Search results

  1. no2cyclones

    ISO Parking pass for Kansas football game

    Taking my sons to their first game and would love to have parking taken care of so it’s one less thing to worry about on Gameday. Let me know if you have one for sale!
  2. no2cyclones

    Arches NP vs. Zion NP

    For those of you that have been to either or both, which do you recommend and why? Looking at going to Utah for four days next spring. Thanks!
  3. no2cyclones


    Doesn't really fit in the Beer forum. What kind of bourbon is your favorite and/or the best you've had? Recently developing more of a taste for this than beer.
  4. no2cyclones

    Becoming a Dad Tonight!

    Holy ****!
  5. no2cyclones

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    From my family and me to you and yours! Thanks for being the best group of knuckleheads a mod could ask for!
  6. no2cyclones

    Veterinarian in Cedar Rapids?

    The wife and I will be moving to the Cedar Rapids area in approximately a month, asking with our 10 month old golden retriever. We have a great vet here in the Quad Cities, but won't want to travel that far every time we need to bring him in. Anyone have veterinarian recommendations in the Cedar...
  7. no2cyclones

    New Puppy Tips

    The wife and I are getting a new golden retriever puppy on Thursday. Really excited and a bit nervous, as I've never had a dog before. Any tips or recommendations? TIA!
  8. no2cyclones

    Happy Halloween, Fanatics!

    What do you do to celebrate Halloween? Best Halloween stories? Also, happy Friday!
  9. no2cyclones

    Gmail's Inbox app

    Anybody using it yet? I haven't gotten an invitation yet, but it looks interesting. What's wrong with the Gmail app that they need this too?
  10. no2cyclones

    What did you do with your first paycheck?

    I received my first paycheck from my first "big kid" job out of grad school last week, and I'm looking forward to spending a small chunk of it on something I want, just because I can before I start saving up. Haven't figured out what that will be yet, but it made me wonder if others have done...
  11. no2cyclones

    How do you make your coffee?

    My wife and I have bounced back and forth between a Keurig and a pot of coffee, depending on the day and how busy we are. It made me wonder, what is most common among the CFers out there? I know there are other methods, too, including French press, pour over, etc. So, how do you make your...
  12. no2cyclones

    New commit: Seth Nerness.

    Per Trey Scott on Twitter:;_ylt=Aub7RN8N5xcwlMEnmjnR8RSjsJB4
  13. no2cyclones

    Running Shoes

    Looking to replace my Brooks running shoes that have done their time and then some. What kind of shoes do you run in and what would you recommend?
  14. no2cyclones

    MLB: MLB Draft "Misses"

    Today is the MLB Draft, which isn't generally as big of a deal as the NFL and NBA drafts, as these players are obviously stowed away in the minors for a few years before making and impact... If they make an impact at all. I found this article (beware: slideshow) on players that teams "missed"...
  15. no2cyclones

    Best Burger in Iowa

    Resides in Ames according to this list...
  16. no2cyclones

    When engineers own dogs

    All right, which one of you did this?
  17. no2cyclones

    Philadelphia Eagles OL is a Stickler for Grammar Awesome. Just awesome.
  18. no2cyclones

    Happy Opening Day!

    "The one constant, through all the years, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once...
  19. no2cyclones

    Last Final Ever!

    Just finished my last final exam of grad school. Is there any better feeling in the academic or working world? :smile:
  20. no2cyclones

    Frustrating home tasks

    Just attempted to attach sawtooth frame hangers to the back of an old window my wife painted up. Hammering those little 1/4" nails is one of the most frustrating things I've attempted lately. I'm sure someone has that beat. Who's got something worse?