All but official... BC set to fire coach


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
It sounds like the BC administration is upset that Jagodzinski didn't tell them he was going to make contact before he made contact.

Sort of the same thing as if Chizik was talking to Auburn without telling JP about it.

I think they are overreacting a bit. Also, they will be on the hook for the rest of his salary if they fire him.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
It sounds like the BC administration is upset that Jagodzinski didn't tell them he was going to make contact before he made contact.

Sort of the same thing as if Chizik was talking to Auburn without telling JP about it.

I think they are overreacting a bit. Also, they will be on the hook for the rest of his salary if they fire him.

There are similarities between the two, but he at least was open about it saying he was doing it and was interested. Chizik lied so nobody was worried about it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2008
W. Des Moines
There was a thread earlier about the AD's threat to fire him if he interviewed, but just saw that is all but official that he is done now that he has interviewed.

Personally I think it's a bit ridiculous. BC better have something in his contract to protect themselves legally from firing him over this.

Sources: Boston College Eagles to fire Jeff Jagodzinski after Jets talks - ESPN

I was thinking the same thing when I saw that BC actually went through with this. If there isn't a clause in his contract that prevents him from interviewing for another job, BC might be on the hook legally.

OTOH, you could applaud BC for standing up and taking a stand, and not allowing Jags - don't know how to spell it - to use interviewing for another job as leverage.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2008
Its official. They fired him. Since when did BC begin to think that they were all high and mighty and could fire a coach for interviewing. Jag is a long shot for the job anyway. If anything this could have helped for recruiting. That AD is ********.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
There are similarities between the two, but he at least was open about it saying he was doing it and was interested. Chizik lied so nobody was worried about it.

In retrospect for what we know, Gene approach to delivering the goods to JP and players was worse than anybody. The 90 second bye man told JP twice he ws not going to take the jopb. Pants on fire...

The eagle coach was making $750k a year.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Toon Town, IA
I'm torn on this one.

I like the idea of holding a coach to the contract he signs.

Athletic departments are held to their end of the contract if they ever choose to remove a coach. They always have to pony up the big bucks to buy him out. On the flip side, an outgoing coach has little to worry about in terms of financial liability.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
I'm torn on this one.

I like the idea of holding a coach to the contract he signs.

Athletic departments are held to their end of the contract if they ever choose to remove a coach. They always have to pony up the big bucks to buy him out. On the flip side, an outgoing coach has little to worry about in terms of financial liability.

Yeah. It makes you wonder about our everyday jobs. How crazy would it be if I got fired for interviewing for another teaching job at another school?!?!?

My mom and dad were moving at the beginning of last summer because my mom had already accepted a job about 5 hours away on the other side of Iowa. My dad could have told his company that he was going to be resigning probably 2 months in advance, but was worried they might fire him for it right away if he told them he would have to resign in a few months.

...but there is a huge difference between Chizik lying about it repeatedly and the BC coach or even my dad with an everyday job. There is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to "move up" and employees shouldn't have to fear it. Honestly though, I would be a bit nervous and hesitant asking for a letter of reference to apply for another job somewhere else.

It was the lying about it that made it really despicable.