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  1. B

    The 'Silent CF'er' sound-off thread

    Well, I live near the Minnesota boarder and we don't hear much about the Cyclones up here, so this is my way of keeping up. I just enjoy laughing at most of the posts written here. There are so many "experts" on this site. It's unbelievable. I graduated in 1990, so I suspect I'm older than...
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    New Uniforms vs. Throwbacks

    I like the gold helmet much better than the white. The white helmut just doesn't look right with the cardinal jersey. Someone started to put white helmut, cardinal jersey and gold pants together in the photoshop thread and the white helmut just looked weird. Besides that, no one else in the...
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    Recruiting - GC is the man.

    The point here is that this is a CYCLONE forum
  4. B

    How many season tickets do we sell next year?

    I haven't purchased season tickets for a couple years (wife and I used to go all the time but babies got in the way), but I'm getting 4 for next year! My two little girls are gonna have to be football fans. My two year old already chants "Go Cyclones" every time she sees me wearing Cyclone...
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    They just showed the holding call...

    You gotta let it go.....we got the W, for what that's worth. They can ***** all they want. Hell, I don't care if we give them the win, anyway. What difference does it really make? The fact that the game was even close should have pissed them off if they really think they're a good team...
  6. B

    CMU attepting to keep Kelly with new contract offer.

    I, too, think that Kelly would be a good hire for the Clones. I am completely baffled by all the continued Harbaugh supporters. Yes, he was an NFL quarterback and has SOME coaching experience. However, from the bits and peices I've seen here and other sites, it sounds like he's a jerk. How...
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    Mark May on National Television -- ISU and Coker

    Anyone that thinks Coker is the answer is NUTS! Recruiting - many say that should be our #1 priority. Miami has tradition, sits in the middle of a recruiting hotbed, and Coker took them from a talent rich NFL caliber team to a 6-6 team that is obviously at a different talent level in a few...
  8. B

    McCarney vs. Kelly..who would you choose?

    These posts are pathetic. What do you guys think we're going to get? Yes, Harbaugh was a name to us alums, but what has he proven as a coach. He's got a stud quarterback that slide under the D-1 radar and he carries the team by himself. That's not coaching. In small schools, that's all it...
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    Jeremy - An honest question

    Many of us come because we have no contacts like Jeremy. I understand that most of the stuff on this board is opinion and/or based on hearsay. It's entertainment for me. When it's official, the Iowa State site will post a story. Until then, we fans can have fun posting theories or tidbits...
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    McCarney to Iowa?

    I thought I read somewhere that Dan is interested in Florida International. He owns a home down there and has recruited Florida pretty well. Anybody else see anything about this?