Crazy Golf Stories


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 18, 2011
During one Conference Golf Tournament in High School, I saw a Senior from South Hamilton make a freshmen from West Marshall carry his bag for him. Kid from South Hamilton was a cocky ****.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 27, 2017
Des Moines
Last year was golfing in Omaha with a couple buddies. The drunkest of the group up to this point is having a hard time hitting the ball straight and we are starting to tag on him for being ****** up. He gets to, I think the par 3 12th hole, looks at us and tells us to **** off while swaying on the tee box. Takes a swing, hits right in front of the hole and drops.

We all rush up to the green in complete awe that he pulled that off. Proceeds to black out on the course 2 holes later, while the remaining 3 finish the round. Still can’t believe it.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 10, 2013
I've hit a cow on a tee shot. Couple weeks ago I hit an iron a *little thin, smoked a tree 30 yards off the green and it came back with a near perfect roll that missed the hole by a couple inches.

LMAO I did this with a 5 wood in highschool. I was probably 220 out and absolutely smoked it over the green. Ball hits a tree and comes back to the cup for a kick in birdie. Haha I ended up runner up medalist that meet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2006
I once saw a guy make the rarest of all shots, the albatross. I was standing on the next tee and looked back down the fairway we had just left and saw a golfer I recognized as being one of the best the club had to offer. I said to my companions, this guy is pretty good and we all stood and watched him hit his second shot on the par five onto the green and into the cup. My companions started yelling and we all waited for the guy, who was playing by himself, to come up to the green and we all signed his score card. We had to ask him if that was indeed just his second shot before we signed the card.

Also had a guy chew me out for "driving your cart on the green," which was not even close to being the case. I was at least five feet off the green, but he had appointed himself the green police that day and there was no arguing with him. I told him to eff off and went about my business.
Saw this happen at Urbandale CC. Old guy lost his marbles on a younger player for driving the cart to close to the green. The player was handicap, never seen someone back peddle that quick.
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Jun 19, 2020
I was grinding stumps on the course in Sac City when my truck was hit by a golf ball. A few years later, I was grinding stumps on Newell's course and had my truck facing towards a tee box. A group of guys were ready to tee off so I grabbed a grain shovel to try to protect my windshield. They probably wondered what the heck I was doing holding a shovel like a baseball bat. LOL None of the shots were close to me.
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Active Member
Nov 30, 2007
I knew a guy, mid 90s kind of golfer, that hit a hole in 5 - 2 in the pond, 5th in the hole.

He got a legit hole in one later that week.

I also played in a tournament in college we called the cheap beer invitational. -2 strokes for every beer you drink, -5 if you drink one per hole. My buddy drank 19 beers good for -43 off his score to secure the win. He almost lost because of the stipulation you can't pass out or puke on the course -- made it to the car but it was iffy.


Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
I am thinking about playing again. And that seems crazy to me. Haven't played in maybe 7 years. Used my torn rotator cuffs and elbow tendonitis as an excuse to quit. Was never any better than a bogey golfer, except on an odd occasion, and had declined to worse than bogey. Rehab for shoulders, no surgery, has worked well and even threw baseball with grandnephews without it killing me. So, decided to hit a mini-bucket of 20 balls this week to see how it went. No physical pain. Some mental anguish as all but 2 or 3 8-irons where brutally bad. Next day, still no pain other than the normal "your shoulders ain't 100%" type. Now debating whether to try a large bucket. This is madness.


Just a Happily Married Man
Sep 10, 2009
People are definitely weird about golf rules, unless we're playing for money I could care less what rules you play by.
I don’t care what rules you play by with your friends, but if you tell me you got a hole in one after a couple mulligans you didn’t actually, regardless of what number you put in the card. Just like if you told me you shot a 65 but took 17 mulligans, that’s cool but it’s not actually true.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2009
Chicago, IL
Was playing in Florida, and a guy in the group ahead of us was having a tough day. After hitting his ball into the pond, he proceeds to remove his clubs from the cart and throw the clubs into the pond, and then drive of to the clubhouse. We proceed to play that hole and as we are circling around the pond to the next tee box, the frustrated golfer returns. He takes off his shoes and socks, walks into the pond to retrieve his clubs. We assumed he had finally calmed down. But we were wrong, He retrieves his billfold and phone from the bag, and then proceed to throw the clubs back into the ponds and heads back to the clubhouse. We were laughing so hard it made it hard for us to continue to play.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
I once saw a guy make the rarest of all shots, the albatross. I was standing on the next tee and looked back down the fairway we had just left and saw a golfer I recognized as being one of the best the club had to offer. I said to my companions, this guy is pretty good and we all stood and watched him hit his second shot on the par five onto the green and into the cup. My companions started yelling and we all waited for the guy, who was playing by himself, to come up to the green and we all signed his score card. We had to ask him if that was indeed just his second shot before we signed the card.

Also had a guy chew me out for "driving your cart on the green," which was not even close to being the case. I was at least five feet off the green, but he had appointed himself the green police that day and there was no arguing with him. I told him to eff off and went about my business.
Keep carts 30 feet from the green you caveman.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
Buddy of mine got my brother and I access to an upscale course in Illinois years ago. Relatively hilly course and GPS carts. There was a sign on the carts that said certain parts of the course were restricted via GPS and if it started beeping, you were to stop and reverse out. If you don't eventually it disables the cart.

Sounds simple enough, but there was no visual signs where you couldn't drive, so you wouldn't know until it started beeping. The bigger problem was the GPS lagged behind real time.

