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  1. Clones8686

    Thoughts on Prohm/Morris re: half court offense?

    I saw Michael Admire tweeted this a couple hours ago and I swear, I'm not trying to be a negative nancy, but it seems a little concerning that Prohm speaks so forcefully about how he wants to run the offense vs. Monte's thoughts about it... especially Monte praising what Jim Calhoun told him...
  2. Clones8686

    Would You Rather (regarding Iowa)

    DUMB QUESTION ALERT - this is just for fun, it's supposed to be two terrible options, like the game I'm sure you all played when you were a kid! ;) Would you rather: -Go 0-12 this year and Iowa goes, say 12-1 and wins the Big Ten. But the fact that they played an 0-12 team OOC is enough to put...