CMU attepting to keep Kelly with new contract offer.


Apr 11, 2006
Why does everyone think the hire needs to be a big name that will make people buy season tickets? The big name will only go so far in selling tickets if he doesn't win. People need to realize that Pollard needs to sell tickets over the long haul, not just a year or two. To do this, you need to do one thing, WIN GAMES!! For this reason, Pollard will hire who he thinks is going to be the most successful coach over the long haul. It would be great if this person were a big name and would generate excitement, but that would just be icing on the cake.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2006
To be honest -- After Greg McDermott called Pollard it was a no question that he should hire him. Why didn't Pollard contact GMac in the first place???

And second about wrestling, PLEASE. Any idiot knew that you had to do something to get Cael in the position. God, he is only 9847560938-0.

I never understood the orgasm over Pollard that has taken place in the last year. If anything he is just an AD that's anxious to turn something around so he can move on to bigger things, so he will spend and spend and spend until it gets done. If ISU wins, fine with me. Let's see who he hires as football coach before we crown Pollard.

If you want crown his ***, THEN CROWN HIM DAMNIT.

I couldn't agree with you more. So far, everyone thinks that Pollard is already a success. He may have put some of the pieces in place, but the proof is in the pudding and we haven't even turned on the stove yet.

GMAC is a good hire on paper, but he hired himself. He also had a very disappointing last year at UNI, at least in conference.

Cael--my grandma would've hired him and it was obvious the prior coach needed replacing.

Billboard--just dumb. Something a high school team would do. It's the equivalent of spray-painting Valley sucks on a bridge.

Renovations--I don't see where the $$ is going to come from.

The jury is definitely still out on Pollard and I agree with what you said. Personally, I would like to see him a little less available to the media. With the power of his position, I would like to believe that he's far, far smarter than me. The more I hear him talk, the less convinced I am.


Asst. Regional Manager
Staff member
Mar 28, 2006
I would love to have Kelly come here. We're not going to be able to get a big name here at Iowa State until we show some more stability. I guarantee that Kelly brings more to the table than we can see. If he meets JP's standards, than thats enough for me. I've tasted defeat a lot, so what is the worst that can happen? People forget how horrible Van de Velde is....and HE is still unemployed. We gotta stop pointing fingers and saying "i would do this, i would never do that ect...." because its easy to call the shots when nothing is on the line. If we're true fans, we'll be patient and open to whatever happens.


Apr 11, 2006
Where did this sexy big name BS come from? I guess people need their pipe dreams.

Kelly is a football coach. We'd be lucky to get him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2006
As cyclone fans we should support anything cyclone. This includes, the AD, the athletic department, coaches, players, students, etc...

I dont know what well Kelly might be able to do, but he hasnt been given the shot, so I am not going to down play him. Of course a WOW coach would cause a lot of excitement from the beginning, but if he doesnt succeed, there would be great disappointment way early in their ISU career. Kelly isnt necessarily the wow coach, but it doesnt mean he couldnt be successful. For those of you out there who dont support the decision now, what would you say if he turns out to be our next most successful coach in ISU history?

JP is the guy to make the decision, not us. If he feels comfortable about this move, we need to support it too. Once we have been shown otherwise, we cannot turn against the credibilty of any person that comes to this institution.

I for one will be there standing with open arms to welcome whoever. I will give my donations, buy my tickets, and yell as loud as I can for whoever walks into those doors. It is there job to come here and win, and if they dont, then a change is needed, but that person needs to be given the opprotunity to be shown that.

Now, I am not all about hiring just any old person, so dont get me wrong on that. I would like to see someone who seems to know what they are doing coming into this school, and Kelley seems to. This guys isnt successful at any level for no particular reason. He seems to have something that the recruits, players, and coaching staff can connect with that allows him to be a winning coach.

Thats all I got.
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May 10, 2006
I would love to have Kelly come here. We're not going to be able to get a big name here at Iowa State until we show some more stability. I guarantee that Kelly brings more to the table than we can see. If he meets JP's standards, than thats enough for me. I've tasted defeat a lot, so what is the worst that can happen? People forget how horrible Van de Velde is....and HE is still unemployed. We gotta stop pointing fingers and saying "i would do this, i would never do that ect...." because its easy to call the shots when nothing is on the line. If we're true fans, we'll be patient and open to whatever happens.
Agreed!!! We need a solid AD who demands and expects more...The only thing I want in a Coach is that he recruits like crazy...The better athletes you get, your team will get better, ISU was horrible in the trenches this year, no depth and a killer schedule plus injuries, I am liking Kelly more and more and I also like the guy from Illinois ( Mike ??) I hope it happens soon...HITMAN


New Member
May 30, 2006
Waverly, Iowa
I, too, think that Kelly would be a good hire for the Clones. I am completely baffled by all the continued Harbaugh supporters. Yes, he was an NFL quarterback and has SOME coaching experience. However, from the bits and peices I've seen here and other sites, it sounds like he's a jerk. How else do you explain the fact that he was probably the #1 candidate going into the interview process and now he's completely dismissed? Enough about Harbaugh. He's obviously not a good fit.

So, let's just hire somebody already. The anticipation is killing me!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
Some Folks Need to Chill Out!!!!

Is your first priority to support ISU? I don't care if JP hires Kelly, Harbaugh, Patterson, Brewster, Norvell, Sherman or some other cat who hasn't been mentioned. If as a fan you're not going to support JP's decision to the fullest, then you aren't much of a Cyclone fan. Its ok to be split on which coaching candidate we like the most, but once the decision is made he deserves 100% support.

How many fans on this board who are big Harbaugh fans have ever met the guy? Have you sat down and discussed his vision for ISU FB? Have you investigated his background to make sure there are not skeletons in the closet? I'm sure JP has done his homework, so whoever he selects is the guy he feels can help him take ISU FB to the next level & raise $130mm.