Recent content by 12redskin

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    Favre For Retiement

    Re: Frave For Retiement Brett Favre Green Bay
  2. 1

    Favre For Retiement

    Who thinks Favre will retire?
  3. 1

    Super Bowl Winners

    What team do you think will win the Super Bowl? If you vote New England 2 that means they go undeafed plus win the Super Bowl.
  4. 1

    Best sports time of the year?

    Well we bealey won.
  5. 1

    Best sports time of the year?

    World cup rules if England can win......,I like the NFL Playoffs two
  6. 1


    Vote Up ............................ If vote Other Def I will count it as Frave
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    Vote Up ............................
  8. 1


    Tom Brady Peyton Manning Adrin Peterson (min) L.T.
  9. 1

    Pro-Bowl teams to be annouced this afternoon

    Well they are good.
  10. 1

    Pro-Bowl teams to be annouced this afternoon

    Good point.
  11. 1


    NFC Starting Quarterback Brett Favre Reservers Matt Hasselbeck Tony Romo My picks Tony Romo Without Jessica Simpson Brett Favre Drew Brees
  12. 1

    Pro-Bowl teams to be annouced this afternoon

    No way all I want is a once in a life time experinenxa Redskin playoff team.