Game of Thrones Season 6


Active Member
Oct 14, 2009
Anyone think magic and/or religion are going to become more important as the show winds down? I know Cersei just devastated the Faith of the Seven, but you could argue that was more of philosophy/political movement. The other religions seem to have more tangible 'powers' like Melissandra (R'hllor) raising people from the dead and birthing shadow assassins, and Bran (Old Gods) with his worging and visions of the past/future. You could even include the Many-faced god helping Arya and Jaqen with disguise, the Drowned God bringing Euron back to life? Then, as far as magic goes you've got the dragons and the White Walkers which will likely become more prominent. And I've read stuff about Sam possibly bringing back the magic for creating valerian steel.

Also, here are a couple questions:

(1) I never fully understood how Uncle Benjen/Coldhands came to be. He died, was raised by a WW, then somehow gained his independence from the Night's King? Was that a one-time deal or could others also resist? What kind of a role will he have the rest of the way?

(2) On symbolism: Dany represents fire and Jon Snow represents ice, right? That seems to be the ultimate pairing of the story. But the Night's King also represents ice? Maybe Jon is a mixture of fire and ice based on his parentage but I would think that mixture would be shown in his character. In fact, he is up there with Ned Stark, Brienne and the Night King as probably the most 'uncomplicated' of all the people we follow. I would think a better incarnation of fire/ice would be someone like Jamie who has an inner conflict between a history of evil deeds and a desire to be noble.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
I think the religions utilize magic, but I don't think there is one God being played off another, I just think it is part of that world. I don't think there is an Azor Ahai in a strict sense, I just think it is a prophecy and they may claim a character is but it is not a second coming or something.

1. Benjen was turned but somehow the children of the forest intervened and he was able to keep his identity. They did it with spells if memory serves.

2. I think any of your interpretations are possible. Ice and Fire could be Jon's parentage, Jon and Dany, or it could be Dragons vs. White Walkers two poles of a dualistic world. My guess is that it is about when the WW and the Dragons meet. That however is up for much debate, and only GrrM knows for sure.

I agree that Jaime has become one of the better characters.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2013
Ok so i just got done with the season and had a few questions.

1. I remember people freaking out about the episode "the door" before i had started watched game of thrones. A lot of people were saying there favorite character died. How could Hodor be someones favorite character? I mean yeah his circumstance is sad but the dude can only say one word.

2. Is there some kind of women rising to power theme? At the end of season 6, arya stark is an assassin, cersei lannister sits on the iron throne, sansa stark won the war for jon and now rules the north with him, daenerys targaryen seems more stronger then ever, lyanna mormont rules the bear isalnd at age 10, ellaria sand now rules dorne, and olenna tyrell rules the reach. It cant be a coincidence can it? I could very easily see sansa leading the north if jon were to pass away leaving all women wanting the iron throne.

Speculation time.
In the last episode we find out that jon snows mother is lyanna stark and it is believe that rhaegar targaryen is the father. When Jon was stabbed by the nights watch, did anyone else see the picture where it the blood looks like a dragon? Possibly the reason he was able to come back to life is because he has dragons blood. In the books when daenerys is in the house of the dying, she has a vision of rheagar saying "He appears to look at Dany then, as if seeing her, and then he adds that "There must be one more," and "The dragon has three heads." If daenerys is one head and jon snow is the second, then who is the third? My guess would be tyrion. He has had dreams of dragons and was not hurt when he went to go see them when daenerys was away. In the house of the undying, daenerys opens a door into a the throne room covered in snow. This could represent many things. It could mean that jon snow will rule kings landing. I do think the snow represents jon, however I believe the throne room represents tyrion and then obviously dothraki tend symbolizes daenerys. Now if we speculate that jon has dragon blood and we know daenerys has dragons blood, does that mean tyrion has dragons blood? Possibly it is said in the wiki mad king always had lust for tywins wife Joanna lanister which he crudley expressed during her "bedding". What if tyrion is not actually a lanister but a targaryen. If that was true you would now have the 3 heads to ride the dragons all with dragon blood. I suppose its possible that tyrion could ride a dragon still being a lanister but this ties it all together. Obviously the white walkers and the army of the undead will come from the north to the south and I believe that Jon will realize that is has dragon blood when a dragon comes to save him (but not defeating all of the army). Now its dificult to kind of predict what will happen next but I think a lot of it has to do with bran stark. I think since he is the three eyed raven. All three of the dragon heads will have visions until they realize that the 3 must ride the dragons to defeat the white walkers and the army of the undead. I know this probably wont happen but its fun to think about.

Heres a link to house of the undying clip (which is probably the most important scene in the whole series.)

