Why is life worth living?


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
I don’t mind Twitter that much actually. Find it’s easier to “curate” and I get the news/sports/etc content I want. Far less narcissistic “look at me!” posts than FB or Insta.

I just need to bite the bullet on Facebook. It’s not so much a mental health thing, more that it’s become far more useless to me. Rarely post and haven’t updated **** in years

Twitter tends to drop in content I absolutely do not want to see. I don't find it fascinating that a child was murdered or need videos of political stuff that is highly agenda driven.

Going in I know Twitter is the worst of humanity. The absolute scum of the world is on that platform. I try to keep that stuff at arm's length, but I know going in the platform will rarely be uplifting


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 26, 2016
Been a long time since I've discussed this but thought I'd share a little update. The last few months have been miserable. Absolutely miserable. Tried making things work with my (soon to be) ex wife but it went nowhere. Went to couples therapy which was an absolute joke overall. We rarely talked about us, rather would only talk about how she felt in the moment. Lots of blame thrown my way and we never once even brought up the affair. I would've tried getting out sooner but every time there would be a bad day, it'd follow up with a good day in which she'd reel me right back in with "normalcy", flirting, kissing, I love you's, etc. The final straw was us having two solid weeks in a row where I thought things were making a turn and she ended up telling my therapist "I feel as if my life wouldn't change if he wasn't in it", to which I finally gave up. That killed me.

I asked for a divorce shortly after that and we're now in that process. House has been sold and I'm uprooting my life and starting over in a different spot. I move in shortly and am excited for this next chapter. Even though I'm excited I'm still deeply sad about losing "my person", although your "person" can't be someone that does something like that, right? Either way, I guess it's time to move on.

The one thing I have been extremely thankful for over the course of this miserable quarter of a year has been Iowa State and this website (outside of my friends and family). Iowa State will always be my home and engulfing all forms of content here and interacting with all you hooligans always is a bright spot for my days, even when they may be dark. And if there's one thing that being a Cyclone fan has taught me is heartbreak. Thank you all and even though I don't personally know any of you, I love you all.
Haven't read thru most of these replies but I'm sure this has been said. Feel awful for you and no one deserves this type of thing. This woman was not your "person" if she's been going around you WITH A CLOSE FRIEND and also gaslighting you and making you feel like you're the bad person in this situation. I can guarantee things will be better for you without this scumbag (in my opinion) in your life. Wishing you the best!
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Feb 28, 2006
With the way that kid was conceived its no wonder he's a handful.

You know, you were there....
Typically when talking about those things, a "handful" would imply that you weren't with your wife and therefore not getting her pregnant... :)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2021
As many know the last few days have been very trying on me with want I went through Sunday. I've informed my brothers at OTN that I'm going to a temporary hiatus from doing OTN. I'm still going to do my game threads, but after basketball season I maybe on less than usual. Just really struggling right now.

Even with new locks and secure doors when I was at work today all I could focus on was if the house is okay. My mom and I have isu wbb season tickets and tonight is a big one with KSU. But I think I will pass because I won't be able to focus I'll just be worrying if the house is safe.
As someone who had their house broken into in college (while I was there) I just wanted to say that there is no right or wrong way to process or move forward with what you experienced. You’re gonna get a lot of advice from people about what helped them get past similar experiences and you might try some of it but find it didn’t help. That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you or that you are in any way lesser than for it not working you are just processing things differently then they did.

It’s been a over a decade since it happened to me and I still check locks on the doors multiple times before I go to bed or sometimes freak out if I hear a strange noise when I’m by myself. It gets easier and you learn strategies that work for you but it takes time.

Always here to chat as plenty of others have offered and it does get better even if it might not feel like it right now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2014
I've been super burned out lately. All I do is work and there's not enough to get anywhere after bills. I need a vacation really bad but I can't afford one let alone the time off. Sometimes I wonder how long I can do this? Not in a suicidal way just in a give a **** way.

Right there with ya. We were doing just fine 3-4 years ago, so we decided to have number 3. The combo of dog **** raises, increased work load and the increased cost of everything, it’s a ******* drain. It was 100 bucks for us to eat at the friggin Olive Garden last weekend with 0 booze. It was a good reminder of why we never eat out anymore.

We are starting to plan our first real family vacation this year and it keeps getting shorter and closer to home because of the cost. A bunch of the cost is being supplemented with plasma donation just so we can take the kids somewhere at least once.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2007
As many know the last few days have been very trying on me with want I went through Sunday. I've informed my brothers at OTN that I'm going to a temporary hiatus from doing OTN. I'm still going to do my game threads, but after basketball season I maybe on less than usual. Just really struggling right now.

