Ames Life after ISU


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2006
After graduation from ISU, I moved out of Iowa 2 1/2 years ago for my job. I was contemplating a move back to Ames for a future job. I was wondering if anyone on here lives in Ames now, and how is life in Ames different from College live in Ames? Do the students annoy you? Is it okay in the summer? etc . . .?


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
My wife and I came back and did this very thing. It was kind of cool, but I didn't live on-campus when I was at ISU, so it wasn't that big of a shift.

We've ended up moving out of Ames because we could get a better house/job, but are still in the area, so we can occasionally visit the campus.

We love Central Iowa.

Central Iowa in Ames is the best time of year, imo. But, then again, I was a "year-around" student, so I already knew that.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
I wish I still lived in Ames. I love that town. The commute would kill me though.


Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 1, 2006
I do not like Ames as a city. I grew up there, and always said I wanted to stay. Then I left, and I would never go back. I like the DSM area a lot more now. Cheaper housing, better jobs, better stores. Easier to get around.


Active Member
Apr 13, 2006
Spent 10+ years away from Iowa after graduation but had the opportunity to move back seven years ago. It has been a great move for the family and good to be back in central Iowa.

We considered living in Ames but settled north of Des Moines....close enough to get to ISU and Ames easily and that works for us.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
If you are within 20 miles, you have not left Ames. At 200 miles, you probablky visit many other cities. At 1000 miles, you may not be back much. If you move to California or Hawaii, you may never comeback.

That said, I did move from one town and then returned to the town several years later. It was a good move back.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Hudson, Iowa
The longer you're out, the less enchanted you'll be with the student life.

I moved to Cedar Falls when I was 26 and absolutely loved the social atmosphere the first few years. Got married and we got less and less involved with that scene. We live in Waterloo now and love the fact tha traffic is better and you're not dealing with long lines of students at every store. Summer time in Cedar Falls is still great when everything is slower paced.

If I had to chose between Ames and Cedar Falls, I'd probably take Cedar Falls now...


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
I do not like Ames as a city. I grew up there, and always said I wanted to stay. Then I left, and I would never go back. I like the DSM area a lot more now. Cheaper housing, better jobs, better stores. Easier to get around.

My experience is the complete opposite. I too grew up in Ames and always thought it was boring. After moving to a big city and having 3 kids, I can't think of a better place to raise a family than Ames. Low crime, no traffic, great schools, sense of community, great sports that don't cost hundreds of dollars to see.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2006
Ames, Born and Raised
I've lived in Ames forever, seriously. I worked in Des Moines for a short time after I graduated but I hated it. I transfered back to Ames as soon as I could. Unless something major changes I don't plan on leaving Ames, not in the forseeable future anyways.

We found a house that's big but not too expensive, right across from a huge open field, just a few blocks from the stadium, what more could I ask for?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
I moved back to Ames after spending a few years away and I'm happy with my decision. I bought a home so now that I'm paying property taxes, I pay more attention to what goes on in the community - city council stuff, crime, etc. It is frustrating to deal with some of the boneheaded decisions the city makes, but all in all it's okay. Des Moines does have a lot of appeal now, however. I'm just not a fan of cookie cutter houses so Ankeny is ugly to me and I would never live there, just shop. It will be nice if they ever build this mall in Ames.

I think it was last winter that my girlfriend and I went to Welch Ave one night because they were skiing and snowboarding down the hill with a few jumps and rails. (Yes, it was a planned event.) I really enjoyed it and thought to myself that you don't see these things in other non-college towns. I like the energy that the college population brings. The short shorts are nice too.


Apr 21, 2006
I came close to moving back a year after I graduated (class of 2000) but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I get my fill of Welch, Peoples (RIP) and the other watering holes when I get to Ames for a handful of FB and MBB games each year. It's nice to visit, but I'd be more about living somewhere I haven't while I was in my early 20's. The comment about Cedar Falls was dead on-it's a great town regardless of when UNI is in session or not. You have to do what's best for you-good luck


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
We've lived in Ames since graduation. I didn't think housing was too outrageous, we live on the West side. Students can be annoying during VEISHA and the couple days following finals, but if you move up North I doubt you would even notice.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2006
We moved back after living in Omaha a few years. Got a decent job offer in Ames. We really like it. Now, the older you get, the less likely to visit Welch Ave, but that's OK. We have a baby now and don't get out as much as we used to. But there are some places on Main St that are fun and not overcrowded with students. Places like Whiskey River, DGs Taphouse, London Underground. And the students that are there understand that it isn't Welch Ave and are comfortable with people in their late 20s early 30s (or older) around.

Houses in Ames are expensive. You get more house for your money in the smaller surrounding towns, but it probably evens out with the commute. I'd hate to have to drive for every little thing I need to buy. We really missed the restaurants and shopping that Omaha had after moving to Ames, but I think that is improving. It has already and we've only been here a few years.

As for the students, there are none in our neighborhood, so really all they affect for me is traffic and waiting in line. We do LOVE the summer here...traffic is down, and they have live music every Friday around Main St. Oh yeah, and the best thing? Driving across town for MBB and FB games.


Apr 13, 2006
I graduated December '05 and have been in a holding pattern since then as the g/f is still an undergrad. As much as I love being local for basketball and football games I can't wait to get out of Ames. The town itself is stagnant in terms of commercial development and overall the mood of the townies is one that loathes progress/development (see Bucky's mall). I'm also not too pumped about driving to Des Moines looking for things to do. On the upside, summers are nice as things are really quiet and you get to reap the benefits of the infrastructure of a college town without the students.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2006
Graduated, kept the job in Ames I interned at and bought a house 5 blocks from the stadium and about 4 or 5 blocks from Welch. I have no problem at all with students and my neighborhood is great! It is special to be able to hear the game from your house if you can't get tickets to go!!!!! Ames is the perfect size and community for me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
42.186391, -93.598597
Ames is a great place to go to college. I lived in Ames for 10 years. I love the "Ames Metropolitan Area" and Story County area but I have very good reasons why I chose to leave Ames and live in Story City instead. Ames has unlimited potential. Perhaps if we had some more ISU graduates move back and be a voice for change, it would reach it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2006
I graduated 15 years ago and never left Ames. To me campus and rest of the city are like 2 seperate places. I prob see the campus area as much as some of the people on here that live in other cities. The best part of Ames is I can get anywhere in town in 10-15 minutes just avoid the Lincolnway/campus area and it can be done. I love the larger city attractions, because of he university, and smaller town feeling. We too looked at houses in Ankeny, Pleasant Hill and Johnston before settling on Ames.

Cy Hard

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2008
Polka City
Having grown up in Ames and had lived there several years after I graduated, your all making me misty eyed for my former residence. I live in Ur-ban-da-le now and enjoy it, but I would still, my wife permitting, move back to Ames in a heartbeat. We've got 2 kids and deep down I still hope they end up Little Cyclones too, before heading to the big boy school. Summers in Ames were great. The last place I lived was on Beach across from the practice fields. I enjoyed waking up every morning to stretch on my from porch looking over Jack Trice Stadium, nothing better man!