Has anyone else called 911?


Active Member
Jan 9, 2009
Kansas City
My wife and I were driving home from a movie tonight and noticed a bunch of glass on I35 in Olathe, KS. It was all over the road. There was one car just off the shoulder that was kind of mangled, but not too bad. Then we saw a second car that was a good 20 yards into a field off the highway. The roof was pretty much ripped off and the front end was smashed in to the near the windshield.

It had to have just happened because no cops were around and no other cars had stopped. Anyway, my wife called 911 and was on hold for like three minutes. Someone finally took her call and said the police and ambulance were on their way. I have no idea how 911 works; this was the first time either of us have called. There's a hell of a lot that can go wrong in 2-3 minutes while you're waiting for 911 to pick up your call. Not at all what I expected.​


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
Parts Unknown
My wife and I were driving home from a movie tonight and noticed a bunch of glass on I35 in Olathe, KS. It was all over the road. There was one car just off the shoulder that was kind of mangled, but not too bad. Then we saw a second car that was a good 20 yards into a field off the highway. The roof was pretty much ripped off and the front end was smashed in to the near the windshield. It had to have just happened because no cops were around and no other cars had stopped. Anyway, my wife called 911 and was on hold for like three minutes. Someone finally took her call and said the police and ambulance were on their way. I have no idea how 911 works; this was the first time either of us have called. There's a hell of a lot that can go wrong in 2-3 minutes while you're waiting for 911 to pick up your call. Not at all what I expected.​

Btw god bless u. U think u were the first car to pass but in reality u were prob like the 20th.


Jul 6, 2011
Cedar Falls
But in all seriousness, KC crime rate is pretty high. Most likely dealing with murders and rapes and break in's. Glass isn't to high on the list.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
Huxley, IA
But in all seriousness, KC crime rate is pretty high. Most likely dealing with murders and rapes and break in's. Glass isn't to high on the list.

Glass may not be, but a car in the ditch (nearly) missing its roof and with a smashed front end most likely would rank right up there.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2009
Kansas City
Btw god bless u. U think u were the first car to pass but in reality u were prob like the 20th.

I'm sure that's the case. She didn't get more than a few words out and they knew exactly why she was calling. The stretch of highway is pretty busy on the weekends... especially at that time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2010
To put this thread back on track. Yes I have called the police two times that I can think of for situations similar to yours and the call went right through to someone and both times they already new about it!!


Sep 10, 2011
I've called 911 several times. Out here in the middle of nowhere it's usually for livestock on the loose or something. What's disconcerting is when I call them and it rings 10 or 12 times, then goes to the sheriff's cell phone...


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2010
You live in Kansas City. Think you dumb ape.

1. It's Kansas City. They have a pretty good sized police force.
2. Glass on the road, that has already caused two accidents, and could cause many more is something that needs to be taken care of. I'm sure they can spare one squad car and an ambulance to handle that.