Even with new locks and secure doors when I was at work today all I could focus on was if the house is okay. My mom and I have isu wbb season tickets and tonight is a big one with KSU. But I think I will pass because I won't be able to focus I'll just be worrying if the house is safe.
We are always here for you. As I told you before, Cyclones are like family.

Don't let this women, and the wrong thing she did, control your life though. You've done what you can for your mom and your mom's house. Now time to go back to being you, and your mom too, and to not worrying too much about it. Let the police do their thing. The event will fade. And the woman will get caught in her own web soon enough.

With that said, seek some counseling help if needed. They are professionals who give very good opinions and advice, sometimes at just the right time.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2007
Been a long time since I've discussed this but thought I'd share a little update. The last few months have been miserable. Absolutely miserable. Tried making things work with my (soon to be) ex wife but it went nowhere. Went to couples therapy which was an absolute joke overall. We rarely talked about us, rather would only talk about how she felt in the moment. Lots of blame thrown my way and we never once even brought up the affair. I would've tried getting out sooner but every time there would be a bad day, it'd follow up with a good day in which she'd reel me right back in with "normalcy", flirting, kissing, I love you's, etc. The final straw was us having two solid weeks in a row where I thought things were making a turn and she ended up telling my therapist "I feel as if my life wouldn't change if he wasn't in it", to which I finally gave up. That killed me.

I asked for a divorce shortly after that and we're now in that process. House has been sold and I'm uprooting my life and starting over in a different spot. I move in shortly and am excited for this next chapter. Even though I'm excited I'm still deeply sad about losing "my person", although your "person" can't be someone that does something like that, right? Either way, I guess it's time to move on.

The one thing I have been extremely thankful for over the course of this miserable quarter of a year has been Iowa State and this website (outside of my friends and family). Iowa State will always be my home and engulfing all forms of content here and interacting with all you hooligans always is a bright spot for my days, even when they may be dark. And if there's one thing that being a Cyclone fan has taught me is heartbreak. Thank you all and even though I don't personally know any of you, I love you all.
My heart goes out to you my Cyclone friend. I'm sorry you are going through all of this. Hang in there. And we will always be here for support!
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
May 20, 2019
Haven't read thru most of these replies but I'm sure this has been said. Feel awful for you and no one deserves this type of thing. This woman was not your "person" if she's been going around you WITH A CLOSE FRIEND and also gaslighting you and making you feel like you're the bad person in this situation. I can guarantee things will be better for you without this scumbag (in my opinion) in your life. Wishing you the best!
I'm absolutely sure that I'll be better after this in the long run. I've been battling demons for a while now and never really talked about them before. Self doubt, self image, self love, etc. And to be honest, that probably did put a lot of pressure on my past partner, but man, her doing what she did reallllly messed me up. If there's a lesson out of this for me is that you can't put all of your happiness into one person, because when that person leaves, there's nothing left.

These last few months of being "alone" has taught me that I'm not actually alone. I thought her leaving me meant that I wouldn't have anyone anymore but I've actually connected with more friends and family than I have in a long long time. I'm booking trips to see friends that I neglected due to the relationship and re-kindling those sorts of flames. I've met more new people and created new friendships that never would've happened had this situation not, and those new friends really like me, which is so awesome.

I've also learned and am going to continue learning what it truly means to love yourself. It's going to be a long battle but I'm ready for it.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 21, 2008
As someone who had their house broken into in college (while I was there) I just wanted to say that there is no right or wrong way to process or move forward with what you experienced. You’re gonna get a lot of advice from people about what helped them get past similar experiences and you might try some of it but find it didn’t help. That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you or that you are in any way lesser than for it not working you are just processing things differently then they did.

It’s been a over a decade since it happened to me and I still check locks on the doors multiple times before I go to bed or sometimes freak out if I hear a strange noise when I’m by myself. It gets easier and you learn strategies that work for you but it takes time.

Always here to chat as plenty of others have offered and it does get better even if it might not feel like it right now.
We never locked the doors at the house I lived in during my time at Iowa State besides when everyone was home for the night. That changed after a minor scuffle occurred at a party we hosted and the douchebags came back in the middle of the night and slashed some of our window screens and broke a couple taillights. Closest I or any my friends ever came into getting into a fist fight was a few weeks later when we saw 2 of them and they played dumb until they finally admitted it and gave me some money for the damage.