And heres a picture of jons blood kind of resembling him riding a dragon or just a dragon.


Would like to know what you guys think.


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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
1. Hodor was a really sympathetic character in a story without many of them. Not sure favorite character is the way to put it, but definitely loved. Plus, it is a heartbreaking twist that he gave his life and mind to Bran.

2. Yes, and GrrM writes about complex and powerful women, who are not just femme fatales, or damsels in distress. He describes himself as a feminist, but I am not sure all of the rising of the women is GrrM in the show. I think the books will be different, and the only real surprise IMO was Cersei. But who knows.

3. The theory about Tyrion is a bit more popular in book circles as he has two different colored eyes, and some white hair. So, yes, I agree, though I like him better as a Lannister.

I was looking over, and GrrM has compared the White Walkers to Sidhe or Faery, which were English/Irish lore. They are different races and magical. They don't operate in the same world as man in a sense, but they share it. They have entirely different values due to the fact they may be immortal or magical. Faery were said to be feckless, cruel and odd. I hadn't seen that before, so I don't think the White Walkers are doing it out of malice, as much as, that it is just what White Walkers do. Their companions are the dead, and they kill the living. Which is I think, more terrifying.

I used to think that Bran was going to play a very important role by skinchanging Hodor, and communicating with Jon. Now I am not sure what he is going to accomplish with his powers. Maybe he will command animals to fight for them.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2013
1. Hodor was a really sympathetic character in a story without many of them. Not sure favorite character is the way to put it, but definitely loved. Plus, it is a heartbreaking twist that he gave his life and mind to Bran.

2. Yes, and GrrM writes about complex and powerful women, who are not just femme fatales, or damsels in distress. He describes himself as a feminist, but I am not sure all of the rising of the women is GrrM in the show. I think the books will be different, and the only real surprise IMO was Cersei. But who knows.

3. The theory about Tyrion is a bit more popular in book circles as he has two different colored eyes, and some white hair. So, yes, I agree, though I like him better as a Lannister.

I was looking over, and GrrM has compared the White Walkers to Sidhe or Faery, which were English/Irish lore. They are different races and magical. They don't operate in the same world as man in a sense, but they share it. They have entirely different values due to the fact they may be immortal or magical. Faery were said to be feckless, cruel and odd. I hadn't seen that before, so I don't think the White Walkers are doing it out of malice, as much as, that i just what White Walkers do. Their companions are the dead, and they kill the living. Which is I think, more terrifying.

I used to think that Bran was going to play a very important role by skinchanging Hodor, and communicating with Jon. Now I am not sure what he is going to accomplish with his powers. Maybe he will command animals to fight for them.
Thanks for the info. I suppose bran could command animals to fight but I think he serves a bigger role in the story, just not sure what it is. Also not sure what will happen to meera reed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
Thanks for the info. I suppose bran could command animals to fight but I think he serves a bigger role in the story, just not sure what it is. Also not sure what will happen to meera reed.

I can't say what practical powers the 3 eyed raven has politically or in war. They are powerful wargs and greenseers which I suppose is intrinsically helpful if he is mobile. I am sure that GrrM has something brilliant.

Meera may just be a bit player, but I could see her as Bran's love interest. Once she gets Bran back her role may be done. I hope she goes and gets her Dad. It would be nice to hear from Howland Reed.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2010
Omaha, NE
Ok so i just got done with the season and had a few questions.

1. I remember people freaking out about the episode "the door" before i had started watched game of thrones. A lot of people were saying there favorite character died. How could Hodor be someones favorite character? I mean yeah his circumstance is sad but the dude can only say one word.

2. Is there some kind of women rising to power theme? At the end of season 6, arya stark is an assassin, cersei lannister sits on the iron throne, sansa stark won the war for jon and now rules the north with him, daenerys targaryen seems more stronger then ever, lyanna mormont rules the bear isalnd at age 10, ellaria sand now rules dorne, and olenna tyrell rules the reach. It cant be a coincidence can it? I could very easily see sansa leading the north if jon were to pass away leaving all women wanting the iron throne.

