Tournament is history: Time for the Big One.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
I left KC after after all the awards were handed out and have made it to Norman, OK. May just spend the night here. Can't believe how tired you get from doing nothing. But I can truly say "I saw it all". Stayed from the tip-off to the buzzer from Thursday night on.

The big thing this year was "Charging". The officials must have got an APB about it. No matter the team nor the color of their jersey if a defensive player fell down 7 times out of 10 the refs called an offsides penalty. TX has a few players that flop down more than a Fillipino hooker.

The irony (to me) of the Municipal Auditorium was the type of security that was there this year. Probably at least 50 Covid cops casing the joint all the way from the front door to the arena. I noticed we didn't have to remove our phones or keys or anything. There was no metal detectors, no dogs, no wand wavers etc. We just walked in unmolested as long as we had a tissue in front of our nose. I asked one guard about it and he confirmed they were not told to look for guns, or knives, pipe bombs or anything, just masks. There were ladies walking in there with purses big enough to tote a Thanksgiving turkey in. I could have had 2 pistols in my boots and opened fire in there. So this what we've come to America. The authorities are shaking like cafeteria jello over this stuff. No fear of a gun, just scared of a bare faced person.

I saw a lot of good plays and good shots. It's almost as much fun to watch the bottom four as the rest of em, because they're so evenly matched. The Gerlich girl (TT coaches gal) has really improved. She was a liability to that team when the season began. But she did very well. Natasha Mack impresses me far more than Collier. Just a steady workhorse. Here's a stat for ya: In the 7 games that Charlie played in her career against Baylor she scored a total of 27 points. And she's the rave of ESPN? The #1 draft pick? Ya'll may not agree, but I think TX will be a better team without her. Vic has a great freshman post that got injured who will be back and more good players coming in. He didn't fare all that well with Karens leftovers but I believe in a couple more years the days of average Aston will be forgotten. Iowa ST will need to ramp up the recruiting to hang with them in the future. They will be tough before long.

I also think the amazing comeback win by WV over KST was one of the highlights of the tourney. I honestly just didn't think they had the time to do it. But those last 2 minutes was probably the most exciting in the tournament. Also couldn't believe that Cherry Cola let their game get away from OSU and lose in OT to OSU.

Enough for now. Time to look forward to the Big Dance now. Could be one of the most competitive in years. At least 6 teams this time around have a good shot at it. It's a shame they didn't play on last year at least on TV and let us see who came out on top. I met a young lady from Ankeny who nearly talked my head off. She was telling me how fortunate I was to be that close to San Antonio. But I couldn't convince her that the NCAA wasn't going to allow fans until the final four and then only 17% attendance. Don't know what portion of the sky they pulled that figure from. But I suspect it's total TV for me from now on. See ya'll. Hope ISU gets a good seeding.


Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Could be the most balanced and fair tournament in years with the home court advantage granted to the Top 16 teams not being in play this year. Also, no unbalanced regions set up for regional teams or, on the other hand, sending some team three time zones away.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
I'm gonna have to buy an abbreviated code dictionary I guess. I have no idea what tldr means. Don't know if I'm getting cussed or praised.

By the way ISU had a very decent representation of fans there Friday. Sure hated to see the loss, but a team that is basically 5 guards just Doesn't match up well with TX. As was evident this year. I sure hope at least one of the new posts that are coming in next year will have what it takes. It's just the only way to compete with the top teams. You have to control the paint and dominate the backboards.

It's been several years since I was at Municipal Arena. I don't recall there being so many bums, pan handlers, street walkers, homeless or whatever the proper term is. There just laying around every where. There were two inside the parking garage that got arrested by the police because they wouldn't leave out. And then once the cops were running several off from the front entrance because they were begging for a few dollars. Don't remember it being like that before. Rather scary. Quite a drawback to the location if you ask me.

When I got there Thursday evening, it was of course broad daylight and I went straight from the parking garage directly across the street to the arena. I wasn't 20 feet from the front door and one came running down the sidewalk hollering "Can you help me sir". I pretended I didn't hear him clearly and I said, "Oh thank you sir but I'm just fine, I don't need any help".
He cussed me up and down and said, "Gxxxxxxxx I didn't say I wanted to help you, I want you to help me." I said "Oh well not now sir and as I grabbed the rail on the door he yelled "Well buddy you'd better stay close to Trump. Stay as close to Trump as you can." I'm not sure what that meant. But I guess he did.


Year-round tailgater
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 17, 2009
Wut? No fans until the Final Four for WBB? Is that all that will be available in the presale on Wednesday? o_O


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2021


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
I'm gonna have to buy an abbreviated code dictionary I guess. I have no idea what tldr means. Don't know if I'm getting cussed or praised.

By the way ISU had a very decent representation of fans there Friday. Sure hated to see the loss, but a team that is basically 5 guards just Doesn't match up well with TX. As was evident this year. I sure hope at least one of the new posts that are coming in next year will have what it takes. It's just the only way to compete with the top teams. You have to control the paint and dominate the backboards.

It's been several years since I was at Municipal Arena. I don't recall there being so many bums, pan handlers, street walkers, homeless or whatever the proper term is. There just laying around every where. There were two inside the parking garage that got arrested by the police because they wouldn't leave out. And then once the cops were running several off from the front entrance because they were begging for a few dollars. Don't remember it being like that before. Rather scary. Quite a drawback to the location if you ask me.

When I got there Thursday evening, it was of course broad daylight and I went straight from the parking garage directly across the street to the arena. I wasn't 20 feet from the front door and one came running down the sidewalk hollering "Can you help me sir". I pretended I didn't hear him clearly and I said, "Oh thank you sir but I'm just fine, I don't need any help".
He cussed me up and down and said, "Gxxxxxxxx I didn't say I wanted to help you, I want you to help me." I said "Oh well not now sir and as I grabbed the rail on the door he yelled "Well buddy you'd better stay close to Trump. Stay as close to Trump as you can." I'm not sure what that meant. But I guess he did.

We call them urban campers. Usually, there are larger crowds around which translates to a greater feeling of security. Unfortunately, the homeless population has been steadily growing here in KC. There are areas that never had a homeless population before suddenly met with an influx. Most are harmless, but I have seen the occasional aggressive person. While I don't worry about myself per se, I do get concerned about others.

There are some interesting characters that I see every day. One guy near our office used to sit out there with a sign and a bucket. I watched him throw nails in front of a guy's car after a conversation with the driver. I'm pretty sure the cops chased him off eventually, but I decided to change my route after seeing that happen.

One particular location must be considered "prime real estate" because I have witnessed a shift change from time to time. One guy gets up, hands his sign off to the next guy and walks off. I imagine there's a rough-looking rudimentary time clock somewhere under the overpass.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
We attended both the men's game on Wednesday and the women's game. Both were actually fun to watch. The men were up and down as was the case all year, but made a run at the end to bring it close.

The women were great. Its been a while since I watched them in person (I watch on ESPN+ a lot) , but always fighting through whatever is thrown at them.

It was even somewhat fun watching Ashley Joens' Dad get upset about the officiating. It brings back memories of watching him coach high school basketball.

Overall a fun weekend in KC. A good amount of ISU fans there supporting both teams.
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