April Fools Stories


Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
Listening to Dan Patrick a few minutes ago and April Fools was discussed and a caller called in that a girl he was dating did an April Fools joke where she joked about being pregnant.

What are some crazy April Fools stories do any of you have?
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Mr Janny

Welcome to the Office of Secret Intelligence
Staff member
Mar 27, 2006
I don't know about crazy, but when I was a kid, my uncle pranked my mom on April fool's day, pretending to be someone from the phone company, calling to test rural line connectivity. He had her put the phone down, take ten steps back, and whistle to test high frequency sensitivity, then when she'd get back on the phone, he'd ask her to take 20 steps and try again. Then it was from different rooms. Then from outside, through an open window. Then from upstairs. And when that was done, he needed her to check low frequencies. So she had to repeat the same tests, except instead of whistling, she had to hum as loud and low as she could.
My siblings and I were watching her and asking questions, and she kept telling us to be quiet. My Dad came home when she was doing the low frequency tests and didn't understand, so he got on the phone to chew some ass, which is when my uncle revealed the prank. He had her going for probably 45 minutes.

This was in the early 90s, before telemarketing and caller ID were really a thing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2018
Otsego, MN
I don’t remember doing this for April Fools. (This was very early 90s)

My FIL loves to tell me blonde jokes. I walked into their house one day, threw my keys and coat on the floor in frustration/agitation and my FIL jumps up “What’s wrong?!”

I told him: I just got a recall notice on my car! I can’t believe it!! You’ll probably get one, too!! What year is your car??”

He answers and I asked “It has the dimmer switch on the steering column, doesn’t it? Yep, you’ll get one!”

He’s getting a little amped up now and asks what the recall is for. Me: “They’ve decided to remove the dimmer switch from the console and put them back on the floor!! I can’t believe it - so stupid!”

By now my FIL is upset, shaking his head, can’t believe they’d do such a dumb thing. Then he asks if the recall notice gave the reason why.

Me: “Yep. Too many blondes getting their foot stuck in the steering wheel!!”



Me: Mea culpa. Also me: Sine cura sis.
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
May 7, 2008
This is what ISU Athletics had on their Facebook page. No words.

Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 11.44.43 AM.png
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2021
Best April Fools Day prank I remember was done by an Iowa City radio station. They had people put socks on the part of the phone you listen to. They said the telephone company was blowing out the lines and didn’t want dust to get into your room. Many Hok fans fell for it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2011
I remember thinking that the Province of Nunavut in Canada was a prank because of its name (as well as that of its capital Iqaluit).

But it wasn't. Just a coinkydink that it was founded on April 1, 1999.


Feb 28, 2006
I am always the first one at work (or now online) so one year switched the m and n, and t and y keys on everybody's keyboards in the office. I ended up not feeling good and left, so nobody could get into their computers until I came in the next day.

Another year I used the key commands to flip every bodys display image upside down on their laptops and nobody could figure out what was wrong.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2010
North Carolina
When I was a Jr. in high school I was a pretty integral part of our high school track team. I was also pretty straight laced (my how things changed). I pulled a prank on our head coach. I told him I got busted for underage drinking over the weekend and that I would be suspended for the next 6 track meets. The rest of the team was all onto the joke and were standing close by when I talked to him. He totally fell for it. He went into coach/mentor mode and started talking about how disappointed he was and how he never thought I would do something like that. Blah Blah Blah. The look on his face when we all yelled April Fools was priceless.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 21, 2008
A guy I've worked with for the past 9 years put in his 2 weeks notice 2 weeks ago. He'd been with this company for 20 years and has more knowledge about our system than the next 5 top people combined, he sent a few of us a heads up message that today was going to be his last day and we all were like "April fools??" Unfortunately not.
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Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
I may know a guy that was arrested on April 1 and when he called his father for help; his father thought it was an April’s fool.

I told my mom today that I refuse to believe anything ever told to me on this day even say a passing in the family. :)

Mr Janny

Welcome to the Office of Secret Intelligence
Staff member
Mar 27, 2006
Not a pregnacy joke, that was planned, but we found out we were having twins instead of just 1. They were born April 1, 2023 so they've had jokes from the start.
When we were trying to have kids, it took us some time, and we ended up going to a fertility specialist. After the initial appointment, my wife called her mom from the car, to give her an update, and her mom was like "How'd it go?

And my wife didn't miss a beat in her response. "Turns out we've been using the wrong hole."

I can still hear my mother in law's scream from the phone.


Year-round tailgater
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 17, 2009
For years, I have done the newspaper's Jumble every day. I cut-and-paste it into an email and send it to my daughter and SIL.

Last year, I wrote, "I’m losing my oomph for Jumbles. Yesterday, I didn’t even read the paper. Today, I struggled to do yesterday’s. And even though I got the surprise answer, I didn’t have the right letters because I had misspelled one of the words and gotten the other one wrong. Plus, you guys don’t seem to be into it. So, I may give it a break for awhile and see if I regain my energy for it."

They replied, "You should try Wordle. That what we’ve been playing recently" and "Sounds good, I agree we haven’t really been in to it for awhile. Wordle is really fun too!"

Then, I replied, "Haha. Got both of you on April Fool’s Day! It has been years since someone has fallen for my attempts to trick them. Thanks!"
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