Friday OT #1 - The Grim Spectre


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2020
In 1987 or 88, my buddy was working on his Chevette and wanted to take a test drive. As his house was on the edge of town, we headed out on gravel to do a big loop back to the house.

On the hilly straightaway on the way back to town, he wound it up to 80, and while going over a small rise in the road, it lifted a bit off the suspension and started to get loose. He oversteered and we flew into the ditch sideways/backwards, and rolled maybe four or five times down a fence row.

It happened incredibly quickly and I remember the windshield breaking and when we came to a stop upright, I looked down expecting to see bad things, and looked over at my buddy expecting the same, but we were both virtually untouched (he had a slight bump on his head and there was a hole in the roof above his head where a metal fence post had punched through). Other than that, completely fine.

He was completely freaked out, and I was sitting there like holy ****, that was amazing, I can't wait to tell everyone what happened. In my odd reflections over the years, I sometimes wonder if I didn't make it, and the rest of my life has just been this alternate timeline, The whole thing was just that unlikely.
I was in a bad car accident and I thought I was for sure dying from internal bleeding. I called 911 and then called my wife to tell her goodbye. It turns out I had broke my neck. I'm still around to annoy my wife but I sometimes wonder if this is my life flashing in front of my eyes, similar to your alternate timeline


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2008
I can’t think of anything too serious. But back in college while working for the football team, one of the plane rides back from an away game was ******* terrifying. And I have no issues with flying. I couldn’t stop thinking how it was going to be a huge national story if we didn’t make it.

@brentblum (and Walters) tweet from that day



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
Just recently rolled my car on I90 up in MN, from where it 1st hit and ended up was at least 40 ft. Ended up on its wheels back and passenger window gone and windshield caved in. Turned out I was pretty much ok left shoulder was sore for about a wk but I went to work that day got one of the 1st responders to drop me off.
2. Was driving a 4 wheeler through some tall horse weeds and as it pushed the weeds down. It covered a wash out up. Drove over that and it flipped in I remember thinking this is going to hurt luckily it got stuck and I fell to the bottom it was about 7 ft deep I could stand up under the 4 wheeler.
3. Night skiing up at Afton caught a edge and it dumped me about 30 ft down in the ravine my head was between the snowmaking pipe and a stump. Was trying to gather my stuff up when a buddy came looking for me, I told him I'm ok but missing a ski, it was still up there stuck in the snow at about a 45 angle. That's how he knew where to look for me.
4. Xcountry skiing out to the Apostle Islands the ice had shifted and but 18 inches of water under the snow. When I broke threw I was sure I was dead, when I stopped knee deep I'm surprised I didn't have a heart attack. Grabbed onto my buddy's ski pole and he helped pull me out.
4 was probably the scariest the rest happened so fast it was done before you knew it.

I'm never going skiing with you.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
Thanks so much to @NWICY for this thread suggestion!

The premise is simple - tell us about your near death experiences! What happened, has anyone seen a white light. Who has been shot, and who has not.
I was in a car accident when I was 17, the summer after I graduated from high school. We were going to a movie I didn't want to see (The Abominable Dr. Phibes) but my buddy, who was driving, talked me into it. We were driving 60 going down a county blacktop when a car full of guys about our age ran a stop sign on a gravel road and we T-boned them. This was in one of those big old cars of the era that didn't have a crumple zone or shoulder harnesses. It just had lap seat belts, which of course, we weren't wearing being teenagers.

My head went through the windshield and from different witnesses who happened on the scene, I was told various descriptions of what I looked like. One said It look like my brains were coming out of my forehead, one said my left eyeball was hanging out on my cheek.

It was touch and go for a few days as doctors feared I had a brain bleed (I didn't) and worried that I would lose an eye (I didn't but I still can see only light from that eye, which lost a third of it's mass in the accident and required 6 stitches on the eyeball itself after doctors removed a large chunk of glass from it.)

I was told by the doctors at the Mayo Clinic that they were worried my body would reject my eyeball , similar to an organ transplant rejection, after they stuck it back in my head because it had been outside my body for so long, but still attached by whatever an eye is attached to the head by. An eye doctor years later told me this was impossible because an eyeball doesn't pop out of your head like you see in horror/gore movies, but that's what I was told all those years ago. I needed 162 stitches to sew up my forehead.

I was by far the most seriously injured of any of the occupants of the car. My friend had a broken bone in his foot and a guy in the other car complained of back pain. Turns out the guys in the other car were out driving around smoking weed.

We got an insurance settlement, but it wasn't nearly as much as we were hoping. It basically paid our medical bills and left me with about 20K after the lawyer took his cut. 20K seems like a lot of money, especially back then, but it was not the millions we were envisioning for losing vision in an eye and pain and suffering and permanent disfigurement, although you couldn't really tell now unless you looked real close. I still have a scar across the bridge of my nose and at the outside corner of my left eye and there are slighter, all but invisible scars still on my forehead.


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
When I was 14, I was riding an automatic 4 wheeler and I was going too fast, braked too hard and nearly flipped it. It was straight up and down, or at least that's how I remember it. Luckily it came back down the right way. Haven't operated one since.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 20, 2011
Was at a party once at the top floor of one of the Maple Willow Larch buildings (the one that faces Lincoln way). It was early fall and a hot night. Had my back to an open window to cool down, and I leaned back..... only to find that there was no screen and I nearly plummeted 7or 8 stories to my death. Thank God I wasn't drunk yet.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
Metro Omaha
To celebrate graduating from high school, two classmates and I were going to bicycle to Okoboji. My grandparents had a cottage just off the lake and we were going to stay there for a few days.

We were biking on between Salix and Sioux City. We were in single file and a semi truck flies by us and doesn't get into the left lane though he could have. Passes just an arm's length away. Damn we were furious at the close call and tried to see if he had pulled off at some truck stop to tell him off but never saw him.