I'm not a good golfer, so I'm in the rough much of the time. I drive the cart across the fairway and over a small hill on the opposite side. As I'm descending the GPS beeps for 5 seconds and then disables the cart. So I'm stuck on the side of this hill. The wheels are locked from going forward and the engine is disabled from going backward. Now I've got the group behind us watching us along with those on the next fairway. My brother and I have to push the heavy cart over the hill and back far enough to re-enable it. Meanwhile everyone within eye shot is yelling at us, "what the hell are you doing?", apparently not understanding the situation or didn't care.

Finally got it going again and now pissed and embarrassed, we played like crap.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2015
One time a few years ago at Veenker on... 18, I think? The big hill up to the green? Me and a buddy just pulled up the green and parked on the cart path like normal. Grab a quick drink or whatever and get ready to head up to putt, when I hear a weird sound behind me and turn around. Ball comes bouncing straight through the middle of our cart on the path and continues on its way. Never heard a fore, didn't have any issues before then. Guy's ball just bounced the cart path forever and almost domed us.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2014
Worked with a guy that was permanently disabled from hanging his foot out of the cart and getting it caught.

My mom made a bird explode in midair out at Jester.

Mom also golfs like twice a year and is the only one in our family to hit a hole in one. It was in a couples tournament and she had to buy a round for the entire place.

I was ******* around in high school golf tryouts by hitting a 6 inch putt around the cup on purpose. I didn’t know the coach was sitting up in the trees and he made me add something like 7 strokes to that hole.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 27, 2011
Reinbeck, IA
Grew up golfing on a short, very simple 9-hole course in North Dakota. One gorgeous day me and a buddy were for some reason just about the only people there, I think we saw 6 other people the whole day so we never had to wait to hit. We started just after noon, flew through the first 9 holes and kept going.

Most holes were a driver and a wedge, so we didn't have to spend any time picking a club....knew the greens like the back of our hand and they weren't terribly complex to begin with. Already knew what we hit into every par 3. Just kept playing......and playing......never rushing just playing ready golf with one cart, could pull right up next to every tee and green. Both of us were playing well, par was 34 and we were both consistently shooting 35-37 all day.

Around 8pm we called it a day, counted the score cards....we had knocked out 90 holes in just under 8 hours. ~45 minutes per round for 10 rounds. Youth is a fantastic thing because my current lower back surrenders about 5 minutes after finishing 18 these days.

This reminds me of an important caveat to my own hole-in-one story.

I went with a group of friends from work to golf 5x 18 holes over two days in Myrtle Beach on a long weekend trip. IIRC, we drove through the night after work Friday, Golfed 3 courses Saturday starting 8am, 2 courses Sunday (technically just north in NC) and came back right after that.

The final 18-holes was probably the best course (Tiger's Eye GC, Ocean Isle Beach, NC), but by the back nine I was DONE. I had blisters on my feet, could barely walk, felt supremely baked from all this time outside... there as even a little gator on the course somewhere around hole 14 that made it more interesting. Sounds cool, but not sure if you should be scared kind of thing. I'm a kid from Iowa and this isn't exactly in my wheelhouse.

We get to hole 17 of that course, which was hole 89 of the weekend. I'm spent. 145 par 3. I think this is nails for my 7-iron so I just get up and hit it. By now I was playing like absolute garbage so I just want it to be OVER. It obviously lands really close and rolls toward the cup, but due to a swale in the green I don't see it literally roll in. Of course I find the ball in the cup, I'm elated and in total disbelief. I literally double check to confirm it's my ball.

We were the first group of 12 golfers, so we wait near hole 18 and somehow without words my friends have figured this out (this is like 2002, before smart phones) and just dogpile me on the edge of 18. Incredible.

I tell the pro shop, and they actually sent me a cool plaque in the mail with a little "1" that holds my ball and the course name, hole and yardage. Sweet deal.


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
I don’t care what rules you play by with your friends, but if you tell me you got a hole in one after a couple mulligans you didn’t actually, regardless of what number you put in the card. Just like if you told me you shot a 65 but took 17 mulligans, that’s cool but it’s not actually true.
No idea why people take mulligans. Who are you fooling other than yourself? How can you tell when you had a great round in comparison to any other?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Schaumburg, IL
Sorry for a bit of a long story, but it's really the only outstanding thing that's ever happened to me on a golf course.

About 15 years ago had a group behind my brother and I, we were playing as a twosome and at that time, we were decent golfers as we played quite a bit. They each had their own carts and were playing no etiquette speed golf. Well, the course was a little backed up because of a group a few holes ahead who were not very good. One group ahead let us play through, but it didn't really matter because the course was just slow that day. So of course the original group behind us plays through and catches us again.

Well, we were on a shorter par 4, waiting for the green to clear so we could hit our approach shots when a ball comes right next to me and rolls by. I turn around and the guy who just hit yells, "Let us play through ********!" And another one yells, "Or speed it the **** up!"

So, I grabbed a tee and my driver, set up his ball and nailed a great drive right back at them. It was perfect, came to rest right in front of them on the tee box. So I yelled, "I think you lost that. Do it again and I'll shove your entire golf bag up your ass!" That actually got them to back off a bit.

At the turn, I told my brother, let's just let them play through. We can grab a bite to eat and a beer, no one is behind them for a while, so we can let a gap build up and enjoy the day. That's when the ranger pulls up. I was expecting a lashing from him, but instead I got, "Listen, these guys are pricks, I have to deal with them every Tuesday. I'm sorry for the hassle. Go grab a couple beers and a hot dog on me and let them through, they'll just make your day miserable."

Needless to day, we caught them on hole 13 and had to wait for them on every shot. I didn't hold back letting them know how slow they were playing and laughing really loud every time they shanked on or missed a putt.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2013
Craziest I've done: I got a hole in 1 on back-to-back weekends, same course using the same club (different holes)

Craziest I've seen: Police chase on the course at Jester Park