FS: XL Iowa State Gameday Bibs/Overalls


Jan 24, 2011
Ames, IA
Got these as a gift late last year, and they are too big (wanted larger to fit cold weather gear underneath, but they are just too large). Went to return a month or two after getting them and the store was going out of business and would not accept them back (Campus Bookstore). Got a smaller size and am ready to go, but these need to go as I have no use for them now. Brand new never worn, tags still on them. Looking to get $45; the new pair I just bought were over $50 (I think $52 ish).

I will be at all the home games except the Sept. 29 Texas Tech game (damn weddings) so would be easy to find me out in G7 and get them to who ever wants them. If wanting me to ship them to you lmk and we can try to work something out.

PM or post here, and we can exchange information on how to get the bibs to you.

Size is XL, which websites show as 44x34


Jan 24, 2011
Ames, IA
Wow, so much hate. Lighten up and have some fun. Site is full of haters, hating on people supporting the same team they do. Unreal


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2011
Iowa City area
View attachment 14477

Perhaps the snide comments were meant partially in jest, in which case you should lighten up, francis.

Note that the jibba jabba came after you had announced them sold. At that point, snide comments are simply editorial ramblings, and likely not worth fretting over.

For the record, yes, I do think the bibs are ridiculous, but I also think that anyone who wishes to wear them should have little concern over what I (some random dude on the internet) really thinks.
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Jan 24, 2011
Ames, IA
You are right, but like you said "perhaps" they were just in jest. I just see enough of people attacking individuals for the dumbest reasons on this site and I am sorry if I put you in with that group. Didn't see a jimlad, so just assumed. My apologies if I was wrong.

Wasn't fretting about it, just pointing it out.

I do agree, anyone who wishes to wear them should have little concern over what anyone else thinks. I could care less what anyone thinks (especially some random dudes on the internet:smile:) about my game day apparel, or much else really. The fact wasn't what you or anyone else thinks of these, it was more towards the comments for no apparent reason (just didn't see the need for the opinions in a classified ad, regardless if sold or not). I might have jumped to conclusions, or mis-understood. If that is the case, I apologize and will get my jimlad meter re-calibrated :smile: