Cryptowall Virus


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2006
Northwest Arkansas
My work computer got hit with a virus this afternoon, I think it was from an ad on Yahoo as that was my homepage for Explorer. Shipping it off to IT tomorrow morning, anyone else had to deal with this before?


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
Washington DC
I got the worst one on my work laptop a few years ago through photobucket. It came up with an Interpol thing on the screen saying I was looking at kiddie porn and to enter my credit card information for the three hundred dollar fine. I couldn't do anything to get it off there. It was awful. Took it in to get it cleaned up and it had to have EVERYTHING wiped off of it. Even all of my Microsoft programs. Cost me 120 bucks too. Because guilty or not, I sure wasn't turning that in to my corporate IT people. I took that baby to a third party.

Dude says it's not an uncommon one to see. Said it's worse than any Trojan virus though. Also said a lot of people get it from streaming websites, which is why if I even think about Firstrow anymore, I make sure my antivirus and Adblock is 100 percent up to date.