Help choosing a fraternity


Active Member
Feb 17, 2010
Austin, Texas
Obviously comments like this are extremely biased and misinformed. Cost of living in a fraternity is very comparable to the dorms and in many cases is cheaper. Regarding the meetings thing, that may have some truth to it, but that's because it gets you involved in something rather than sitting in your dorm room playing Playstation (or whatever guys like cloneteach play nowadays).



Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
Chicago suburbs
Do the greek guys here realize that the "paying for friends" has nothing to do with a cost comparison between the dorms and the greek life.

I did now some decent frat guys while I was at ISU. But for every 1 decent guy I knew, I also knew 3 guys that were so socially inept outside of the frat life, they wouldn't have a tenth of the friends they did if it wasn't for the frat.

Now what I can't comment on was if they were like this before the frat, or became this because of the frat.


Sep 7, 2008
Austin, TX
I am in a fraternity here. I would like to say that I have lived in the res. halls my first year and loved every second of it. It was my first family far from home and to this day I am still best friends with them. I wanted more out of my college experience and decided to go greek. So far it has been one of the best decisions of my life.

Also, the paying for your friends thing is a joke. You pay to live on campus as a freshman where they put you in situations to make friends quick and easy.

Just make sure that if you are interested in joining a fraternity to look at the people who are in it rather than parties, etc...


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
I was a member of ATO at a different college and always heard the Iowa State ATO's were a different breed. In terms of Greek Life altogether, it has its ups and downs. My freshman and sophmore years living in a frat was a great to party when you couldn't (legally) go to the bars. I joined with a group of friends I had already made so to me it felt less like "buying my friends" and more like "buying a place where my friends and I could go party."

Towards the end of college I was getting kind of sick of the whole thing. I'd made my friends and we more often than not hit the bars rather than sticking around the house. The one thing that got really old to me is that because you bid a kid and he accepted that you had to act all friendly-- I hated that and honestly didn't really even buy into it. Also, you are going to have people who feel the fraternity is the place they've chosen to live and party and some people who buy into it as some sacred institution. These different perspectives can cause problems too.

Then there is life after college. I've had a handful of lucky breaks go my way just by listing ATO on my resume. I've had my resume fall into the hands of other ATO alums who gave me an interview and asked me about my ATO experience. It is a great networking tool, if nothing else


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2011
Ankeny, IA
Im starting at ISU this fall and need some help choosing a fraternity. In all honesty Im wonder which one has the most fun, throws the best partys, and has the best group of guys to meet and be friends with. I know that there are many reasons to join a frat such as academics, by major, charity work, future buisness connections ect. All fraternitys will have these advantages, so if I could get help with my question on the social aspected of which to choose that would be great! Thank you everyone in advance.

I lived in the dorms (larch) and was in a fraternity (delta sigma pi) at ISU. I can honestly say that I had WAY more fun and made WAY more lifelong friends in the dorms than anywhere else. Being in a frat carries a lot of negative connotations and most people think you're a total tool outside of the greek community (which is dying more and more every year). Larch was a blast because it brings you close with people from all different backgrounds that you may not have met otherwise. Plus there are GIRLS in dorms, not just forty dudes sharing a run down house. Also the food is pretty amazing. MWL or friley are the way to go dude.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2009
That name deserves to be punched in the face, right after his polo match.

Wow, really? Judge a guy on his name? Randy is a good guy (maybe a little bit funny looking haha) and doesn't really fit the typical frat stereotype at all. Dude puts a whole lot of effort into helping ISU athletics, too, the one thing we all here at CF can agree is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jan 4, 2009
Having a place to truly call HOME on campus is what I like most about my Greek Experience. Many people move 4-5 times in their time on campus, but being in a Greek house allows you to have one consistent home, or common place through your whole college experience. Not saying other options don't provide that, but the Greek system has provided me some consistency and stability in my college life that I don't think I would have gotten anywhere else.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
the uninformed blatant stereotyping in this thread is great.

to the OP, if you just want to party and meet chicks, dont join a fraternity. it isnt just all getting hammered and having a great time 24/7. there are responsibilities and commitment that come with joining a house. it's people who go into it with the "i just want to get crazy and meet girls" attitude that end up not liking greek life.


Dec 31, 2009
Ur-Bahn-Da-Le, IA
the uninformed blatant stereotyping in this thread is great.

to the OP, if you just want to party and meet chicks, dont join a fraternity. it isnt just all getting hammered and having a great time 24/7. there are responsibilities and commitment that come with joining a house. it's people who go into it with the "i just want to get crazy and meet girls" attitude that end up not liking greek life.



