Non-political conversation about Columbia U situation

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Year-round tailgater
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 17, 2009
I've been watching some of the coverage of the Columbia U situation tonight. And I have a few non-political questions about simple facts that don't seem to be reported.

1. Why did the NYPD go through a single second story window (with lots of struggling)? Why not go through a first floor door?

2. How many protesters have been arrested? How many of them are Columbia students? Faculty/staff?

3. What are the charges for those being arrested?

4. How many NYPD police have been called to the Columbia campus?

Please just deal with non-political facts. Take the other stuff into the Cave (where I don't want to go near). I'm just curious about basic facts that I'm not hearing in the TV reporting.


Year-round tailgater
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 17, 2009
Here's another one. It seemed that most of the people arrested were taken into custody before police occupied the building. I haven't seen anything in the last hour or so that seems like the police bringing people out of the building and lining them up for transportation (like we saw a lot of a few hours ago). Makes me think there wasn't much of an occupying presence in the building. However, I don't know because they just love to show the same videos over-and-over again, but don't actually report facts. A major network is currently replaying the police going into the second floor window as if it was live, even though it happened an hour ago.


Year-round tailgater
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 17, 2009
Was there any spokesperson for the people who occupied the Columbia building? Has any group claimed responsibility?


Year-round tailgater
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 17, 2009
The last time Columbia was in the NCAA tournament was 1968 . . . the same year as the last time that Hamilton Hall was occupied.

Go Lions!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2023
I've been watching some of the coverage of the Columbia U situation tonight. And I have a few non-political questions about simple facts that don't seem to be reported.

1. Why did the NYPD go through a single second story window (with lots of struggling)? Why not go through a first floor door?

2. How many protesters have been arrested? How many of them are Columbia students? Faculty/staff?

3. What are the charges for those being arrested?

4. How many NYPD police have been called to the Columbia campus?

Please just deal with non-political facts. Take the other stuff into the Cave (where I don't want to go near). I'm just curious about basic facts that I'm not hearing in the TV reporting.
In the next couple days there will be outstanding journalists from reputable news organizations that will ask and answer these questions better than anyone on this forum. Don’t watch tv. Read a newspaper.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2006
1968 student protests at Columbia,..."our friends and classmates are being and have been killed in southeast Asia."

2024 student protests at Columbia..."a fashion statement was necessary. We know how to solve a thousand+ year old conflict."

Send the 20+ yr old leaders to epicenter and they will solve all of the problems.

So effing easy.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006
1968 student protests at Columbia,..."our friends and classmates are being and have been killed in southeast Asia."

2024 student protests at Columbia..."a fashion statement was necessary. We know how to solve a thousand+ year old conflict."

Send the 20+ yr old leaders to epicenter and they will solve all of the problems.

So effing easy.

More like:

1968 students: we see the united states contributing to a bunch of people dying for little to no meaningful reason and want change.

2024 students: we see the united states contributing to a bunch of people dying for little to no meaningful reason and want change.

We're not going to solve every problem in the world. But we don't have to contribute to them either.

I await this obviously political topic about political protest's arrival in the cave.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 15, 2009
More like:

1968 students: we see the united states contributing to a bunch of people dying for little to no meaningful reason and want change.

2024 students: we see the united states contributing to a bunch of people dying for little to no meaningful reason and want change.

We're not going to solve every problem in the world. But we don't have to contribute to them either.

I await this obviously political topic about political protest's arrival in the cave.
and to the cave we go.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 27, 2009
More like:

1968 students: we see the united states contributing to a bunch of people dying for little to no meaningful reason and want change.

2024 students: we see the united states contributing to a bunch of people dying for little to no meaningful reason and want change.

We're not going to solve every problem in the world. But we don't have to contribute to them either.

I await this obviously political topic about political protest's arrival in the cave.
I mean, I’m a democrat at way more behind them than trump, but if you are seeing mass graves and people being executed or buried alive, we’re probably on the wrong side of history here.


Minister of Economy
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 10, 2011
More like:

1968 students: we see the united states contributing to a bunch of people dying for little to no meaningful reason and want change.

I am going to leave the politics out of this discussion and concentrate on the history. I think the 1960s are mostly safe as "history" nowadays rather than anything of modern political salience (in the same way, say, the Pullman Strike of 1894 caused 70 deaths and threw the nation into dire economic and political peril and was a relevant political topic for several decades thereafter... but nowadays nobody cares about it).

The Vietnam generation is (mostly) dead now. Few people know about the particulars of the events from that era. Vietnam factored heavily into the election of 2004, for instance, because of the war records (or the lack thereof...) of Kerry and GWB and the parallels drawn with the conflict in Iraq, but that was 20 years ago even now. So, I think I can proceed with this next part without violating the "no politics" plea.

I'm not saying the way the U.S. and its allies fought the war in Southeast Asia was the best way to approach it or morally pure. But the Soviets and Communist China were bad dudes who did horrible things to their own people and to the world (e.g., North Korea, the Khmer Rouge, etc.). Kennan's doctrine of containment wasn't perfect but it... worked. Keep them in their playpen, minimize the damage they can do to anybody outside of their own helpless people, and eventually the contradictions of their system and the corruption of their entrenched ruling class will bring them down. And give support to whomever is willing to fight them.

So, I don't think the Vietnam War had "little to no meaningful reason."

The overall idea was about as noble as it comes. The execution in a messy world, however... sometimes lacked.
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