Speculation time.
In the last episode we find out that jon snows mother is lyanna stark and it is believe that rhaegar targaryen is the father. When Jon was stabbed by the nights watch, did anyone else see the picture where it the blood looks like a dragon? Possibly the reason he was able to come back to life is because he has dragons blood. In the books when daenerys is in the house of the dying, she has a vision of rheagar saying "He appears to look at Dany then, as if seeing her, and then he adds that "There must be one more," and "The dragon has three heads." If daenerys is one head and jon snow is the second, then who is the third? My guess would be tyrion. He has had dreams of dragons and was not hurt when he went to go see them when daenerys was away. In the house of the undying, daenerys opens a door into a the throne room covered in snow. This could represent many things. It could mean that jon snow will rule kings landing. I do think the snow represents jon, however I believe the throne room represents tyrion and then obviously dothraki tend symbolizes daenerys. Now if we speculate that jon has dragon blood and we know daenerys has dragons blood, does that mean tyrion has dragons blood? Possibly it is said in the wiki mad king always had lust for tywins wife Joanna lanister which he crudley expressed during her "bedding". What if tyrion is not actually a lanister but a targaryen. If that was true you would now have the 3 heads to ride the dragons all with dragon blood. I suppose its possible that tyrion could ride a dragon still being a lanister but this ties it all together. Obviously the white walkers and the army of the undead will come from the north to the south and I believe that Jon will realize that is has dragon blood when a dragon comes to save him (but not defeating all of the army). Now its dificult to kind of predict what will happen next but I think a lot of it has to do with bran stark. I think since he is the three eyed raven. All three of the dragon heads will have visions until they realize that the 3 must ride the dragons to defeat the white walkers and the army of the undead. I know this probably wont happen but its fun to think about.

Heres a link to house of the undying clip (which is probably the most important scene in the whole series.)

And heres a picture of jons blood kind of resembling him riding a dragon or just a dragon.


Would like to know what you guys think.

I don't think Tyrion is a targ. In the house of the undying, Rheygar was asked about the baby's name they just had, he then said Aegon. His is the song of ice and fire. He then said there must be one more, the dragon has three heads. To me, he was fulfilling his prophecy with Lyanna by fathering 3 children. I don't think that was technically the prophecy but as Melisandre often misinterprets her visions, who ever gave him his could have as well.
The 3 could be pointing to Dany, Jon and Tyrion, could be the three children Rhaegar had but two go murdered. It's hard to say. It's also unknown if that vision is true. Right at the beginning, the undying say you will see visions of days gone by, days that never were and things to come.
Will be interesting to see what happens though I am positive the show will go a different path since they didn't cover any of it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
I don't think Tyrion is a targ. In the house of the undying, Rheygar was asked about the baby's name they just had, he then said Aegon. His is the song of ice and fire. He then said there must be one more, the dragon has three heads. To me, he was fulfilling his prophecy with Lyanna by fathering 3 children. I don't think that was technically the prophecy but as Melisandre often misinterprets her visions, who ever gave him his could have as well.
The 3 could be pointing to Dany, Jon and Tyrion, could be the three children Rhaegar had but two go murdered. It's hard to say. It's also unknown if that vision is true. Right at the beginning, the undying say you will see visions of days gone by, days that never were and things to come.
Will be interesting to see what happens though I am positive the show will go a different path since they didn't cover any of it.

Not sure if this is a "spoiler" since I've never read the books, but am told the Iron Islands guy that just returned and ousted Theon and his sister has a horn that can call (control?) dragons. He seems to have some bigger role in the coming season.

I personally think the Bran story-line is boring. What good is it having "powers" when he really hasn't been able to do anything other than roll his eyes back in his head whenever he touches a tree.


Active Member
Mar 26, 2009
Des Moines
Not sure if this is a "spoiler" since I've never read the books, but am told the Iron Islands guy that just returned and ousted Theon and his sister has a horn that can call (control?) dragons. He seems to have some bigger role in the coming season.

I personally think the Bran story-line is boring. What good is it having "powers" when he really hasn't been able to do anything other than roll his eyes back in his head whenever he touches a tree.

I danced around the horn thing in an earlier post, but since its out there now, I honestly think Euron is going to use it to either steal a dragon or kill one or two of them. So far in the show he's really just come across as kind of a Viking meathead but in the books he's a super creepy, mysterious, powerful villain. He potentially molested his own brothers and then sailed away to the weird mystical lands and potentially the ruins of Valyria so he's probably familiar with a lot of blood magic and things that Westeros isn't. My guess is he's going to be the type of guy you hate because he's fighting some worthless battle against our heroes that he has no chance of winning but it severely weakens and distracts them from the true threat.

As far as Bran, I think a lot of his point is to reveal things like Jon's parentage and Hodor's origin so he's pretty important even if his story has drug a bit. He's also probably going to unknowingly let the WWs south of the wall. We don't know how strong his powers are either. When he yelled at the Tower of Joy, Ned heard him and the 3-eyed raven either was upset that he figured that out already or shocked that he could do it. With that scene and the Hodor scene we do know that he has some manner of affecting past events which is crazy powerful.

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