New Member
Aug 7, 2011
I am not a student at Iowa State, but I am a big fan of ISU athletics and have two brothers who have graduated from ISU. With that being said, I am a member of LXA at Simpson College. My experience thus far has been beyond words. I absolutely love the guys that I live in house with and can honestly say that the fraternity has made me a better man, but that isn't necessarily the case around the nation. I can say that I have heard different perspectives and have actually researched fraternities and their relationships with campus communities across the nation. One thing that seems pretty common is the vast difference between private college fraternities and university fraternities. This has to do with the kinds of people that attend each school and the kind of mindset that they enter rush with. If you are looking to get into Greek Life to simply get laid, drink beer, and have a good time, maybe you should reconsider because honestly, I don't want to associate with you being part of the same fraternal organization as I am. As far as Elitism goes, that is another part of Fraternities on Universities that I don't understand. If the chapters that have this mentality would pay attention to the teachings, rituals, and ideals of their Fraternity then they wouldn't have that sort of mentality. That can be said for any fraternity that uses women for sexual satisfaction, focuses on the lesser activities of the Fraternity such as drinking, or any other sort of dishonorable conduct. With all of that being said, I would recommend you really look into each house. Get to know the guys and seek quality men. I know I would not have joined LXA if I had not believed that I were making a good decision for my own personal growth, which should be your ultimate reasoning for joining any sort of social organization. Fraternity means something more than weekend parties. I wish you the best in your search, and pray you may find the most suitable place for you, whether it be in the dorms with many great people, or part of a brotherhood.
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New Member
Aug 7, 2011
I forgot to mention, I do know some of the LXA guys from ISU. Seem to be pretty good guys.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2010
Do the frats have some sort of bat signal they fire up when the Greed System is being criticized?


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2008
Heads in the sky
Do the frats have some sort of bat signal they fire up when the Greed System is being criticized?

Do anti-greeks have a bat signal to come bash the greek system that may at times not be in the best light, but overall a positive thing for many students? Goes both ways there buddy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2010
West Des Moines
I am not a student at Iowa State, but I am a big fan of ISU athletics and have two brothers who have graduated from ISU. With that being said, I am a member of LXA at Simpson College. My experience thus far has been beyond words. I absolutely love the guys that I live in house with and can honestly say that the fraternity has made me a better man, but that isn't necessarily the case around the nation. I can say that I have heard different perspectives and have actually researched fraternities and their relationships with campus communities across the nation. One thing that seems pretty common is the vast difference between private college fraternities and university fraternities. This has to do with the kinds of people that attend each school and the kind of mindset that they enter rush with. If you are looking to get into Greek Life to simply get laid, drink beer, and have a good time, maybe you should reconsider because honestly, I don't want to associate with you being part of the same fraternal organization as I am. As far as Elitism goes, that is another part of Fraternities on Universities that I don't understand. If the chapters that have this mentality would pay attention to the teachings, rituals, and ideals of their Fraternity then they wouldn't have that sort of mentality. That can be said for any fraternity that uses women for sexual satisfaction, focuses on the lesser activities of the Fraternity such as drinking, or any other sort of dishonorable conduct. With all of that being said, I would recommend you really look into each house. Get to know the guys and seek quality men. I know I would not have joined LXA if I had not believed that I were making a good decision for my own personal growth, which should be your ultimate reasoning for joining any sort of social organization. Fraternity means something more than weekend parties. I wish you the best in your search, and pray you may find the most suitable place for you, whether it be in the dorms with many great people, or part of a brotherhood.

.... And that is why frats are made fun of on this board by people.
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New Member
Aug 7, 2011
.... And that is why frats are made fun of on this board by people.

Are you implying that there is no such men in fraternities? I don't know the ISU Greek system. I can't be sure there are for sure good men in the fraternities. But something tells me that you live with the same predetermined mindset of all fraternities and their members that most people do.

I also stated above that I come from a private college whose atmosphere tends to be a bit different from that of a University. And also, where the Greek system is doing great things. I am completely ignorant to ISU's Greek system, and therefore tried to answer the OP's question to the best of my knowledge. If there is absolutely no good group of men in any of the fraternities, then don't join. If I misinterpreted your statement, I'm sorry.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 25, 2009
I would highly look into joining a fraternity. The adage that you are paying for friends is a joke, we are all paying to go to ISU and have to pay for living somewhere, so it might as well be where you feel most comfortable. Granted, fraternities aren't for everyone. I had friends outside the greek system, and they were great guys, and I think thoroughly enjoyed their college experience -- they just had a little different experience which is fine. I was an AGR at ISU about 10 years ago, and it was one of the best decisions that I ever made. I met a ton of great guys both in the house and throughout the greek system. Don't get me wrong there were d-bags in the greek system, but there are these types of individuals in every walk of life. Being apart of AGR and the greek system, allowed me to have some of the most memorable experiences of my life. I actually met my wife through the greek system, and for that reason alone would never tell someone not to at least look into it. Just make sure that the one you ultimately choose is the right fit for you.

Word to the YEZ :yes:

Also an AGR Alumni. I would say as well that the greek system isn't for everyone but if you are interested in joining a house make sure you chose one that you feel most comfortable with and not one that just looks like they have the most parties. Personally joining AGR was the best decision I made in college.

I think the most unique thing about fraternity life is the leadership and guidance of the junior and senior members of the fraternity. The upperclassman are great resources when it comes to class selection, internship advise, and suggesting which campus activities to be involved in. The guidance I received from those upperclassman as well as our house advisers helped me achieve what I feel was an extremely successful college career and I wouldn't change any of the experiences I had or the people within the University that I got to network with for anything.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
Des Moines
<div class="pre-quote">
Quote de <strong>SenorCy</strong> </div> <div class="post-quote"> <div style="font-style:italic">Do the frats have some sort of bat signal they fire up when the Greed System is being criticized?Do anti-greeks have a bat signal to come bash the greek system that may at times not be in the best light, but overall a positive thing for many students? Goes both ways there buddy.</div> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" align="right"> <tbody><tr> <td valign="top" align="center"><a href="" name="vB::QuickEdit::2331929"><img src="" alt="Edit/Delete Message" border="0"></a></td> <td valign="top" align="center"><a href="" onclick="vbform.message.value = '
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That's what she said!