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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2008
I was talking about the sport in general.

To your point though I sure as hell hope recruits aren’t making their decisions on who the color commentator on tv is. Winning will bring in fans but it also has to be an approachable sport.
And my point is that these videos are now out there and readily available in the wrestling community. Yes, recruits are watching many more meets than they used to. And yes, I believe them watching an exciting meet that has lively knowledgable commentary would be a positive influence on the recruit vs. turning off the stream because someone keeps referring back to the 1970s/80s during a match.

I'm obviously not saying it's the #1 or even #10 reason a recruit may choose a school, but we should be doing everything we can to bring excitement to the broadcasts for the benefit of the wrestling community. Not the casual fan. Your buddies can explain the rules to you.

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