Recent content by Heilsqauvador

  1. Heilsqauvador

    WBB: How to watch Aili Tanke in today's 3-point Nationals.

    She just won the women's competition.
  2. Heilsqauvador

    We Need a State Smell

    I was going to say the smell of drying corn but that is only a month out of the year.
  3. Heilsqauvador

    Dog Died - no clue why

    We had a mutt we got from a shelter (maybe GSD/keeshond mix, big dog) that just suddenly dropped when it was 8-10 years old. We didn't know her age for sure coming from a shelter. Was perfectly healthy and happy right up until it yelped a little, collapsed, and died almost immediately. She had...
  4. Heilsqauvador

    Bridge Lighting Cost

    LEDs meaning probably less than it took to light up grandma Phyllis's Christmas tree ya old fart.
  5. Heilsqauvador

    Why are Farmers never happy?

    Farmers could certainly do a better job of soil conservation and nitrogen runoff. Vast majority of nitrogen in the water comes from farms. That's a scientific fact. There is a point to royalcy on the lawn runoff too though. We care about our lawns wayyy too much in this country and heavy rains...
  6. Heilsqauvador

    How do you listen to music now?

    With my ears.
  7. Heilsqauvador

    Engineering Degree

    I started out undecided engineering at ISU. Wasn't a bad choice as the 101 course gives a tour of the different disciplines of engineering. Each department basically gave a sales pitch of why you should switch to their major. You should pick a specific one after the first or second semester...
  8. Heilsqauvador

    *** Official #21 Texas vs #15 IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    Our fans need to get on the refs a little more. Definitely aren't treating both teams the same way.
  9. Heilsqauvador

    *** Official #21 Texas vs #15 IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    Call that **** both ways. Texas is being handsy.
  10. Heilsqauvador

    Sign Ideas for CYhawk

    There needs to be a Francon sign with a movable arrow that they can adjust based on his current emotional state.
  11. Heilsqauvador

    Hilton Noob Question

    Clap clap clap clap clap you suck
  12. Heilsqauvador

    Pollard Health Announcement

    If they caught it early its take the nut and done. One of the easiest cancers to cure if they catch it early before it spreads too far. They know that it always spreads first to the lymph nodes in the back, so for younger patients they push towards removing the lymph nodes rather than chemo...
  13. Heilsqauvador

    Go Oklahoma State

    OU player kicks Sanders in the nuts after tackling him. Herbstriet says they "must have gotten tangled up". What an idiot.
  14. Heilsqauvador

    Stripe Hilton for Oregon State

    The people that were at the game participated pretty well. Looked mostly red due to the poor attendance.
  15. Heilsqauvador

    Hunter Deyo commits

    My biggest take away from that article is that Iowa felt like a business, and Iowa State felt like a family to him. That's why Campbell has had so much success on the recruiting front. Also sums up why Deyo picked us pretty nicely.