Another time Ms dialclone and I were riding a tandem on a very lightly driven county road. Some bozo in a pickup truck purposely passed us too close as there was no one n the oncoming lane. So, I yelled at him and flipped him off. He stops and gets out of the truck to wait for us. We kept going right by him. I think I told him as we rode passed him to "never do that again." IIRC, when he passed us the us he gave us a bit more room.
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Apr 14, 2006
In the summer during my college years, I worked in the corn fields supervising the detasselers. One day I was stopped on the highway waiting for the on coming traffic to pass so I could turn into the plant. I suddenly saw a Semi barreling down on me with his tires smoking from the brakes being locked up. Luckily for me, he took to the ditch instead of hitting me. If not, he probably would have pushed me into the on coming traffic. I was pretty frazzled after that so my boss just sent me home for the rest of the day. The next day, I'm walking in one of my fields and there was a spot where all of the corn was laying flat. A tornado had briefly touched down there after the accident. It made me wonder if God was trying to send me a message.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2011
The summer I turned 13, I had gone with my grandparents to Rainy Lake east of International Falls. I was walking along the dirt trail at the water's edge when I stepped on a particularly round stick. My foot rolled on it and I stumbled, losing my balance and falling into what I thought would be relatively shallow water. Surprise - it was about an 8 foot drop straight down. I tried to learn to swim a couple times when I was younger, but was never able to. I couldn't relax and always sank like a lead brick. I was able to get my head above water once to yell for help, but there wasn't anyone around. Panicking as I sank below the surface, I could see the rocks of the edge of the lake just out of reach. It seemed like I just couldn't get my hands close enough. Looking up through the water, I could see the sun sparkling in a distorted way and I remember thinking, "This is the last thing I'm ever going to see." I tried lunging for those rocks again and as I swung my arms out, I felt the root of a tree that was sticking out just far enough for me to touch. Grabbing it with both hands, I pulled myself to the rock 'wall' and then was able to get my head above water and after catching my breath, *very carefully* climbed back onto dry land. I have no idea how long I was actually under the surface. Thought it seemed like forever, it was probably a matter of maybe 20 seconds. Scared the **** out of me, though. I still don't enjoy being on, in, or over water to this day (that isn't restricted to a morning shower or similar) and never did overcome the anxiety of being in the water to learn to swim or even float. Weirdly, I LOVE the ocean. I could listen to the surf all day and night and never get tired of being next to it when I'm out west. I never said I made sense. <shrug>


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
3 very close calls before I was 24. Like many others on here, probably other events I was oblivious to impending danger. Ignorance is a bliss.
Ahem, that's a nice tease now fill out the stories.


Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
Couple times for me and my mom is probably what kept it to near death. 20 year class reunion I got bombed out of my mind on fireball. Came to mom's home around 2 in the am and she woke up to see I was in bad shape so tried to keep me up and in a chair as an future vomiting spell was do at any moment. When it did happen I was at least in chair so said vomit to escape my mouth. If not for her I would of gone to sleep in my bed and likely probably would of suffocated when I did puke.

Other was when I got covid. I'd been at home with it for 4 or 5 days and on that 4th or 5th day the oxygen sensor my dad had bought me was registering in the mid to high 80's when it should be around 95. She made the decision to take me to the ER. I think if I would of waited even till morning (it was around 11pm) when I went in I'm not sure I would of made it because shortly after getting to ER I nearly passed out.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
Almost drowned when I was around 5. We were on vacation at Six Flaggs in St. Louis, swimming in a packed hotel swimming pool, dad was supposed to be watching me to make sure I stayed in the shallow end as I couldn't yet swim. I ventured into the deep end, dad was apparently checking out all the hot chicks, and I went under. Just remember lots of bubbles. started seeing stars and things were going dark purple, I think beginning to black out. Then a hand grabbed my arm and yanked me up. To this day mom still gives him sh*t for almost getting me killed because he was busy "watching bikinis."

I don't remember but I guess when I was real little and first started swimming with those arm floaties I would float over to the deep end of the pool, and would slip the floaties off, promptly sinking to the bottom.

My mom was always (thankfully) at the ready any time we went.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2009
Behind you
I don't remember but I guess when I was real little and first started swimming with those arm floaties I would float over to the deep end of the pool, and would slip the floaties off, promptly sinking to the bottom.

My mom was always (thankfully) at the ready any time we went.
Yeah we didn't roll with those in 1977, lol.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2021
I had a motorcycle accident when I was 18. No helmet, wife beater, and shorts. Road rash is real. It took me a couple year to get back on one and I never went anywhere unprotected. I would still have flashbacks of the crash when I rode, which was weird. Not really close to death but if i would have landed a little different.....
I worked my way through ISU. Fast-food. Co-worker told me about the time he took his GF outside of Ames for an easy ride on his motorcycle. He dumped the bike on some loose gravel, they landed on their butts facing each other, her boobs hanging out on account of having bounced so hard that they popped up out of her tube top. he he. He had a witty retort for her, but I've forgotten it....
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
I don't remember but I guess when I was real little and first started swimming with those arm floaties I would float over to the deep end of the pool, and would slip the floaties off, promptly sinking to the bottom.

My mom was always (thankfully) at the ready any time we went.
I bet your mom appreciated that.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
3 very close calls before I was 24. Like many others on here, probably other events I was oblivious to impending danger. Ignorance is a bliss.
Ahem, that's a nice tease now fill out the stories.

Ha Ha! Farm boy raised in rural Iowa but grew up fast when I went to a community college in California before attending Iowa State. You can take the boy off the farm but not the farm off the boy. This is what I kinda looked like...

Don't pay any mind to the lyrics.
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