announcers trying to use all the hip lingo. Nothing like an 86 year old Hubie Brown saying things like “distribute the rock”, “dropping dimes”, or referring to forwards and centers as “bigs”.
Pants: “Line to gain” became popular once they started showing the fake first down line on the screen. It originated as a reference to explain to people what this weird line on the screen was (mostly Boomers that were confused) and then it just kind of became a thing. Also, does anyone remember that short lived time when they used to do the fake bright light on the hockey puck on televised hockey games?
Gunner: I blame Gus Johnson. He’s terrible but people like him because he’s different. Just being different doesn’t mean being cool.

@cyclones500 with a hard question: My "Would You Rather" for this week. Each co-host may answer separately or merge their answers.
Would you rather:
1. Beat both OU and UT, but lose to both KU and KSU (and lose bowl game).
2. Lose to OU and UT, beat KU and KSU (but win bowl game).
#2. If OU was still undefeated and Texas wasn’t falling apart then I would have had to think harder about this.
Pants: 500, I expect better than you. You’re asking would I rather go 2-3 with a bowl loss in the final games or 3-2 with a bowl win in the final games? 3-2 with a bowl win. I used to believe in the whole “There’s no such thing as a stupid question” thing until I read this question. You’re better than this.
GTO: This one is a hard one. Loss to OU and UT and wins over KU and KSU and a bowl game win. I think that would be better than ending the season on a 3 game losing streak.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@mdk2isu asks: Where would you rate the ongoing meltdown by the Anti-Prohm people in the XF/Dubar/Players Transferring threads on the Francon scale?
Prohm is far from perfect, but the anti-Prohm crowd are becoming probably the most annoying people on this hellsite, outside of the Trumpers in the cave (@Angie please don’t ban me for talking political.)
Gunner: Forever at Francon 5 (The Pout).
GTO: Anywhere from 6 to 4. Definitely 4 once they start getting called out for being a bunch of Freddists.

@CloneLawman asks: Why did we cut both players? Is Pants involved with Xavier's gf?
When you’re out on the taiga you don’t keep the runts. You go out and find bigger and better doggs. EX-gf. From what I see on Insta Pants is involved but there are some blue bloods involved so who knows. I put in my Crystal Ball for Mike Rose.
Pants: I cannot confirm or deny anything. Next question.
GTO: Luke - low midichlorian count. Leech- sucking up a scholarship. The GF situation and Pants? Is she into older men?

@Dandy with a total chick question: What is the earliest acceptable date someone can put up their Christmas tree?
What is the latest acceptable date someone can still have their tree up after Christmas?
I know two people who had their tree up before Halloween. This is unacceptable but I wanted to know what you thought should be the acceptable standard among people who aren't crazy.
Before Halloween is totally unacceptable. After Halloween but before Thanksgiving can be frowned upon, but I would still consider it a gray area and I’m okay with it. Latest day to take it down is 1/1 (or 1/7, if you celebrate Three Kings Day).
Pants: Day after Thanksgiving to set up, day after New Years to take down. Unless you’re one of those people that has it up year round and decorates it for different holidays throughout the year. Then you’re just a ******* weirdo.
Gunner: The earliest acceptable date to put up the tree is 11/1. Latest acceptable take down date is 1/7.

@VeloClone asks: Does sending dikpics = involved?
I feel like I must always start with this, but sending dikpics should ALWAYS be a consensual act. A person should never be surprised by them (unless you’ve already agreed between each other that it’s okay to randomly send them as a way to try to spice things up.) But sending them absolutely does not mean involved. If it does, I’m dating a lot of people I didn’t know I was dating right now. Also, I agree with Gunner, it should always be a give and take when sending/receiving pics. It’s like oral and/or presents; don’t be just a taker and not a giver, gentlemen.
Gunner: Depends on what you are getting in return. If nothing, then you’re not “involved”. You’re just a weirdo.
GTO: Randomly sending them? No. However, if the relationship is at the point where dikpics are being sent that would count as “involved”.

@cmjh10 asks: With the 2 basketball players transferring out already, do we need to plan on shutting down the basketball program as well? What will we do without football and basketball?
Shut them down, get a men’s soccer program, M & W Lacrosse, Men’s VB, Make Hockey a scholarship sport. I wouldn’t care that much.
GTO: If we shut down both programs, then we can all become Haw… Hawk… Ha… Blergh. I can’t even say it.
Pants: Trust the process.

