Behind the scenes of Raiders to Vegas


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2010
Public stadium financing makes NFL owners much wealthier much more quickly than attempting to field a successful team. Even accounting for the fact that they share the market with SF, the Raiders are leaving a 4 million member market for one scantly half as big. But they will have the shiny toy of a mostly free stadium on their balance sheet.

So it makes sense that way.

Long term, I don't see how it works out though. I understand wanting to be in LA. There are so many eyeballs that the marketing opportunities are virtually endless. But wanting to jump to a market half the size sort of boggles the mind.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2009
Des Moines*******-hoaxes-hundreds-of-job-seekers-into-attending-r-1796927211

Over 700 people showed up to the Las Vegas Government Center where the Raiders stadium board had been meeting. A great sign of the community support the Vegas residents have for their new football team.

The only problem was, most of the people were there because of this flyer:


No such jobs or interviews were taking place at that location. From the article:

The man behind the flyer is community activist Stanley Washington. After getting yelled at by union reps, Washington defended his flyer on a technicality. He seemed to think he was a genuine force for good—a charitable interpretation is that he assumed the board would be overwhelmed by the tide of job wanters that they’d simply sign people up, but that seems unlikely—rather than a misguided statement that made hundreds travel through the desert heat for jobs that didn’t exist.

“I was on legal ground everywhere,” Washington said. “Then it got down to the interpretation of the flyer. Well, what does the flyer say — the flyer says ‘pre-job recruitment signups.’ It doesn’t say, ‘come down and get a job.’

“All the different opinions, they’re welcome to that. The only thing I’m interested in is SB1, people working — I’ll take all the hits for flyers all day long.”