Freshman Advice Thread


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
3 things:
1.Going to class is optional for some classes if you have a pulse and a brain. figure out what those classes are and do homework during them if you get behind. I made the dean's list more often than not doing this.
2. Just because you physically can drink an entire handle of hawkeye vodka(completing the hawkeye challenge) does not mean you should. Veishea 2010.
3. Don't **** with pills or needles. Also protect yourself from the clap.

Yup. Some classes will be pretty pointless. But those are the ones where they usually take attendance or do surprise quizzes. So use them as a study period.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
Get involved. ISU is a great place to join groups and experience the college life. I tried to join some type of group every semester and had a blast doing it.

If you want to meet people smuggle in beer and share

Make sure you know where in the hell you are going. I'm ashamed to say I carried a campus map for a little while, but my sense of direction is ****

I would love to be in your shoes! College is ******* fun! Work hard, play hard......always


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Don't let the divey nature and first couple weeks of heat in Helser get you down. My son lived there and loved it, mostly because of the people. Sleep right in front of a fan the first week or two and you should be good.

Also, don't start a dating relationship right away. My kids know lots of people who did this and didn't really make a lot of friends in the beginning because they spent all of their time on a relationship that failed by the next semester. Helps to get to know people in your major for group projects and studying. Their will be plenty of time for dating once you have settled in and made friendships.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Agreed. I never checked anything out of the library. In fact the only time I ever went to the library was to work on group projects freshman year.

My "thrifty" son checks out his textbooks from the library if they have them instead of buying them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
addition #4 the design library is the best library to study in, it's quiet and I used it even though I wasn't in design. Also dem design girls.


Aug 13, 2013
Get a job ASAP. Seriously. I don't care how much your parents are supporting you or scholarships you're getting... Time is money and money is time. Be able to pay for your own stuff as soon as possible.


Jul 9, 2013
When it comes to making out, whenever possible, put on side one of Led Zeppelin IV.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2013
Long time reader, first time posting since who wants to hear a high schooler's opinion anyway. Back on point though, I'm finally achieving my life goal of attending Iowa State and I talked 11 people from my school(out of 52!) in to coming down with me.

I'm living on the 4th floor of Helser and I move in this Wednesday. Since I don't really have any experience at college, I figured I would come to my go-to spot for information CyFan and figure out the best way to avoid being a really obvious freshman.

Since most of you have had experiences with this stuff I'm banking on you all, as a community, coming together to help me be the best freshman at not being a freshman. Any advice would be awesome!

If your user name is any indication, dye your hair.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2010
I would say don't be afraid to ask for assistance...whether that be from a CA, adviser, instructor, etc. It's ok not to know something, but there are SO many folks who want to help you at ISU.

Also, do what you want to do. Meaning, if you see a student club you want to join, do it! Even if that means going by yourself to a meeting. Also, be careful who you take advice from. If the guy down the hall says, "Skip class! Just read the book and you'll be fine." That person may have a 1.5 GPA. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
grundy center
If you get any chance to travel do it. Don't "wait until next semester/year". Don't let a girlfriend hold you back from going. Travel, and travel often. If people are driving to Iowa City to tailgate go with them. Class option to go to Rome? Find money and go. Once you graduate the only time you have is when you retire.

Don't be the guy who goes home every weekend to hang out with old friends. Family events are fine but your buddy at the community college having a kegger? Don't go back for that. You'll realize real quick your life and their lives are going in different directions.

edit - i failed a math class as a freshman because I hate math and never showed up. I retook it as a senior thinking "hey young freshman girls!" but I really felt like an old loser in that class. So don't skip classes and don't fail classes. Yet your GPA really doesn't matter. Life matter much more.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 25, 2007
Chem 177 with C. Bonaccorsi
Engl 250H with A. Clarke
Engr 101 with A. Brandau
Engr 160 with M. Hagge
Hon 121 with L. Law
Lib 160
Math 165 with H. Bolles
(I know I'm in Honors but I promise I'm not a complete loser)

Ha, I was in the freshman honors program for a semester...they, uh, didn't invite me back for the second semester. English 250 is lame, but at least you don't have to take another English class until your junior year!

If you know what Engineering discipline you want to do already Eng 101 will seem like a waste of time but it was helpful to fill out a class schedule for your remaining semesters.

I don't know if Lib 160 is still the same but when I took it there was one time you actually had to show up somewhere...DON'T SKIP THE ONE TIME YOU HAVE TO BE THERE.

Not sure if your calc class is a lecture or not, but I'd recommend going for the class that meets 4 times a week (M/T/Th/F) instead of M/W/F with a recitation on T/Th. I took Calc 2 as a lecture and absolutely bombed it, the classroom setting is much better for math IMO.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
I also endorse the "don't skip class" mindset. Also, if you don't get something for one of your classes, don't be afraid to visit the professor or TA during their office hours. They'll be more than happy to help you, assuming you've already at least put in the effort to read over the topic in your text book once or twice. (I'm a TA, I know. And if you bug a TA for a simple question you could have answered by opening a book, you're probably going to be put on the s*** list.)

Don't pee in the woods while tailgating. You will get a ticket.

Tailgate. Then actually go to football games.

If you want good grades (and you're not a genius) think of your school work like a full time job. If you're not putting in 40 hrs/week, you're not doing what you need to. Any time beyond that 40 hours is free for the taking - intramurals, partying, etc.

Workout as often as you can. I've never been in as good of shape as I was in high school. Not putting as much effort into working out in college caused more than just a "freshman 15", that I still haven't gotten rid of.

If you get a bike, get the ugliest, nastiest, most functional bike you can find. You want it to work. You don't want it to get stolen. Every penny you invest in a bike U-lock is money well spent. Anything <$40 will result in a stolen bike.

Lastly, TV is a huge time suck. Pick 2 or 3 shows that you can't miss and watch them. Time spent watching any other TV is time you could spend either having fun, or getting better grades.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 30, 2012
All of this has been really helpful so far so thanks for all the help. Is there anything I should be bringing that I wouldn't think I need? Or any helpful advice for moving in?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Try and get a computer lab monitor job. It is a great way to get paid to study or do homework.

Schedule classes you will go to. If you are not a morning person, don't schedule morning classes.

If the cops show up at a party, just set your cup down and don't be a ******.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010

Playing cards
Good-fitting ear buds or noise-cancelling head phones
Random medicines like aspirin, Tylenol, pepto bismol, ibuprofen, cough syrup
Rain jacket
Umbrella big enough to cover both you and your backpack (golf umbrella)
Shower flip-flops (warts are a pain to get rid of)


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2011
Ankeny, IA

Playing cards
Good-fitting ear buds or noise-cancelling head phones
Random medicines like aspirin, Tylenol, pepto bismol, ibuprofen, cough syrup
Rain jacket
Umbrella big enough to cover both you and your backpack (golf umbrella)
Shower flip-flops (warts are a pain to get rid of)

I'd suggest more than one, can always get some free at the health center

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