@VegasCy returns: I asked my kids the Gunner thread question about going back in time and being part of a historical event. Here are their responses:
-My 11 year-old: He would like to be at the Rose Bowl and watch Stanford kill Iowa live and in person.
-My 14 year-old: He would like to go back and party with Lawrence Taylor and watch him get all coked up and just show up at Giants Stadium for game time and just destroy people coked out of his mind.
How worried should I be?
Kids are the worst, amirite?
Gunner: Kid 1: Do you like @CyTwins? If you do then nothing to worry about. Kid 2: That kid is fine, he shows great imagination in his response to the question.
GTO: I can relate to both kids. I hate the Hawks with the fire of a thousand suns and thought that Rose Bowl was of my favorite sporting events of all time. Second kid? I have a picture of me and Michael Irvin somewhere on my phone. That counts for coked up NFL stars, right?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@VegasCy again: Jay Jordan said last week Oklahoma is Baylor, Texas is OSU, and KSU is Iowa, but he predicts us to finish 4-0. I respect Jay and enjoy reading his content, but heading into to what is arguably the toughest stretch of the schedule, isn’t this crazy talk?
Jay was correct about the OSU game, so maybe he’s on to something. Either way, props to him on his bold prediction. Go big or go home.
Pants: Is Jay the one that predicted we’d lose to OSU?
Gunner: It’s crazy, but I like it. Jay knows his stuff so he might be on to something. Could come out looking like a genius. If he’s wrong no one will even notice. Low risk, high reward predictions.

@VegasCy now on fire: Watching really bad football in the early window last week got me thinking, who is the worst team in Cyclone history and what would the line be if they played this years Rutgers team?
2014 is the worst team imo. Multiple Paul Rhoads teams could lose to this Rutgers team on any given week. The convergence of bad recruiting and excuse making makes the 2014 team stick out to me.
GTO: I first got to ISU in ‘94 and knew nothing about the Cyclones before that year. With that frame of reference, I would pick any of the Paul Rhoads teams. They could always snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I still think they would prevail over this Rutgers team.
Pants: 2003 was a pretty brutal season to watch….I’m too young to know any 1990s or earlier teams, but I’m pretty sure that got really awful. Also, Rutgers right now are possibly the worst P5 team in the history of P5 conferences.

@VegasCy now just clownin’: I’ve often wondered why the dollar has not collapsed and the answer it seems is that it is the world’s reserve currency. What year, if any, do you think our currency collapses and is it as simple as finding another reserve currency, or do you think China has to some nefarious **** for this to happen? If there is a replacement currency , what country do you think it is or do you think it will be a crypto currency? If the dollar did collapse, do you think we would just experience hyperinflation for a while or do you think it would be economic Armageddon that required the Republic to push the reset button?
This is a random stream of questions. I don’t think our currency does collapse. At least not in our lifetimes. But when it does, it will be just another reserve currency. It’s definitely going to be a crypto currency, but it’s NOT going to be Bitcoin. I’d look more toward something like an Ethereum or something similar to eventually be what does it. Bitcoin has way too many problems to ever realistically become a worldwide currency power. It’s kind of like the version 1.0 of what will end up being the crypto currency world. Also, hyperinflation would be what would happen, but honestly, when it does, that will end up crushing us much worse than any kind of financial Armageddon could ever actually do.
Gunner: I’m heavily invested in pornhub.com. Recession proof, currency proof, bond proof, interest proof.
GTO: In a post-apocalyptic world, Chizik coins will become the primary form of currency.

@BCClone taking advantage of our rule to answer every question: In business calc I had to learn how to do derivatives because the first derivative of revenue gives you the marginal revenue. Doing it this way seems way more difficult that just doing a quick algebra run through.
Although I don’t like using them I remember what to use them for but not the second derivatives function. What does the second derivatives of revenues and cost tell us?
Has anybody seen my graphing calculator? I know I left it somewhere around here. It was a TI-whogivesa****abouttheanswertothisquestion. Or TI-WGAF for short.
Pants: The second derivative is the law of diminishing returns. The revenue that’s generated from revenue from sales of a product in relation to the amount spent on advertising said product and testing where responses turn from positive to negative.
Gunner: I think I had snake on my Ti-85.

@BCClone asks: Humpty said he once got busy in a Burger King bathroom. BK bathrooms seem to be some of the worst and most disgusting fast food ones I’ve had to use.
If you were to “be like Humpty” which fast food joints restroom would you pick?
Gunner: I was at Skyline Chili last night and their bathroom was immaculate. BK has gone downhill in the past 20 years. It’s a flame-broiled travesty.
GTO: Agree that BK bathrooms look like a crime scene. I would pick a Chick-Fil-A as the cleanest place to do it. @Gunnerclone - I would assume a place named Skyline Chili would have the worst disaster of a bathroom.

@jcyclonee asks: Can I change my name to Darlingstone Dubar?
Going in to the porn industry is a great life choice and I applaud you.
GTO: Are you a black basketball player or an 18th century British explorer? No? Then the answer is: absolutely not.
Pants: Did you sign a LOI recently?
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Jan 29, 2010
Pants: 500, I used to believe in the whole “There’s no such thing as a stupid question” thing until I read this question. You’re better than this.

Hey, I was scrambling to meet the submission deadline! :)

Fair enough, though. It was sort of a "beat the big names, but finish worse" vs. "mostly as expected with a positive conclusion."


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
Washington DC
Pants: 500, I used to believe in the whole “There’s no such thing as a stupid question” thing until I read this question. You’re better than this.

Hey, I was scrambling to meet the submission deadline! :)

Fair enough, though. It was sort of a "beat the big names, but finish worse" vs. "mostly as expected with a positive conclusion."

I get where you were going with it. BUT.....

No one is going to remember a win vs Oklahoma in a 7-6 season where we had outside hopes to compete for a conference championship.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
@jcyclonee observes: Did he actually move away? He says he's in Ohio but most people on the coasts don't know there's a difference.
Did you guys know that Ohio legitimately smells? Like, Boone levels of smelling.
GTO: If I had a dollar for every time people though I went to school at Ohio State, I could quit my job and leave a sizeable inheritance to my kids, grandkids, and the GTO entourage.
Gunner:This is why Trump won.
Can I officially blame Gunner for all of the boring impeachment talk? Also, is that one kind of hot chick from Hawaii really a Russian spy? If so, why can't I be a victim of her honey trap? Also also, did Pants ever see her at the gym with the pregnant hooker?

@jcyclonee making me do some research: Since Juicy Wiggle is based on a dance that originated in Australia and Matt Leo and Cory Dunn are from Australia and it is the unofficial ISU song, can we get Monash University as our sister school?
I’ve gone on the record about Juicy Wiggles. As soon as Brent Blum latched on to it, it was dead. DEAD. Ruined for the students by older generations. So no, we can’t get Monash University as our sister school.
Pants: I’m going to trust Gunner on this. He’s my cultural gauge.
GTO: Juicy Wiggle is in danger of becoming the new jock jam. By the way, do you think Matt Leo and Corey Dunn knew each other before coming to ISU?
Of course they knew each other. Just like everybody in Canada knows each other and everybody in IowaIdahoOhio knows each other. The exception to that "everybody in IowaIdahoOhio knows each other rule" is that one part of IowaIdahoOhio that's in Nebraska. I don't think everybody in IowaIdahoOhio knows everybody there. I blame @CloneLawman for the fact that I know there is such a place. There's also probably an exception in Australia for people from Tasmania since Tasmania's an island and most of the people have probably been mistaken as wild turkey surprise and eaten by a Tasmanian Devil
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
Can I officially blame Gunner for all of the boring impeachment talk? Also, is that one kind of hot chick from Hawaii really a Russian spy? If so, why can't I be a victim of her honey trap? Also also, did Pants ever see her at the gym with the pregnant hooker?

Of course they knew each other. Just like everybody in Canada knows each other and everybody in IowaIdahoOhio knows each other. The exception to that "everybody in IowaIdahoOhio knows each other rule" is that one part of IowaIdahoOhio that's in Nebraska. I don't think everybody in IowaIdahoOhio knows everybody there. I blame @CloneLawman for the fact that I know there is such a place. There's also probably an exception in Australia for people from Tasmania since Tasmania's an island and most of the people have probably been mistaken as wild turkey surprise and eaten by a Tasmanian Devil
Everytime I think of Tasmania, I can't get that damn song out of my head:

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